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Essays on Arts and Plays

Shakespeare And His Theater
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... Shakespeare's theater was far from being bare, the playwright did have some valuable technical sources that he used to the best of his ability. The costumes the actors wore were made to be very elaborate. Many of the costumes conveyed recognizable meanings for the audience such as a rich aristocrat wearing silk clothes with many ruffles. Many times there were musical accompaniments and sound effects such as gunpowder explosions andthe beating of a pan to simulate thunder. The stage itself was also remarkably versatile. Behind it were doors for exits and entrances and a curtained booth or alcove useful for actors to hide inside. Above the stage was a higher ...

Violence On Television: Violence Is Everywhere
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... is a boxing match that is a bigger fight than usual, Pay- Per-View is always there charging anywhere from thirty to sixty dollars so we can all sit back, relax, and watch two men(or women) dance around a ring and beat the brains out of each other. God I love America! Even on basic cable we have these wonderful children's programs like The Mighty Morphine Power Rangers, cartoons (eventhogh I love them), and the V.R. Troopers, to name a couple. Surprise! they are either based on fighting or getting smashed by trucks and we laugh and we love it. It's hard to beat watching someone else beat up on after you just had a bad day. Football and hockey, can't beat th ...

Romeo And Juliet: The Betrayal Of The Adults To Juliet
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... you be not hang, beg, starve, die in the streets." (III, v, 203-204) His wife, upon hearing Juliet's decision against marrying to Paris, refuses to give Juliet counsel. "Talk not to me, for I'll not speak a word./Do as thou wilt for I have done with thee." (III, v, 214-215) Lady Capulet is angered by Juliet's choice and wishes "I would the fool be married to her grave." (III, v, 145) Juliet's parents betray Juliet by not supporting Juliet's pleas for the marriage to be delayed a year. Capulet and Lady Capulet do not know Juliet is married to Romeo, a fact that may have, yet not likely altered these circumstances. Her parent's betrayal causes Juliet to look fo ...

Camera Techniques Used In Shakespeare In Love
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... use of tracking draws the viewer into a closer, more intense relationship with the subject: moving away tends to create emotional distance. For example, in the opening scene when Henslow is being tortured with hot coal under his feet, tracking was used to show the fear and pain in his face; and the viewer develops sympathy for the character. The final camera technique that was used to show movement is called a following pan. The speed of a pan across a subject creates a particular mood as well as establishing the viewer’s relationship with the subject. For example, when all the players are in the tavern and Henslow lets out that Will has a wife Viola as Thomas gets ...

Similarities Of Two Famous Tales Of Love
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... with the Sharks, Tony and Maria partook in forbidden love much like Romeo and Juliet. Much like Tybalt, Bernado disapproved of their love and was quick to fight with anymember of the Jets or Tony. However, Anita, Bernardo's girlfriend, approved of their love because she just wanted to see Maria happy like the Nurse. Overwhelmed by all the fighting, Baby John was much like Tybalt's peace keeping foil character, Mercutio. Lastly, Doc tried to help Tony and stop all the insanity around him like Friar Laurence. In both stories, comic relief occurred to keep the audience interested, but the two plays usually differed in their approaches to comedy. In Romeo And ...

A Clockwork Orange: Review Of Book And Film Version
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... cruelty of "the Government." This faction tries to force Alex to suicide in order to gain a martyr, but Alex's attempt fails and he is nursed back to health and his natural mental state by the Government, who in the end comes out on top. Alex, whose last name is not mentioned in the book, is a violent, aggressive teenager of fifteen, who is the leader of a four-person gang. He truly enjoys violence, reveling in the sight of blood or weapons. Alex's love of hate is not simply a rebellious emotion, but as he explains, it is his very nature, and he could not change it if he wanted to. Despite his passion for what most see as ugly and disgusting, Alex does have a ...

A Developmental Study Of Alex In Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange
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... replica of an erect penis. When he leaves the outer gates of the complex, Dim surprises him by smacking a milk bottle against his face. His counterparts escape while little Alex is left bleeding and blinded to deal with the police. Upon interrogation of Alex, he discovers that the blow he delivered to the young lady was a fatal one. He is charged with first-degree murder and sentenced to 14 years in prison. While there, he befriends the resident minister and becomes a helper to his service. The minister, Alex soon discovers, is a part in a new form of treatment that is trying to be implemented prisons to help "cure" inmates from committing acts of violence. Throu ...

Othello: Summary
Download This PaperWords: 379 - Pages: 2

... He makes Brabantio out to vet a dupe, so much a fool that he needs to put on his gown to cover his nakedness. Then much a fool that that he needs to put on his gown to caver his nakedness. The he appeals to Bravantio love for his doughtier,"Even now,now very now, and old black ram, Is tupping your white eve".Iago was looking Othello similar to black animal. When brabantio heard that he also seems Othello a black animal, but the couldn't believe that desdemona gets married to O:thello because they are opposite of union. Then he starts thinking if that should be true it wouldn't be my daughyer's fault. Other controls he mind that's the only way desdemona may g ...

Barney Vs. Sesame Street
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... that I watched, entitled "Up We Go", was about flying. You learn about kites, birds, planes and more. You get more out of the show than if it was about many topics like Sesame Street. The one we saw had many topics like eating healthy, dental hygiene, the airport and more. The child can have an overload of ideas for one day and get all mixed up. Both Barney and Sesame Street have songs in them. I found that Barney had many more songs than Sesame Street. The songs are used as jolts and they work well in getting the attention of the child. I found that the Barney songs were much catchier than the Sesame Street songs. They were slower, and other than the d ...

Captain's Letter Regarding Macbeth
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... write again very soon. I want you to know that I am in good health. I feel this is a good opportunity to tell the tale of our great victory over the Thane of Cawdor and evil MacDonwald. Things were looking very horrible, it seemed like all my troops had perished. Our brave general MacBeth came from nowhere to the center of the battle and slayed MacDonwald like the dragon he truly is. MacBeth took a spear and forced MacDonwald's head onto it and rejuvenated our troops while striking fear into the hearts of the enemy, Before the smoke cleared another blaze had started. The king of Norway and Cawdor initiated an assault. With our previous battle scars there' ...

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