Hamlet 2
... passive approach to avenge his father. Hamlet first decides to act abnormal which does not
accomplish much besides warning his uncle that he might know he killed his father. Later in the play a troop of actors come to act out a play, and Hamlet has them reenact the murder of is father in front of his uncle Claudius. The actors murder scene also make Hamlet question himself about the fact that he has done nothing yet to avenge his father. Hamlet says " But am I Pigeon-livered and lack gall / To make oppression bitter, or ere this / I should ha' fatted all the region kites / With this slave's offal. Bloody, bawdy villain! ( Act II scene 2 page 84 line 577- 580 ). Dur ...
Hard Times
... shows significance in the way Dickens is trying to help the reader get an understanding of what is to come. Dickens shows the way the working classes are fighting for a say in the way they are treated at work by forming unions and how a bad negotiator can ruin things. He shows from the start that the education system is based on "fact" and not "fancy." The breakdown of the "fact" based education is shown when Gradgrind himself asked a question that is not fact based. In the end, the whole system of education is reversed and the "fancy" is fancied. The novel can be summarized as a book about two struggles. O ...
Poetry Assignment
... The two poems "The Sick Rose" and "Fog" are very much alike in the sense that they both use the introduction of weather and animals to shape the poem and give the reader a sense of displeasure. In "The Sick Rose" the poet introduces a worm and storm and in "Fog" the poet uses the fog and a cat. The subject matter is perhaps similar in these two poems with the fact that both poems embody foul weather that prevent life from flowing in its normal path. To be more specific, a storm destroys plants, animals, and life in general, while a fog blocks out the sun and its energy to spring life.
In "Fog" the poet, Carl Sandburg, uses the weather condition of a fog as t ...
To Kill A Mockingbird 4
... when does the story negin? Show evidence to
support your answer.
The setting of the story take place in Maycomb County, Alabama,
during the 1930's. The neighborhood overall is very poor, with
farming being the major way of making a living. (Cotton-farming)
3. What do we know for certain about Boo Radley?
The Radley place and its mysterious inhabitant are described ub
great detail. Scout was telling the story about Boo Radley, she
said Radley was locked up as a teenager for once getting in
trouble with police. Radley has been in the house ever since,
although some people are convinced he come out at night.
4. Why is Boo fasinating to the ...
Les Miserables
... that is like animals. The rich treat them as though they are inferior and that they have no feelings or any form of intelligence. They are also not given the right to vote, which makes them not citizens of that nation. This theme is universal because every nation in the world has some sort of outcasts in their land. In America, this theme can be related to the blacks. In the beginning of the twentieth century they did not have as much rights and oppurtunities as the whites. Another example of how this theme can be related to America is how a person with a southern accent is perceived as less intelligent, which is a false misconception. The theme -how criminals are ...
Did Odyssues Bring The Trouble
... Many of their lives were lost. “Six benches were left empty in every ship”. Their selfishness cost them friends and shipmates, and made their attempt to get home, even more difficult.
After stabbing Polyphemus in his eye and blinding him, Odysseus provoked and harassed the Cyclops, which angered him immensely. “ Cyclops, if ever mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son whose home’s on Ithaca”, shouted Odysseus to the crippled Polyphemus, which was not very smart. If Odysseus had not told the Cyclops this incriminating information, he would have h ...
Poem 2
... hardware store called ACE
But teaching is what he wishes to chase.
Hunting and skanking is what he loves to do
His name is Mickey now onto number two.
The next girl is the understanding one.
She takes a lot of crap, but it’s all in fun.
I.S.U. is where she chose to learn
An education she hopes to earn.
Soccer was her favorite sport
She is very good, although she is quite short
Hanging out with her is always cool
She did quite well during high school.
She has always been a real smarty
Whenever we visit her, she knows where to party.
She will always be a part of the group
Her name is Julie and she’s the second of the troop.
My long tim ...
The Blithedale Romance
... the man.
The trouble started in Zenobia's life when Priscilla is sent to Blithedale to live with her. Priscilla also falls in love with Hollingsworth. This is where the reader starts to see Zenobia's feminist point of view start to
(Vaillette, 2)
diminish. Zenobia in this book is picking a man over her sister, the first no-no in feminism. Zenobia is cruel to Priscilla. She tries to embarrass her so that she will look good in Hollinsworth's eyes. She even turns Priscilla over to Westervelt, whom Moody was trying to keep Priscilla away from in the first place. Zenobia does all of this just so Hollingsworth will love her.
The reader begins to see the ...
Emily Dickinson: Transcendentalist Experience Through Imagination
... all the Souls that stand create-, I have elected-
One” . Dickinson's works were meant to taunt society by showing how a woman,
ironically trapped in her “natural” surroundings of the home, could obtain as
much power, if not more than any male writer. This ironic revisions of ideas is
directed at all male transcendentalists and figures in society.
Both Ralph Emerson and David Thoreau used societies stereotype of the
true male environment, “nature”, to draw their power and write from their
experiences. Experience was the most important factor to these writers. The
ability “to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account in my next
excursion” was t ...
Character Analysis 2
... alternative in most cases. John Proctor falls victim to instinct, and instead of saving the members of his community he chooses to save his own self-image. This human weakness proves to be John Proctor’s tragic character flaw. It not only leads to his demise, but to the loss of many innocent lives as well.
Survival may be one of the natural instincts in human beings, but it can and sometimes will be overcome by other powerful emotions. John’s initial struggle for survival is suppressed by his overwhelming love for his wife. He becomes involved when his wife’s name is mentioned in court, and her life becomes endangered. John does a complet ...
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