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Essays on American History

Movie Analysis - Sand Pebbles
Download This PaperWords: 417 - Pages: 2

... west were signed which gave those European nations greater access to China. After the European nations, got their peace of China so did the United States. Soon after the United States defeated the Spanish in the Spanish American War, the United States received the Philippines from the Spanish. With that the United States declared the Open Door Policy, which all of the European nations accepted. Now in China it was not only the European nations, but also the Untied States. The Chinese flags were a symbol of nationalism, of their nationalism. That they were their own nation. It was a reassurance of their own nationalism. It proved to the Chinese that even though ther ...

The War In Vietnam
Download This PaperWords: 1998 - Pages: 8

... seemed logical and compelling to American leaders. Following its success in World War II, the United States faced the future with a sense of moral rectitude and material confidence. From Washington's perspective, the principal threat to U.S. security and world peace was monolithic, dictatorial communism emanating from he Soviet Union. Any communist anywhere, at home or abroad, was, by definition, and enemy of the United States. Drawing an analogy with the unsuccessful appeasement of fascist dictators before World War II, the Truman administration believed that any sign of communist aggression must be met quickly and forcefully by the United States and its allies. ...

Chinese Music
Download This PaperWords: 902 - Pages: 4

... the Chinese have believed that sound influences the harmony of the universe. Significantly, one of the most important duties of the first emperor of each new dynasty was to search out and establish that dynasty's true standard of pitch. A result of this philosophical orientation was that until quite recently the Chinese theoretically opposed music performed solely for entertainment; accordingly, musical entertainers were relegated to an extremely low social status. Melody and tone color are prominent expressive features of , and great emphasis is given to the proper articulation and inflection of each musical tone. Most is based on the five-tone, or pentat ...

Leon The Movie Review Essay
Download This PaperWords: 3472 - Pages: 13

... Leon realises that she is being beaten by her stressed father and step daughter. Mathilda's father is involved in a drugs ring with crooked DEA agent Norman Stansfield (Gary Oldman). After lying about the location their dope, Stansfield raids their apartment killing the whole family in the process. Fortunately Mathilda is out grocery shopping at the time of the attack, but she returns to see the blood of her father pouring out over the floor. As Leon watches, interested but uninvolved, he sees her walking down the hallway, laden with groceries. Creeping under the gaze of a particularly twitchy villain, Mathilda knocks on his door and silently pleads for sanctua ...

Red River
Download This PaperWords: 991 - Pages: 4

... are going is too tough for women and that he will "send for her later." She is ironically killed by Indians some 5 hours later. The two of them made it as far as the , which is the beginning of Texas. During the night Dunson and Rupp are attacked by Indians. As it turned out these were the same Indians, who ambushed the wagon train, they had left earlier in the day. Dunson and Rupp had seen the smoke from the attack that killed the girl as they were riding away. It seems to me that Indians in this film are portrayed as dangerous enemies who are very sneaky. Also in this part of the movie Dunson and Rupp somehow knew how to answer Indian calls, even though th ...

Women's Roles In The Revolution
Download This PaperWords: 1886 - Pages: 7

... Women Spies 1. Women act as spies a. Culper Ring 1. organized spy ring 2. Long Island 3. consequences if captured a. imprisoned b. hanged b. many organized spy rings 2. Secret messengers a. relied on helpless stereotypes b. young girls 1. could slip through lines easily 2. Enemy never suspected them 3. carried orders and information c. women 1. listened to what British said a. while serving food/drink b. officers spoke freely 1. thought women were not interested 2. they were wrong 2. Lydia Darragh a. of Philidelphia b. carried important information 1. to ...

W.B.Yeats And Leda And The Swan
Download This PaperWords: 1470 - Pages: 6

... but rather on the moment of the meeting of woman and winged one. As for the classical mythological history of Leda and Zeus, Carlos Parada's Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology tells us that Zeus, in swan form, joined with Leda, on the same night that her husband had. Zeus's children, Polydeuces and Helen, were born from an egg laid by Leda and Tyndareus' children were Castor and Clytemnestra. However, some say that Helen was a daughter of Nemesis and Zeus and brought (in egg form) to Leda by a shepherd. When the egg hatched, Leda brought her up. Legends also say that Leda died of shame for her daughter Helen. As an aside, Castor and Polydeuces were also kno ...

The Civil Rights Movement
Download This PaperWords: 1793 - Pages: 7

... Movement. Following the Civil War, the 13th 14th and 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution were passed. The 13th amendment made all blacks citizens of the United States. The 14th amendment granted them equal protection under the law. The 15th amendment gave black citizens the right to vote. After the outlawing of slavery, a new form of slavery developed in the South called sharecropping. This Debt Peonage tied the sharecropper to the land. By this system a black family farmed the land owned by whites. The blacks were allowed to keep about 10-15% of the profit and the rest went to the landowner. The blacks were kept in debt through their purchases at ...

Why Do Kids Want To Play The Guitar
Download This PaperWords: 679 - Pages: 3

... An example of feeding our imaginations to a better lifestyle would be to examine music videos that contain live footage of concerts with a large mount of fans in attendance. A fairly mainstream hardcore act like Korn, for instance, contains footage in their video from a concert that displays literally thousands of fans in attendance. Musician hopefuls see the mass attention and want very badly to be appreciated in the same way. In addition to this, interviews on television stations like MTV relay opinions of the band over national television that many people might be able to identify with. Teenagers may place themselves in the "same boat" as these musician ...

Human Nature And The Declaration Of Independence
Download This PaperWords: 1624 - Pages: 6

... their independence of the Crown of Britain. They belived this to be within their rights indowed upon them by their Creator. Believing that they were under religious persecution and certain forms of "absolute tyranny" from Britian the founding fathers felt it was necessary to break the bonds that connected them to the monarchy. Not only did they feel they had the God given right to do that but they also based their arguments on the workings of governments of the time and contemporary theories of government of writers and political-social thinkers of their time. The three essays that were given to us in class, Politics by Aristotle, Of Commonwealth by Thom ...

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