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Essays on Book Reports

Character Study Of Blance Dubo
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... it is possible to see her entire voyage as the journey of her soul (Quirino 63). Later in the same scene she describes her voyage: "They told me to take a streetcar named Desire, and then transfer to one called Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at Elysian Fields" (Quirino 63). Taken literally this does not seem to add much to the story. However, if one investigates Blanche's past one can truly understand what this quotation symbolizes. Blanche left her home to join her sister, because her life was a wreck. She admits, at one point in the story, that "after the death of Allan [her husband] intimacies with strangers was all I seemed able to fill my empty hear ...

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... as “his Self, his innermost.” It is clear that Hesse is telling us that we must identify ourselves before finding true peace; finding peace by conquering the barrier that is mortality. The author says, “These were Siddatha’s thoughts; this was his thirst, his sorrow.” Because strays from his goal as the depth of his contemplation makes him long to abandon the Self, Hesse shows a lack of contentment in the character’s lifestyle. is still restless. ’s second life, one of excess and desire, shows him trying to find the Self in a different, but equally futile, manner from the Samanas. Govinda has left him to follow the Buddha, the Illustrious One, and a dream ...

Allegory In Young Goodman Brown
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... by doing so, he leaves his unquestionable faith in God with his wife. He resolves that he will "cling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven." This is an example of the excessive pride because he feels that he can sin and meet with the Devil because of this promise that he made to himself. There is a tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being ...

Sources Of Pleasure And Disqui
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... It was prophesied by an Oracle that when Oedipus grew up he would kill his father, marry his mother, and father her children. Fearing this, Iocaste and Laius pierce the child's ankles and leave him on a hillside to die. Unknown to them, a messenger finds Oedipus and nurses him back to health. Eventually, Oedipus is adopted by the King and Queen of Colonus. When he grows up, unknowing of his adoption, he discovers his doomed fate from an Oracle. Seeking to escape it, he flees from Colonus. Once upon the road, Oedipus discovers his path blocked by a man, whom he perceives to be a robber. He kills this man, who turns out to be his father, and unknowingly f ...

Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony
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... people across the ocean, thousands of them in giant boats (Silko 136), they were faced with the unfamiliar culture of the Indian people. Besides the fact that the Indians were in their way of expansion and development, the white man feared what they found. They feared an unknown language that they had never heard before and could not understand. They feared rituals and ceremonies that seemed strange and suspicious. They feared a social unity of sharing and togetherness that they found alarming and intimidating. The Indians woke up one morning to find that the lands they once belonged to were no longer theirs. The deeds and papers said the land now belonge ...

The Role Of Women In The Odyss
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... about women in Homer’s epic. Homer’s male characters in The Odyssey consistently treated women differently and unequally throughout The Odyssey. Concurrent with the time’s belief that women held a subservient position in society to men, the male characters in The Odyssey often expected certain traits and actions that they didn’t expect from men. Also all the societies and lands Odysseus visited that were inhabited by mortals were dominated by men. In The Odyssey women are unequal, treated differently, and are considered inferior to men. Throughout the epic women are not given an appropriate amount of respect by men. The male characters ...

Death Of A Salesman
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... ahead of the next guy. It is the philosophy of businesses that compromise the dreams of many men. Though sometimes this can drive a man to great things, sometimes it can drive a man to ruin. Willy Loman was a simple man driven to ruin by greed. However, this was not by his own greed, but by that of others. The developers’ greed took away the sun and left him with only shadows. Willy’s boss reduced him to commission and even his sons reduced him to a failure. All of this greed around him led him to ruin. The next largest flaw in society is a lack of compassion. This could be as a result of overwhelming greed. The main culprit or cause of this flaw is big business. ...

Compare Two Biographies Of Wayne Gretzky
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... by people at six. When he was ten, he was signing autographs and had a national magazine article written about him. A thirty- minutes national television show done on him at fifteen. It also talk about Gretzky's hero when he was a kid. He was a funny guy. He was Gretzky's hockey instructor. He was also his lacrosse, baseball basketball and cross country coach. He was not only coach, but also trainer and chauffeur. Gretzky called him dad, his name was Walter. However, in the book "Gretzky and Taylor", it did not show anything in Gretzky's childhood. It was started when Gretzky became the NHL player, a member of Edmonton Oiler's rookie. How he became the hall of the ...

All Quiet On The Western Front
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... however, is mainly shown through human suffering. Baumer talks about brutal things that soldiers are just expected to do. He says, “When you put a bayonet in, it can stick, and you have to give the other man a hefty kick to get it out…” (p74). The German soldiers attack the enemy with extreme instinctive brutality. “With the butt of his rifle, Kat smashes to pulp one of the machine-gunners…We bayonet the others before they can get their grenades out” (p84). The use of poison gas is also a very brutal practice throughout the novel. Baumer describes this while he is in a gassed area, hoping that his gas mask is working p ...

To Kill A Mockingbird: Scout And Maturity
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... Her first anticipation that Boo was a nice man came from the fact that she found gifts in a tree on the Radley lot.. Scout stated: Some tinfoil was sticking in a knot-hole just above my eye level, winking at me in the afternoon sun. I stood on tiptoe, hastily looked around once more, reached into the hole, and withdrew two pieces of chewing gum minus their outer wrappers. (Lee, p.67) Although Scout may not have realized the connection of the gifts, she later realized they must have came from Boo. This was the start of her acceptance of Boo as a "nice" person. When Miss Maudie's house caught on fire, Boo surprised Scout. Atticus stated, "Bo ...

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