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Essays on Book Reports

The Color Purple: Conflict Between Fonso And Celie
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... her own world, a happy place, where no harm can enter and she is safe. This adaptation will help her to get through life, since it turns out to be a constant struggle. Celie’s mother died not too long after she had her children. Her mother cursed at her, in her final words, after she was told what her husband had done to Celie. She had thought that Celie was sleeping around, but when she found that the children were her husband’s, it killed her. She was not happy about that and instantly blamed Celie. After her mother died, the rape continued and began for Nettie, Celie’s younger sister. Celie didn’t want it to happen to Nettie, for she loved her too much. ...

Lord Of The Flies: The Beast Within Us
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... views and experiences in the real world and the source of evil itself. During the coarse of the story the characters do and say many things that reveal their inner devil. One of the characters that we see the most change in is Jack. By watching Jack we witness many acts of savagery. When Jack first starts to turn to a savage, was when he changed himself into someone different by putting paint on his face and acting like a wild animal. This is kind of like Jack's own way of initiating himself into a different person. Then after we see Jack as a different person, we see such acts as the death of Simon, the smeared blood on the children's faces, and the atte ...

Billy Budd - Individualism
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... it, "Lieutenant, you are going to take away my best man from me, the jewel of 'em" (Melville 46). Billy was then removed from the ship. His goodbye was thought of as rather odd though. He left the Rights-of-Man waving a "genial goodbye". (Melville 49) Many would be devastated if they were forced to serve their country but Billy looked at it as an opportunity to gain new experiences (Ellis), "He rather liked this adventurous turn in affairs, which promised an opening into novel scenes and martial excitements" (Melville 49). A final way he shows individualism is when the chaplain approached him at the end of the story trying to explain to him how to gain salvation be ...

A Review Of I Heard The Owl Call My Name
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... has lots to learn about this. Their lifestyle is different. They use canoes and walking for transportation. They do not have trucks or cars to get around, like we do. Also, places where they live, and all the appliances they use are more primitive, and the houses are wooden cottages. The native's way of behaving and interacting with the outside people and world is also a lot different. All the ceremonies including the costumes and poems, songs, etc prove how they are protective of their native culture and heritage. The natives do not trust the european dsecendents, because they took over their lands. All these reasons add up to the fact that the natives ar ...

Of Mice And Men
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... This of course relates to George and Lennie. The scene I am going to describe is at the end of chapter 3 of the book. It mostly involves Lennie, Curly and George, but Slim, Candy and Carlson were there too. The setting of this scene was in the bunkhouse in the ranch where all the workers slept and lived. Steinbeck described the bunkhouse being, " a long, rectangular building. Inside, the walls were whitewashed and the floor unpainted." Later he says, " Against the walls were eight bunks, five of them made up with blankets and the other three showing their burlap ticking." So far we get the idea that the bunkhouse was not the most beautiful place to live in, one ...

Their Eyes Were Watching God: An Epic Search
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... raped them. They raped them of their identity. Nanny signifies to evade the realities of her life and the life of Janie. When Nanny says, "Thank yuh, Massa Jesus," she is illustrating that although she is no longer a slave, the slave consciousness has caused her to view even her relationship with the deity about slave and master. This makes Janie the leader of her family's search. However Nanny realized this, and when she saw that Janie was old enough for love she had her married. This guaranteed that Janie would not continue a loss of identity. Even as a young girl, living in the materialistic world of her Nanny and her first husband, Logan Killicks, Janie choo ...

Death Of A Salesman: Minor Characters And Their Affect On The Plot
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... these feelings when he says, "When I was seventeen I walked into the jungle and when I was twenty-one I walked out. And by God I was rich"(48). Ben earned his affluence without the help of an education or job. Willy is continuously misled with delusion illusions of grandeur by Ben, as in when Ben says, "What are you building? Lay your hand on it. Where is it?"(86). Ben questions the success of Willy's sales job and states that in order to be prosperous, one must physically touch it. Ben represents the success of the Dream and functions in order to make Willy doubt the actions of hard work. Charley is Willy's closest friend and he displays the failure of Wil ...

The Horse Whisperer Healing Of
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... eyes and touch their soul"(Evans). People have to decide what is important to them in their lives and try not to loose sight of this. In The Horse Whisperer it seems that Grace's mother Annie is so wrapped up in her career that her family is last on her priority list. When the accident occurs, she gets a rude awakening and attempts to make up for not really being there. At the hospital she wants to make sure that her daughter gets the best treatment and she "wants to get to know all of the nurses names"(Evans). The helplessness that a parent feels when they can't save their child from pain is like no other feeling. When Annie sees her daughter's leg amputated ...

Friends Cannot Be Objects (zen
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... all a person needs in life is a second chance, and Phaedrus accomplished this more than once. The first time was with his new personality, the second, his daughter, Nell. Like this, sometimes all a friendship needs is a second chance. If two friends get upset at each other, if they have a good enough relationship, they'll at least attempt to work things out. Obviously, if they have enough in common to be such good friends, they'll have enough patience with the other person to compromise. Compromise is an important part of any relationship; no friendship would last without it. Phaedrus was a lucky and, at the same time, unfortunate man in many ways. ...

The Lost World: Summary
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... to help him in finding this "Lost World." Malcolm again dismisses him. After a couple weeks of Levine nagging him, he sort of gets more into the idea, and starts to believe it. Levine Narrows it down to one island, Isla Sorna, and just leaves without telling anyone. Two of Levine's students, Kelly and Arby, get worried when he wasn't there to teach their class, because they were supposed to go on a field trip with him that day. They go to a guy named Doctor Thorne, a guy that was making specialized equipment for their trip. He said that he didn't know what was going on. They contact Malcolm and they go to Levine's apartment. They go to his computer room and ...

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