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Essays on Book Reports

Literary Analysis Of To Kill A Mockingbird
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... disriminated against the most. For instince the many times Scout was told her father defened niggers, and was a nigger lover. One of these times would be when Francais states, “I guess it ain't your fault if Uncle Atticus is nigger lover”(83). And although Scout didn't truly know the meanings of these statements seemingly rooted into the core of many Maycomb populants, she did sense that they were not statements of reverement. Another type of prejudice in the book would be the sexism and resulting stereotypical views of how women and men should act, dress, and what they can and cannot do. A good example of this being the many times Mrs. Dubose made statements ...

The Sun Also Rises: Thoughts Of The Lost Generation
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... Hemingway gives Jake as drunken personality and his obnoxious behavior that he exhibits shows a broken man. “I had picked her up because of a vague sentimental idea that it would be nice to eat with some one. It was a long time since I has dined with a poule, and I had forgotten how dull it could be” (Hemingway 24). However, whenever Jake interacts with Brett Ashley, he loses his previous ideas of romanticism being absurd. Since their previous relationship of being lovers had failed they now tried a relationships of being best friends. As this new relationship develops, Jake and Brett draw back when the other becomes too emotional. “The street was dark again ...

Symbolism In The Scarlet Lette
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... as a contrast to Hester Prynne’s scarlet letter. The prison that the city was built around serves as a symbol as well. It represents guilt and the human tendency to sin, and it also symbolizes penance. Hester is forced to spend time in jail for committing the sin of adultery, and it is the starting point of Hester’s trek of shame to the scaffold in the market place. The scaffold itself is another symbol Hawthorne uses. Like the prison, it also symbolizes sin and guilt. “The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron” (60). It provides the setting of several important scenes in the novel. It i ...

The Bogart By Susan Cooper
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... they inherited a castle. But what the Volink’s did not know was that a spirit called a Boggart lived there. The Boggart is a sprit that is neither good or bad. He mainly plays practical jokes on people. It is like a little child that can be friendly towards mortals. Boggarts cannot be seen or heard.. The Volink family sold the castle right away because it would be to expensive to keep. Emily and Jessup kept two pieces of furniture to bring home. What they didn’t realize was that a Boggart was sleeping in the desk they took home. When the Boggart got up he realized he was no longer home in Scotland in his castle. As the Boggart got comfortable he bega ...

Ernest Hemingway: Allegorical Figures In The Sun Also Rises
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... form of impotence. E. Restrained romantic. F. Private grief with Cohn's public suffering. G. Strongly attracted to Pedro Romero. H. Later, when Barnes says that he hates “homos” and wants to hit them. III. Lady Brett Ashley. A. First appears with a group of homosexuals. B. Wears man's hat on short hair. C. Refers to men as fellow “chaps”. D. All complete distortion of sexual roles. E. The war has turned Brett into the equality of a man. F. This is like Jakes demasculation. G. All releases her from her womanly nature. H. “Steps off of the romantic pedestal to stand beside her ...

Cats Cradle
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... one splinter of which could freeze all the oceans of the world. John soon discovers that Frank, the other son of Felix, is on a small island called San Lorenzo. He goes there to research more for his book. On the plane he meets Newt in person, who turns out to be a midget, and the Crosbys, a married couple. John reads a book the Crosbys give him on the plane all about the religion of Bokononism and it's customs. One custom is Bokomaru, touching the souls of feet together to grow closer. He also reads of how Bokonon, the creator of Bokononism, was outlawed. When they arrive on San Lorenzo the President falls ill. Frank, who is going to marry the President's d ...

Report On The Prince By Machia
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... The prince should lead the military, and he has to be intelligent. An effective politician can make quick and intelligent choices about the problems that constantly arise before him. He must also have virtue, which means he is strong, confident, talented, as well as smart. A prince cannot be uncertain, because uncertainty is a sign of weakness. Fortune controls half of human’s actions, and man’s will control the other half. Virtue is the best defense for fortune, and virtue must be used in order to keep fortune in check. The prince must take advantage of situations based solely on if it is best for the state. He should choose his decisions based on c ...

The Effects And Implications Of Sin In The Scarlet Letter
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... into a remote, secluded cottage on the outskirts of town, inducing a physical separation from the townspeople. Because of this seclusion from society, the Puritans regard her with much curiosity and suspicion: “ Children...would creep nigh enough to behold her plying her needle at the cottage-window...and discerning the scarlet letter on her breast, would scamper off with a strange, contagious fear.” In addition to the physical separation, a more intangible manner of exclusion also exists, in that Hester becomes a pariah. She is subject to derision and malice from the lowliest of vagrants to the most genteel of individuals of the community, though many are ...

Symbolism And Themes Of Catcher In The Rye
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... in the Rye. He is successfully able to tie meaningful and insightful symbolism into the themes as if he wrote the novel just for the reason to place these meaningful pieces of literature into the novel. Salinger is able to tie these two elements together and create a reoccurring idea behind various symbols and a main theme of the progression of maturity and reality. This reality and realization that Holden must face is that he is unable to protect the innocence in the world from the cruel reality in which we live in. In Holden’s first mind of thought he thinks it should be his duty to protect the innocence. Holden tells Phoebe he would like to be “the catcher ...

Cyrano The Bergerac - Love
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... if all other doors of the world are shut to us. This is the one person that we trust and like to be in company with. In the novel Cyrano de Bergerac, Cyrano loves Roxane more than anyone else but he is shy to tell her so. When he finds out of her feelings towards another character Christian, who she likes because of his looks, Cyrano finds a way to express his love to Roxane. He decides that he would write to her in the name of Christian who comparatively is a poor writer and "wishes to make Christian his interpreter"(II,85). Both Christian and Cyrano love Roxane but Roxane loves only the person that has been writing to her. It was actually Cyrano, who ...

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