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Essays on Book Reports

Young Goodman Brown: Everyone Is Capable Of Sin
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... off among the trees, the devil and Goody have a conversation. Instantly, Goody recognizes him as the devil. Then Satan says, ‘“Then Goody Cloyse knows her old friend?”'1 The conversation later reveals Goody is a witch and is on her way to the Black Sabbath. Shortly afterwards, as Goodman was resting, Deacon Gookin, Goodman's other spiritual advisor, walks by with a minister. He and the minister are talking about missing a church ordination dinner to attend the satanic gathering. The deacon says,'”Besides several of the Indian powwows, who, after their fashion know almost as much deviltry as the best of us,'” (311). The whole time Goodman is on the trail, he ...

The Crucible: Hidden Darkness
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... type of lifestyle very constricting. To rebel against it, they played pranks, such as dancing in the woods, listening to slaves' magic stories and pretending that other villagers were bewitching them. The Crucible starts after the girls in the village have been caught dancing in the woods. As one of them falls sick, rumors start to fly that there is witchcraft going on in the woods, and that the sick girl is bewitched. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened of being accused as witches, so Abigail starts accusing others of practicing witchcraft. The other girls all join in so that the blame will not be placed on them. In The Crucible ...

Macbeth Essay
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... that the crime must be punished; divine justice in a “life to come” does not worry him so mush as judgement in this earthly life. Then he considers the duties he owes to Duncan as his kinsman, of a subject to his king, and a host to his guest. Finally he thinks of the character of Duncan, a king of almost divine excellence. Macbeth has a vision of the heavenly powers horrified by this murder; he sees Pity personified as a “naked new born babe” which is nevertheless “striding the blast” while “heaven’s cherubin” are mounted on the winds. The speech builds to a mighty climax then suddenly the power is lost, when Macbeth turns to his own wretched motive for committ ...

Pride In The Crucible
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... of his pride. The destiny have not be so good either for Giles Corey . His pride for is family may have stood in front of the law and the authorities, and even if he saved everything for his sons, his pride drove him to death. Then you have Parris, who for his good name, tries to hide the truth from the community. The only thing he gains from this is weight on his mind and a white name. As you may have notice, pride is one of the most important theme in The Crucible. The main character of the play is John Proctor. Back in time, he had an affair with Abigail Williams and what seemed to be some kind of little detail ends up being the main cause of the accusation cha ...

A Meeting In The Dark: A Loss Of Priorities
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... knows about his unborn baby: "anxious voice within him asking: Does he know?" (97). The relationship between his parents is strained due to Susana, his mother, defending the boy. She asked Stanley "Why do you persecute the boy so much?"(98). Stanley and Susana wed because they "sinned" (98) and John was "the result of that sin" (98). The line "And he had been saved. John must not tread the same road" (99) means that his father was afraid that John would make the same mistake, which he has. Perhaps that is why he is so strict on his son. John was a very selfish young boy. He is concerned more about himself and what he is losing than what is important. He sneaks ...

The Effects Of Setting On Character In "The Masque Of Red Death" And "The Shawl"
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... dying. He figured if he isolated himself and his closest friends he would be safe. Stella on the other hand was a persecuted Jew in and on her way to a Nazi concentration camp. Death was everywhere. She had no fear of it but she did not want it to come. She just lived her life trying everything to survive. She had nowhere to hide as Prospero did. Yet in the end Prospero had to face death while Stella did not, even though she was in the camp. The attitudes of the two characters and the setting probably are what kept them alive. In comparison of the way the setting affected character, we see they were quite alike also. Prospero's morbid lifestyle was quite un ...

"A Raisin In The Sun": An Analysis
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... to manage it to benefit everyone. Walter Lee, like his father want's his family to have a better life and want's to invest the money in a liquor store. Walter want's the money so that he can prove that he is capable of making a future for his family. By doing well in business Walter thinks that he can buy his family happiness. Walter has dreams. Dreams he most likely got from his father. Dreams of better life for his family and himself. A dream of financial security and comfortable living. Ruth, on the other hand is stable and down to earth. She doesn't make rash choices to accommodate a dream. She will just make do with what she has. Mama is a loving person, she ...

The Great Gatsby 4
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... for the unfortunate changes in character we see in Gatsby and Nick. The first event is when Nick leaves the mid-west after he returns from the war, understandably restless and at odds with the traditional, conservative values that, from his account, have not changed in spite of the tumult of the war. It is this insularity from a changed world no longer structured by traditional values that had sent young men to war, that inspires him to go east to New York, where he endeavors to learn about the bond market. Nick settles in West Egg as a young, impressionable man hoping to rise with the times. Speaking as the narrator, he establishes himself as a hardworking A ...

To Kill A Mockingbird
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... Maycomb County with Scout's brother and Aunt in the 1930's. At the beginning of the book, she didn't know much about the prejudice of Southern America. She basically knew nothing about prejudice. She thought every person was the same as her. But she found that out at last. She also finally found out that most people were nice. She just had to put herself in those people's situations. "As I made my way home, I thought Jem and I would get grown but there wasn't much else left for us to learn, except possibly algebra." This statement showed that she understood the prejudice and people's thinking at last. That would make her life a lot different. Jem was Scout's brother ...

Of Mice And Men
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... Another theme the book contains is negative statements about human equality. On the ranch where George and Lennie worked, the ranch hands were considered more inferior than the wealthy boss, his son, and his daughter-in-law. One of the ranch hands, Crooks, was a black man and also a cripple. He was considered more inferior than the ranch hands and had a private room out in the barn. Some of the other ranch hands did respect him, though; as much as someone could expect from anyone at the time the story takes place. Throughout the story, Lennie found out just how fragile life was in his strong hands. When he was younger, his aunt would give him mice to play with a ...

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