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Essays on Book Reports

The Giver
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... A bad thing about ’s community is release. When a person breaks a major rule, is too old, or isn’t right as a baby they get released. Release is killing. In the book there are twins and the smaller one has to be released. His father turned and opened the cupboard. He took out a syringe and a small bottle. Very carefully he inserted the needle into the bottle and began to fill the syringe with a clear liquid. Jonas winced sympathetically. He had forgotten that newchildren had to get shots. He hated shots himself, though he knew they were necessary. To his surprise, his father began very carefully to direct the needle into the top of the newchild’s forehead, punct ...

Analysis Of The Red Scare
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... and high standing military officers of being communist. Undoubtedly the most important topic of an investigation into a historical occurrence is its inception. What caused the Red Scare? At the heart of the Red Scare was the conscription law of May 18, 1917, which was put in place during World War I for the armed forces to be able to conscript more Americans. This law caused many problems for the conscientious objector to WWI, because for one to claim that status, one had to be a member of a "well-recognized" religious organization which forbade their members to participation in war. As a result of such unyeilding legislation, 20,000 conscientious objector ...

Analysis Of Maltese Falcon
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... looking like lets say Humphrey Bogard (an indication that the movie isn’t true to the novel). The film ruined the ironic un-charming hero concept the novel have and so do I as one of my first example of the “things-are-not-what-they-seemed-theory-for-Hammett’s message.” Spade is callous, avaricious, and shares a similarity with Mike from ‘The House of Games.’ Why I think Mike and Spade are similar? For one thing Brigid O’Shaughnessy gave Spade a talk/speech about him using her pretty much the same thing Ford asked Mike in the airport. Brigid’s comment (p. 211-212) “You’ve been playing with me? Only preten ...

Midaq Alley
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... portray of a functioning Egyptian socity of the forties. Mahfouz successfully relates the events in with the outside world by refering to politics. This is illustrated when he states that -at this period of the Egyptian history, working girls were usually jewish-they were the starting flare that began modernization. The materialistic insentive that characterized most of the inhabitants of the alley; best seen in Hamida, who in pursuite of her dreams of wealth and dresses became Titi that belongs to Ibrahim Faraj-the pimp. Another close reference to political events is through Abbas who leaves the alley to go work for the British Army in persue of material gain ...

Minority Rules
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... Pross attempting to discourage any suitors. Miss Pross is quite successful at appearing and acting in a commanding and intimidating manner. An example of this is when Mr. Lorry came to visit at the Manette's home; "...Miss Pross, the wild red woman, strong of hand...`I don't want dozens of people who are not all worthy of Ladybird, to come looking after take Ladybird's affections away from me.'" Miss Pross being part of the novel deepens the plot by providing some humor and giving the reader another side to consider when thinking of Lucie and her several relationships. Gaspard's purpose in the novel is dissimilar to that of Miss Pross. Gaspard is ...

Indulging In Escapism
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... situations she does not want to be in. She is unable to deal with these problems. Laura spends her days going to the zoo, wasting time instead of going to typing class. She is frightened to interact with people and instead goes to the zoo were she does not fear being accepted or not. Laura also makes a world within her home as a place of acceptance, she develops a Glass Menagerie as a place were she can feel free from rejection be accepted. She has a favorite glass piece in her menagerie, the unicorn. Laura points out to Jim that the unicorn "doesn't complain" about being different either (Williams 275). Laura sticks to the fear that she is different because of ...

Zeus The King Of The Gods
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... the Best). When democracy became popular in Greece those attribute names changed to others like Zefs Eleftherios (Zeus the liberal). He was also worshiped by the attribute names Milihios (mild) and Xenios (of hospitality). The first because he was thought as a god that his rage could be milled and the second because he was protector of the travelers and those who didn't offer a place to stay to strangers were punished by him. Zeus was also the god of thunders and storms, and generally of the weather and everything that had to do with the sky. The father of Zeus was Kronos (Saturn) and his mother was Rhea. Kronos was afraid that one day a child of his would ta ...

Understanding Holden Caulfield
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... have always ignored Holden’s grave deficiencies as a person (Branch 42). After all, "he is very appealing, on the surface" (Costello 95). He "genuinely appreciates brief and isolated instances of kindness" (Lee 263) and "accurately pinpoints phoniness in low and high places” (Edwards 556). Thus, it is easy to explain reader’s acceptance of him. “Indeed, these people are like Holden himself - the Holden who can be willful, contrary, often impossible, yet in a manner insistently of his own making and at odds with whatever he deems dull or conformist” (Lee 102). “Ambivalence is, in fact, characteristic of Holden, the surest evidence of his mental instability" (Furst ...

The Innocence Of Oedipus By J. T. Sheppard: Reactions And Emotions Of The Audience
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... the women he marries is his mother, it is equally easy to understand how they could assume that he could not have know that at all. He is attacked in a desolate mountain pass and kills a man under self-defense. He then marries a woman from a different city. An Athenian of the time could have considered both of these misfortunes. Imperfections come within all men. This brings forth the difference between voluntary and the involuntary crimes. Oedipus is in fact a good man, who was “the unfortunate man who had committed an unintentional crime.” Sheppard states his philosophy of a good man. “Of the best it may be said that they are in a sense ‘good’ since the ...

The Adventures Of Huck Finn: Satire
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... ‘Well, who done the shootin, Was it a Grangerford or a Sheperdson?' "Laws, how do I know, It was so long ago,' ‘Don't anybody know,' ‘Oh, yes, pa knows, I reckon, and some of the other old people; but they don't know what the row was about in the first place."' (108) Another demonstration of satire is played in superstition. Here, Jim and Huck are very superstitious with a rattlesnake skin. Earlier in the book, Huck touches a rattlesnake skin, and Jim stops him from handling it before he gets bad luck: "And he said that handling a snake-skin was such awful bad luck that maybe we hadn't got to the end of it yet, He said he druther see the new moon over his left sh ...

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