Miss Massey
... Tony. As we know that Jaz and Tony have lived together for almost
three years, this must be the first year Jaz does not hear from his family.
If it was not, I do not think he would be as upset as he is.
The way Tony responds to Jaz shows that Tony does not find it easy
to express his feelings toward Jaz. He thinks that trying to comfort him
would cause a worse temper whereas I believe that Jaz would like some words
of consolation. Of course Tony knows Jaz better than I do, but most people
like some comforting when they are upset about something.
(In the following paragraphs I presume that the city referred to in the
text is London. This may not be correct, but I ...
Satires In Huckleberry Finn
... many difficulties on the way, Huck succeeds in freeing Jim. Focusing on racism, alcoholism and mob mentality, Mark Twain uses his ardent style of writing and satirizes the three traits throughout the novel.
Many words the book contains are full of vivid abhorrence towards black slaves. Every single line talks about how white people despise and refuse to accept the black race. Answering Aunt Sally's question about whether or not anyone is hurt Huck answers, "no mum, just killed a nigger."(Twain 213) This is the one and only acceptable way to talk about black people in the "white" society. In addition to this, not only is the black people treated differently from th ...
Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!: An Innovative Narrative Technique
... the process of historical reconstruction by the narrators.
Chapter one is the scene in which Miss Rosa tells Quentin about the
early days in Sutpen's life. It's here that Rosa explains to Quentin why
she wanted to visit old mansion on this day. She is the one narrator that
is unable to view Sutpen objectively. The first chapter serves as merely
an introduction to the history of Sutpen based on what Miss Rosa heard as a
child and her brief personal experiences.
The narration of Absalom, Absalom!, can be considered a coded
activity. Faulkner creates the complex narration beginning at chapter 2.
It ironic that one of Faulkner's greatest novels is one in whi ...
Brave New World - Religion
... Instead of Sunday church, members now attend solidarity services where
morals and tradition are not learned, but rather faith is taught in the belief of hallucinations
produced by a substance known as "soma." Soma has effectively replaced the belief in a higher
being by its elimination of problems and stress resulting in a lack of imagination , creativity, or "soul."
Yet religion can still be found in today's society because of man's continuing need for answers to
questions that cannot be solved by science or technology.
Religion can be regarded as the beliefs and patterns of behavior by which humans try to
deal with problems and stress that cannot be solved th ...
The Hidden Life Of Dogs: Book Review
... who was a Husky,
began the book well. This book tried to get the idea across that humans knew
only very little about dogs and their patterns. After intense observations on
Misha, some ideas were brought up. How did the dog know how to cross a highway
on its own? How did its navigational skills work? How was it that this dog knew
exactly where it was and could travel through different cities without becoming
lost and other dogs couldn't? Continuing on to bringing in other dogs Elizabeth
was studying, she pointed out that some had skills that others did not. Misha
was clearly able to navigate himself but when with another dog, he would become
lost. After careful ob ...
The Grapes Of Wrath: No One Man, But One Common Soul
... he wanted to suggest a philosophy into the reader, and insure
that this suffering would never occur again (Critical 1). Steinbeck shows
in The Grapes of Wrath that there is no one man, but one common soul in
which we all belong to.
The subject of Steinbeck's fiction is not the most thoughtful,
imaginative, and constructive aspects of humanity, but rather the process
of life itself (Wilson 785). Steinbeck has been compared to a twentieth
century Charles Dickens of California; a social critic with more sentiment
than science or system. His writing is warm, human, inconsistent,
occasionally angry, but more often delighted with the joys associated with
human life o ...
To Kill A Mockingbird: Childhood Experience
... in a lively and realistic way. The two novels
To Kill a Mockingbird and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer have a very similar
characteristic. It is the way they describe a person's childhood experience,
and their feelings and new knowledge that come out from those experiences. This
characteristic, however, has given me a big revelation after reading the two
novels. The novels show that the childhood experience of a person has a great
positive influence on his personality, behaviour, and ways on dealing with
others. This idea has been shown by the authors in both novels.
From the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, one could discover that innocent
behaviour and mi ...
Silas Manner
... as a human being and as a farther saves Silas Mariner from a life alone with no one but his money to comfort him . Godfrey Cass fails in many ways he fails him self his family and his girlfriend Nancy from . Godfrey was not an innocent victim in the story but was being taken advantage of by his brother and failed his girlfriend by marrying Molly a poor barmaid who was addicted to d rugs .Eliot describes their marriage as " an ugly story of low passion delusion and waking from delusion, which needs not to be dragged from the privacy of Godfrey's bitter memory."(33). The marriage was one that Godfrey did not think much about before acting on his impulse. His b ...
Interpretation Of Rushdie And Kazantzakis' Stories
... Satanic
Verses featured the modern day society compressing the main characters with
their positronic rules and restrictions. The Last Temptation of Christ
focused on the feudalism exhibited by the oppressors of the world at the
current time (Roman militia).
Upon the climatic ending of each novel, I would effortlessly
integrate the author's deluge of spiritual dynamism with my own. This
produced an ethical conflict in my mind that fought to distinguish what
prominence God had maintained in my lifetime. I could scarcely believe that
such literature would not have a profound effect on an individual who
possessed strong religious background (this assimilates the ...
The Crucible - Witch Trials
... find this type of lifestyle very constricting. To rebel against it, they played pranks, such as dancing in the woods, listening to slaves' magic stories and pretending that other villagers were bewitching them. The Crucible starts after the girls in the village have been caught dancing in the woods. As one of them falls sick, rumors start to fly that there is witchcraft going on in the woods, and that the sick girl is bewitched. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened of being accused as witches, so Abigail starts accusing others of practicing witchcraft. The other girls all join in so that the blame will not be placed on th ...
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