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Essays on Creative Writing

The Murderous Miracle: Sherlock Homes - Creative Story
Download This PaperWords: 2532 - Pages: 10

... said I, a bit less cheerier than before due to Holmes' mindless banter. He only smiled and said "See for yourself,my good man, look through the window onto the common, and tell me what you see..." I did as he told, clearing my eyes, and to my shock I saw the townspeople all about in their daily hustle and bustle which was common to northern London preceding teatime. "Well, it appears you are right! People are at work, conducting their business and the like. I'm awfully sorry, I'm just rather irritable in the morning." "Quite alright my friend, it's understandable, tell me, what else do you see at the window?" Holmes calmly stated. ...

Personal Writing: My Kiwi Experience
Download This PaperWords: 416 - Pages: 2

... skin was rough, almost like toad skin. It was very moist as well. Next, the fruit caught my attention. The fruit was smooth. It was extremely slimy to the touch. When I pulled my finger off the fruit of the kiwi, it felt sticky, almost not letting my finger go. Next, I rubbed my fingers over the seeds. They were so close together it was hard to feel one. When I managed to grab one, I noticed how slick it was. It was smooth with tiny bumps that were almost invisible to the touch. My hand was drawn to the core next. The core was spongy and felt like the fruit, smooth and slick. Next, I decided to listen to the sounds a kiwi could make. I pick the slice u ...

Creative Writing: The Drunken Mage
Download This PaperWords: 366 - Pages: 2

... someone's table. He began to scream at Felmont saying "I will play you for the money, without magic" . They decided to have a game of 501, and after playing for a while, Felmont had beaten the Mage. Then after a few minutes the Mage walked over to the bar and ordered a gallon of ale and began to guzzle the ale very quickly. After the Mage had finished his ale, he was an angry and drunken Mage who was tempted to destroy the small village. Felmont was leaving the tavern when he saw a large bolt of lightning smash a small vendor's cart that caught on fire. Behind his back, the elf heard the Mage starting another chant. Felmont pulled out his small warhammer ...

The Lesson
Download This PaperWords: 336 - Pages: 2

... for it�s ever bountiful storehouses of grain. One day, from a neighboring, a young farmer came to ask the wise king what his secret was. The king told him that he kept the most accurate books of what was sold, when, and to whom. He said that the key was to guard these books as If your life depended on it. So the young farmer went back and worked on his books, trying to keep everything in order and soon found himself to be as rich and wealthy (in grain) as the king. This, now rich farmer, bought a very precious ruby and to the king to deliver as a gift as a gift of gratitude. When my father told me this, it was one of those special times in my life, To lea ...

Have Another Beer
Download This PaperWords: 629 - Pages: 3

... saying �Nothing in life is fair,� or �This world sucks!� She is never satisfied until she has drank as much as she can and has informed half of the party of her problems. The best drunk known to man and this party was Fred Funny. Fred is the kind of drunk you want at every party. He has everyone on the floor, rolling in hysterics. He has people crying because they are laughing so hard. Fred likes to have an audience of at least five people. The group seems to grow as everyone hears what he is saying. Fred loves to tell jokes that he�s heard all week, and make wise cracks at the rest of the drunks. Fred can often be seen doing stupid things like spill ...

Personal Writing: On My Time
Download This PaperWords: 1406 - Pages: 6

... would do. We searched the allies and found a half passed out drunk and took him to the local bar, then got a few beers each before the show. We then returned to draw numbers for the order of the bands. I eagerly pushed my way to the front of all the other bands, being the obnoxious prick I am, and drew the first card. Unfortunately I drew the second band on stage out of nine. The best position to be in is about fourth or fifth band because that is when the crowd starts getting into the music. Pissed off I haphazardly wandered back to my group to inform them of my greatest mistake. We loaded the equipment into the worlds slowest elevator, ...

Creative Writing: The Dinner Party
Download This PaperWords: 412 - Pages: 2

... a salmon" "Yes why not" answer The next day they make dinner together. Mr. Smith has bought the salmon. When he gets home Mrs. Smith has already begun to make the dinner. He says "I'll begin on the salmon, why don't you begin on the sauce." Mrs. Smith gets the best silver cutlery, lays the table and finds the finest table cloth in the house. What they didn't see was the cat who crawled under the table. When they are finished Mr. Smith says "I'll go and change to a suit and you can maybe take on a long dress and your finest jewellery you have". At last the chief and his wife are here and Mrs. Fowler has flowers to give to Mrs. Smith. I ...

World War 189
Download This PaperWords: 667 - Pages: 3

... The women�s arrival to Helrac highlighted the absence of men, but as women often do, they forget about them. Helrac were furnished with similar surroundings but governed by ten-armed, one-eyed, green citizens. In this surrounding women were the aliens, and the citizens became more attractive to them as men became blurred in their mind. Helrac had similar transportation with more advanced technology, houses were compact, and the imaginary streets were infested with " absolute stop " signs with the subscript " violators can be fined up to 10,000 H. " No later than three minutes after the women�s arrival were the streets over populated with crazy women drivers who ...

Personal Writing: Life Is A White Water River
Download This PaperWords: 276 - Pages: 2

... feared whirlpool of depression, which at any given time can pull me under and swallow me alive. While in the river, which I call life, I have to be in control at all times; I must quickly steer and paddle away from the massive rocks and devouring waves. When travelling along a rough river, it is essential that the rafter be a quick thinker, and only the experienced rafter can outwit the many perils that lie ahead. Sure, I am apt to make mistakes, I can only imagine how many times waves have knocked my raft over while learning; I can only imagine how many rocks my raft has crashed into when I did not recieve a top mark; I can only imagine how many dreadful ti ...

The Body
Download This PaperWords: 770 - Pages: 3

... when they where realy going to find the dead child. Chris brought a gun that he stole off of his dads bureau. He let Gordie see it and he told Gordie that it wasn't loaded. So Gordie pulled the trigger. And KA-BLAM. The gun was loaded and he shot the trashcans behind the diner. The waitress came out but she thought it was fircrackers. They started out on there mission walking along the train tracks. Teddy Duchamp played chicken with the train pretending he was a paratrooper, but Chris pushed him out off the way in the nick of time. They get into a fight but settle it. They go into the town dump to get a drink of water. It is restrickted to go in ...

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