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Essays on Book Reports

Amelia Earhart 20hrs. 40 Min
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... York, and then on to Los Angeles. Her Father took her to an air show in Long Beach, and it was there that she knew she wanted to fly. The next day she had her first lesson. From this point on she was addicted to flying. She quickly became an expert pilot and set many records. In the remainder of 20 hrs. 40 min. Amelia gives her detailed log of the flight across the Atlantic as commander of the Friendship. Bad weather had delayed their leaving until June 18th, 1928. Flying through dense fog for most of their journey, they landed in South Wales and not in Ireland as had been planned and with very little fuel left. After her flight, she was overwhelmed by the press an ...

Analysis Of Children's Fairy Tales
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... ordinary type of protagonist. In the way of settings I again noticed that most of the settings were peculiar in some way or another. Rarely would I read of a setting of an ordinary place such as what you and I may live in. they always had something mystical about them. Only places that children dreamed about were used. These were places such as palaces, and Kingdoms, mystical forests or a witches castle. One story was of a lonely cabin located in a mystical forest. I suppose places like these were used to provoke the children imagination. Many of the themes I found to be quite common. I quite often found them to be about a boy and a girl and them getting to ...

Huck Finn
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... Huck grew up living wild out in the open, just going as he pleased. Now he living in a house, with two ladies that are very strict with manners. Although, he doesn’t runaway back to the woods, he still wishes he could go back to the easy living in the uncivilized outdoors. When Huck’s father learns of his wealth, he kidnaps Huck, and takes him back to a cabin on the other side of the river. After repeated beatings Huck escapes and makes the scene look as if he had been murdered. He then hides on Jackson Island, and returns to his life of freedom. Also on the Island is Jim, Miss Watson’s runaway slave. After finding out that the men of the town are searching for J ...

King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table: An Epic Hero For Modern Times
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... King Arthur abandons his assault on Lancelot to defend Camelot and all of England from Mordred. Because Camelot seems to immediately precede Morte d' Arthur and there is no overlap in the story, the way the plot is handled in each work cannot be debated. I will however, discuss the mood, tone, and characterization of a few key figures in the two works. One difference in character that I found was that in the introduction to Morte d' Arthur, Mordred is referred to as King Arthurs nephew. Later in the text, when Arthur and Mordred are fighting (p. 96, para.1) it says, ". . . so he smote his father King Arthur with his sword holden in both hands, upon the side of th ...

Animal Farm By George Orwell
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... bottom. At the top were the pigs. Each pig represented someone different in the revolution. Old Major is compared to Lenin. He was an ideologist who dreamed up a wonderful government where all the animals were equal and the humans, or the czars, were pushed out. Unfortunately his dream would never materialize. Then we are left with his predecessors. The first is Snowball. Snowball believed one hundred percent in Old Majors ideals. He wanted all the things Old Major wanted, such as the welfare of the animals. In the Russian Revolution his counterpart would be Trotsky. Trotsky believed and wanted the same things as Lenin, and wanted to continue what Lenin h ...

A Separate Peace: Three Symbols
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... fun he has had in weeks. However, the Naguamsett and the Devon completely contrast. When Gene and Finny emerge from the Devon, they feel clean and refreshed. However, Gene describes the Naguamsett as "ugly, saline, fringed with marsh, mud and seaweed" (68). When Gene starts a fight with Quackenbush and falls into the Naguamsett because Quackenbush calls Gene "a maimed son-of-a-bitch," Gene surfaces from the Naguamsett feeling grimy, dirty and in desperate need of a bath (71). Much like the clean, refreshing water of the Devon and the ugly saline water of the Naguamsett, Gene's carefree attitude of the summer session vastly differs from the angry, confused atti ...

Roddy Doyle's Paddy Clark: No More Laughing For Paddy
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... intensity of his parents arguments accelerate as the book goes on. At times Paddy feels he can stop them, at one point he considers himself a "referee" in the fights. "I didn't know what I'd do. If I was there he wouldn't do it again, that was all."(p.191) He ends up contemplating who he would want to win. He comes to the conclusion that he would want his mom to win because she does so much for him, however his father is his father and he loves him. Sinbad reacts differently to his parents fighting. He doesn't try to intervene or stop them. In fact he closes up, he implodes emotionally. He cuts himself off from everyone. During one of their parents arguments Padd ...

The Catcher In The Rye
Download This PaperWords: 1929 - Pages: 8

... disappear. Holden believes throughout the novel that certain things should stay the same. Holden becomes a character portrayed by Salinger that disagrees with things changing. He wants to retain everything, in short he wants everything to always remain the same, and when changes occur; Holden reacts. However the most important aspect of Holden Caufield's character can be attributed to his judgment of people. Holden Caufield, a character who always jumps to conclusions about people and their phoniness, can be labeled as a hypocrite because he exemplifies a phony himself. Holden Caufield the 16 year old protagonist and main character of narrates the story and exp ...

Sandra Street: Home
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... not recognize the beauty of his street and only sees the bad points of his home. He later learns to appreciate Sandra Street and sees the finer aspects of it after talking to his teacher, Mr. Blades, who tells him to open his eyes and be more aware of the good things in Sandra Street. Steve then goes on a walk with his teacher and realizes the significance of his home. Steve recognizes the finer aspects of his neighborhood and sees beautiful features that he had never notices before. By the end of the story, it did not matter what others said about his neighborhood because he was proud of living on Sandra Street. In the story "Sánchez" written by Richard Dokey, ...

Stoker And Rice's Books About Vampires
Download This PaperWords: 1925 - Pages: 7

... Not much is written about Stoker's use of super-strength for Count DraculaTherefore, One tends to believe that Dracula in fact did not have enhanced strength. Stoker did use the power of morphing into animals in his novel. In Dracula , the Count can morph into a bat and he can turn into a greyish-green mist. He uses these powers so humans dont detect his presence. As a gas he can pass by humans without them even noticing and as a bat he can cover more ground in a shorter amount of time. Rice's novels mention nothing of being able to morph into a bat, mist or anything else for that matter. The ability to fly is used in each novel but they are used ver ...

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