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Essays on Book Reports

The Pearl: Depictions Of Life
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... Steinbeck began his career by writing articles for his school newspaper and by taking classes at Stanford University. At the same time, he worked at a local ranch where he witnessed the harsh treatment of migrant workers. These underpriveleged laborers later served as the inspiration for many of his novels, including The Grapes of Wrath. The Pearl, another inspiration from his past, originated from a legend about the misfortunes of a poor boy who found a giant pearl that was told to Steinbeck while on a trip to Mexico. Kino, the protagonist in The Pearl, is an honest pearl diver that discovers the sacrifices that come with the struggle for success. H ...

Huck Finn And Racism
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... taken from Oxford states: “A person who considers that environment has the primary influence on the development if a person or group,”. Huck was taught that blacks were lower then whites, and should not be treated as equals, so according to this belief he should have hated blacks, but he didn’t. Huck was too smart and open minded for the belief of white supremacy. Huck has had positive interactions with blacks, and has taken a liking to the slave Jim, who he helped to free, to go with him on his wild adventure. Huck never had very much schooling. This is one of the reasons he is so smart. It may sound odd, but the school system in Huck ...

Elie Wiesel
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... told his story about his journey that the Jews were forced to get out and dig grave which would become final resting places for prisoners who were killed. Luckily, Moshe the Beadle was able to escape. He pretended that he was dead in order to escape being killed. Not only did Moshe tell his story to Elie, he wanted to warn the Jews of Signet of what could happen to them. However, they only thought it was a vivid imagination speaking from his lips. No one wanted to believe his story and people lived life as usual. It was not until German troops would enter Hungarian territory that life would change for the Jews of Signet. At first the German soldiers did not ...

Kerouac's On The Road: Living In Clip
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... was exceedingly popular and authors had manufactured literature like model-T's on an assembly line, the so-called "Beat Generation," particularly Jack Kerouac from Lowell, Massachusetts, changed America's interpretation of literature altogether. The writings of Jack Kerouac voice the desire of an era still clinging to the proverbial values of Middle America, and that is why Kerouac's works continue to enthrall the masses at large. On the Road exemplifies Kerouac's search for "IT," and the road is Sal Paradise's single guide; however, Sal's escapades with Dean Moriarty are most certainly energetic spurts of motivation and pure insanity. On the Road is the cha ...

A Man For All Seasons Guilty P
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... proceed without immense public revolt. King Henry promises More, “not to pursue me [More] on this matter [the divorce]”(54), but after More accepted the Chancellor position, King Henry began badgering him to help him with the affair. The badgering and erratic behaviour became more violent towards More as he perpetually declined to comment on the divorce. Despite that King Henry promised again to More, “There, you have my word – I’ll leave you out of it” (56), he hired Cromwell to pressure More into making a statement. King Henry became so obsessed with trying to achieve More’s acceptance that it was said he “Want ...

A Journey Into The Heart Of Da
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... world map, called the Congo "the biggest, the most blank, so to speak---that (he) had a hankering after" (Conrad 64). Upon first entering the mouth of the Congo River, Marlow declares his stance on lies and those who lie. [He believes that lying in the worst thing for a person.] He vows never to lie in his life. After reading Kurtz's report about his progress down the Congo, Marlow finds that Kurtz lied, and in part loses all the respect he ever had for Kurtz. However, Marlow still continues to pursue him. Marlow continues his journey up the Congo River, penetrating further and further into the heart of darkness. In the process, Marlow reverts back to his inna ...

Jem's Journal: Chapter Summary
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... to spit it out immediately. She was actually pretty obedient and spit the gum out. She told me that she had been chewing it all afternoon and that if she wasn't dead and didn't feel sick. She was obviously mad at me for ruining her chewing enjoyment but I didn't want her getting sick because knowing Atticus, I'd be the one who would have to take care of her and that wouldn't go over to well with me since I know I could have stopped her from getting sick. I think I yelled at her and said that isn't she supposed to know that she isn't allowed even near those trees. We all know about that weird guy Boo Radley and we know that property is off limits. I told her ...

Dr. Faust: Quest For Knowledge
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... Despite the harsh warnings of the good angel, he follows the temptations of the devil, as he desires to be the commander of the elements. He prepares to make the commitment to surrender his soul to Lucifer, on the condition that he is spared for twenty-four years and permitted to indulge himself as he wishes. He is also given Mephistophilis to attend to his every need. Despite the attractiveness of the offer at hand, Faust is pledging his soul to eternal damnation. Because he will have access to infinite knowledge and power, Faust feels the bargain is worthy. He does not see hell as a torment despite the difference of opinion Mephistophilis offers. As the sto ...

The Tragic Love Triangle Of Yonville
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... in a rural village. He then married a women who was quite older then himself. He was unhappily married to her saying that "Her dresses barely hung on her bony frame", This coming right before her death. Upon his wife's death, Charles married an attractive young women named Emma Roualt, the daughter of one of his patients. Emma married Charles with overwhelming expectations. She thought marriage would be filled with three things, "bliss, passion, and ecstasy". Emma had a character that was 1) dissatisfied 2) adulterous and 3) free spending. For a while she was excited and pleased by her marriage, but overwhelmed by her new life, she quickly became dissatis ...

Bram Stokers Dracula
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... London and exercise his evil forces on innocent people there. However, a group of friends, including an open-minded but ingenious professor, a psychologist, an American, a rich man, as well as Jon an Harker and his wife Mina, learn of the Count's sinister plan and pledge to destroy him before he can create an army of un-dead vampires. They systematically destroy his coffins with holy wafers and chase him out of England back to Castle Dracula. There they carry out an ultimate plan to destroy Dracula. The Author uses suspense as a storytelling device rather effectively throughout the story. There are a fair number of parts in which the reader is le ...

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