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Essays on Book Reports

The Old Man And The Sea: Modernist Literature
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... dialog is when Santiago talks to himself or the creatures of the sea. The rest of the time the reader is inside Santiago head. A second characteristic of Modernist literature is the use of third person omniscient point of view. The reader joins the story after eighty-four days of not catching a fish and the narrator fills in the details. The narrator knows all about the old man and the boy. The reader learns of the relationship between Santiago and Manolin. "The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him" (10). From the narrator the reader learns that the boy takes care of the old man by bringing him food and supplies. The narrator tells the r ...

To Kill A Mockingbird: Scout
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... over, it looked like that gun was part of him …and he did it so quick, like…I hafta to aim for ten minutes fore I can hit something,…’"(Lee 97). That is when they realize that their father is a humble man who doesn’t like to show off his talent. Another misperception that Scout has is about Mrs. Dubose. She always thought of her as a mean old lady who had nothing better to do than to yell at children. But, they soon found out that she was in withdrawal for a very serious addiction which was why she was so angry all the time. "Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict. She took it as a painkiller for years"(Lee 111). After she dies Scout starts to grasp the fact that ...

Animal Farm: Utopia
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... animals. (p.19) This speech gets all the animals riled up and sends the toughts of getting rid of man. Old Major then teaches them the song the Beasts of England which teaches them the "great" life without man and with no more bad leaders: Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland, Beasts of every land and clime, Hearken to my joyful tidings, Of the golden future time. Soon or late the day is coming, Tyrant Man shall be o'erthrown, And the fruitful fields of England, Shall be trod by beasts alone. Rings shall vanish from our noses, And the harness from our back, Bit and spur shall rust forever, Cruel whips no more shall crack. Riches more than mi ...

Farwell To Arms
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... jumping off one of the ships the army was traveling on and running away from the army. This symbolism was the water that he jumped into was a symbolism of the new, clean life that he was going to live from now on. At this time, Henry goes off and finds his wife to be. The plot in A Farewell to Arms was always active. They were never staying in one place too long. It had a very good story line, which was a love story that ended up in a tragedy. The main character's wife got pregnant and she was off to have her baby when problems started occurring. They had to have a caesarean, and the baby dies, and when the mother of the child starts to hemorrhage Henry knows t ...

With Which Literary Character Do You Most Readily Identify? Why?: Alexei In Dostoevsky's "The Gambler"
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... love of a woman who did not return his love. He felt passionately about things that he did, even if he got into trouble over them. He knew that what he thought was right was often in stark contrast to what his society deemed proper. He disagreed with the social hierarchy of Russia and paid the penalty. He may have paid a penalty for standing by what he thought was right, but he knew inside that he was doing the right thing. However, he did not receive any joy from this realization. He was relatively miserable his whole life. He turned to Gambling to punish himself. This is a man who, when he had a chance to be with the woman he had loved for years, ruined ...

Edgar Allan Poe And The Raven
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... works, criticism on his writings, and some unusual ways his fame has been honored . To begin with, “The Raven” holds a dark sense of elegance which has been appealing to many since it was written in 1845. The theme of “The Raven” is simple: a man suffering the loss of his love is visited by a speaking raven, whose repetitious, meaningless answers torture him to the point of insanity (see Appendix R) (Decoder, Internet). The feeling of lost love portrayed in the poem might have reflected the death of Poe’s wife, Virginia, in 1847 (Qrisse, Internet). As it is read, a definite rhyme scheme is present: internal rhyme in the ...

“Tintern Abbey” And “Intimations Ode”: Natural Peace
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... nature is rich, green, and peaceful, advocating that it has solitude. Wordsworth also implies in lines 105-110 of the mind not only receiving sensations from the outside world, but it also half-creates them. In Wordsworth, a sensation is formed by imagining his childhood in a series of stages in the development with nature. The sensation is based on nature but is also shaped by the poet’s mind. The thought revolves around the serenity that nature has brought to his life. In “Intimations of Immortality” Wordsworth states “Yet in my heart of hearts I feel your might” (line 89) as to perceive nature as a part of man spirit. The part of man spirit man can roam ...

The Heart Of Darkness: Two Revolving Desires
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... around Kurtz. So the fact that the novel revolves around Marlow's story is basis for Marlow being the main character. The novel is based on Marlow's story. However, Marlow's story is based on Kurtz. Marlow journeys to find Kurtz, and when he finally does find Kurtz he completes his mission. Kurtz is the man who can swindle his way into obtaining all the ivory. People envy Kurtz for his ivory as well as hate him for it. Kurtz is the man who fascinates Marlow. Kurtz can be one with the natives. Kurtz has every grounds for being the main character. Everyone in the novel is in one way or another affected by Kurtz and his concepts. The fact that Marlow ...

In The Middle Of The Night
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... 22 children. John Paul was cleared of all charges involving the collapsing of the balcony, yet still many blamed him for the deaths. Even though that was 25 years ago and people still haven’t forgot. Every year around October a week or two before the anniversary of the accident harassing calls start . Denny father really only one rule and that is not to answer the phone, but now that Denny is sixteen and he wants to be like all other teens so he starts to answer the phone in the middle of the day when he is the only one home. The voice on the other end of the phone was seductive. The mystery voice would soon ravel herself as Lulu. Lulu would tease and play with De ...

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
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... from sight for hours. While reading this part of the book the reader feels like he is on the boat chasing the monster also. A lot of times the boat gets close enough to the monster to catch it and thoughts of what you think the monster could be run through your head like crazy. When they finally make an attempt to capture it, it disappears beneath the depths of the ocean. One of the most suspenseful and mysterious parts of the book was when the characters were thrown into a big room inside the submarine that seemed to have no doors. At this point in the book the characters have no idea what was going on, neither does the reader. The only thing t ...

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