Essays on Creative Writing |
Personal Writing: My Holiday
... place called Pune, which is also in India. My father's friends also accompanied us on the holiday. We went to Pune by train and it took us about five hours to get there. I had not been feeling well and therefore, I was very restless during the train journey. Even then, I was very excited as it was my first train journey. I kept on looking out of the window and let out loud shrieks every time I saw a monkey in the trees. The scenery was beautiful as the train passed between two mountains. There were trees on either side and I kept on running from one side of the train to another to count the number of monkeys that I could spot during the train ride.
It was an exhaus ...
Alone With Nature
... the similarities in color, nothing else seems to be the same-
they all tower 2 or 3 feet above the dark, rich soil. They sway playfully
in unison with the warm caressing breeze, carefully merging the two scents
into one fresh, clean fragrance.
You pry yourself away from the immense meadow, still filled with
many unexplored treasures and turn back into the foliage covered depths of
the forest. The sun is comfortably placed in front of the cotton candy
clouds, in the midst of the soft blue sky. The occasional bird soars
through in a last minuet attempt to catch a worm so it may feed the
yearning mouths of it's young. The rough dirt trail ends and you are
bro ...
Personal Writing: "Jen"
... was my favorite band. She told me to wait right here and she
would be back in a few minutes. She walked away and I realized who she
was, I felt very stupid. I turned around to wait for the show to start. A
few moments later she comes back and says "Happy Birthday" as she hands me
a backstage pass. The first band just started to play and she kept talking
but I couldn't hear her. If it was because of the music or just how
shocked I was. Anyway she started to walk away and she motioned for me to
follow her. In my state of shock I followed her through the crowd to their
dressing room backstage.
Being backstage was the experience of my life; I never wanted t ...
Personal Writing: The Evaluation Of My Coaches
... each practice. The team captain stood facing the rest
of the team and lead us in various stretches and other warm-ups. The coach
was very strict. No horse play or unnecessary talking or anything else we
knew would make the coach mad. Coach would have us do drills having to do
with the plays we ran during the game. If we made a mistake coach would
stop us and make an example of whoever messed up. He would say, "Did
everyone see what Bryan just did? That is what you should not do." He
would then gripe a little and after that we would continue our practice. I
feel that this method of coaching during practice made my teammates and I
closer as a team during t ...
Creative Writing: Pacific Vortex!
... lately without a trace. Let
me tell you it was not a lot of fun!
Interviewer: I see. Could you also please tell me why you ventured down-
Mr. Pitt: Sure. I was sent down there to find it, and salvage it, all
before the sea explodes.
Interviewer: Um, find and salvage what?
Mr. Pitt: Oh yeah, the STARBUCK. It's the latest American super-sub, an
underwater nuclear arsenal. So I had to go down there and disassemble all
the nuclear warheads before they're reached by foreign terrorists. And I
wasn't kidding, it really was no fun! All those assassins and traps, it
was no fun at all!
Interviewer: Well, that's all the time we have at the moment. You ...
Creative Writing: Life As A Basketball
... of that night. So when the kids are out building snowman and
having snowball fights, I was slowly beginning to be covered by snow.
After about a week that finely went away, thank
goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A couple of days later the older kid grads me
cleans me of a bit and stuffs me in his backpack. then he takes me to his
school and throws in to his stinky gym locker. Help me kid I can't breathe
in here. After a couple of hours I didn't think I was gonna survive.
Somehow I managed to survive for the rest of the day. Then when I get home
I figure safe at last but oh no the stupid kid just had to tell his mom
that I was getting to old. So the mom just th ...
The Loss Of A Friend
... running together, making little sense. I had nothing to say to make it better. It was such a helpless feeling. Her brother was just taken away from her and there was nothing I could do to ease her pain. I left her house feeling empty and scared. The funeral would be in two days and Amanda needed me to be there for her. The next two days seemed to drag. Dread and anxiety filled my body. The day was coming and I had no idea what to expect.
The day of the funeral was a beautiful summer day. The sky was blue with not one cloud visible. It seemed ironic that a day filled with such sorrow had such a gorgeous setting. I remember walking into the funeral home seeing so ...
My Journey
... The time is now 7:54 a.m., and school begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. The thought of being late is still in the back of my mind and it makes me peddle even faster. I reach the school with two minutes to spare. As I reach the front doors, the principal who kindly tells me to slow down greets me. I quickly find my seat as the last tone of the bell sounds, knowing that I almost didn�t make it.
I began to look around the room, and notice the differences from previous classrooms to this one. I keep thinking that I am finally here, no longer in junior high, but in highschool. It was a completely different territory, where I was a lowly sophomore, rather then the bigshot head ...
Creative Writing: The Present
... for as long as he
could but he was not sure how long he could keep it up. If he were to ever be
caught Lord only knows how long he would be locked away for.
Coming from a small town nobody was used to all the buzz going around. It
made Billy nervous. That was all everyone talked about on the small shaded
streets of Prince Rupert.
"Billy, Billy!" Henry yelled.
Snapping out of his dream world Billy relied "What?"
"Go down town and pick up some eggs would ya?"
"Yeah sure Dad."
As he walked down the street Billy pondered if he was really doing the
right thing. He had convinced himself that since Christmas was the time for
giving and ...
The Prison
... one of the administration personnel. There she informed that ; I was not to talk to any inmates, that if they talked to me, they were to address me as Mrs. Tucker. Well, I knew right , at that point, there would be a problem. First of all, I am a people person. I could not refuse to talk to someone just because they were a inmate. Then, I defiantly did not like to be addressed as Mrs. Tucker. As far as I was concerned, the day the divorce was final, that was the day I stopped being Mrs. Tucker. But, I was told that was what I had to do.
There were other rules I was told about, such as inmates were not allowed to handle money at all. so, I had gave money as a ...
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