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Essays on English

Flowers For Algernon
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... when I have read a book that incorporated so many interesting ideas and concepts into the actions of one person. Also, it seems to me that Charlie was right when he wrote, "Ironic that my intelligence doesn't help me solve a problem like this." He was referring to a moral decision he had to make about one of his co-workers at the bakery. Charlie's intelligence put him into just as much of a disadvantage as did his retardation. He never could fully relate to or understand Alice Hannigan, though he did know that he loved her. Unfortunately, she loved the retarded, yet compassionate, sensitive, and good-natured Charlie. She just couldn't have the best of both worlds. ...

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... and unexpected, as many of his actions, but the comparison makes sense; Rosencrantz and Guildenstern soak up all the kings favors, only to become dry again after they mop up the King’s mess (spying on , and getting Polonius’s body). Later, with Claudius, tells how lowly a king can be by saying, "A man (beggar) may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm," (pg 99, 29). This also makes sense, and is not quite as random; when confronts Claudius, and the king asks where Polonius is, immediatly begins the comparison by telling Claudius that Polonuis is at supper (the worms are eating him for supper, an ...

A Utopian Society
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... free when it comes to food, money and shelter. But it would never work with the rich. The rich would never give up their land for the poor. They would also never give up their money. They would resist it to their fullest. All of their resources would be used to combat all of those in favor of a Utopian society, and would eventually win. The poor probably would not fight for it, for they are afraid of the rich, and know all of the power they hold. Teaching children while they are young is the key to a successful utopian society. This is why isolation is needed. If a Utopian society is started in the middle of England, children would have too much influence f ...

A Hard Days Night Searching Fo
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... of the story, but never allows that dream to be realized. By examining each of the four main characters individually, it will become apparent how Hemingway structured the novel so that the hope for a single hero is ever-present, but the reality of such an individual actually existing is an unfortunate impossibility given the personality flaws present in each. When one speaks of unfortunate impossibilities in this novel, it is Jake's war injury that most often comes to mind first. It is appropriate, though, that this is the case, because in Jake, we find the character most often given the chance at being the hero. Hemingway evokes immediate compassion for Jake at the ...

Odysseus,the Hero, Homer
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... strategist.Ę When he poked Cyclops* eye with pike of olive, he decided not to kill him because if he killed Cyclops, he would not be able to get out of the cave.Ę This also shows he was wise and able to think about the situation before doing anything.Ę Another example that shows that he is brave that he went to the Hades, which was a feared by many.Ę By his eloquence and cleverness Odysseus could get Nausicaa to assist him, and his devotion to his wife makes him so honorable.Ę He showed sensitivity when he met his mother and when he heard the song of the Trojan War. However, Odysseus* qualities are not considered heroic today are his impulsiveness, arrogance, and c ...

The Condition Of Postmodernity
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... Working from Marxist premises, his argument is similar to Fredric Jameon's claim that postmodernism is "the cultural logic of late-capitalism," with the difference that Harvey provides considerably more empirical support for this view. To understand postmodernism and postmodernity, one first has to understand modernism and modernity, and Harvey provides good accounts of the major sources of modern ideas and the key structural features of modernity. Harvey's basic approach to postmodernism is sound. Rather than rejecting postmodern developments as superficial and merely transitory, he believes they represent a new paradigm of thought and cultural practice tha ...

Princess Bride Research Paper
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... and comes across three strange looking men: one short, intelligent man (Vizzini), a Spaniard (Inigo), and a giant (Fezzik). They kidnap her and Vizzini reveals that he wants to start a war with the nearby country Guilder by murdering Buttercup and leaving her on the “Guilder frontier," even though Inigo and Fezzik are not too happy with the idea they follow their orders. They sail away on a ship, but soon realize they are being followed by a ship that is gaining on them. He also follows them to the Cliffs of Insanity. When they reach the top, Vizzini has Inigo stay behind to kill the man following them (the Man-in-Black) because he (Inigo) is a master swordsma ...

A Good Man Is Hard To Find
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... knew that writing was her true passion. She spent two years at the prestigious School for Writers at the State University of Iowa on scholarship, receiving a master’s degree of fine arts in 1947 (Candee 318). In 1950, she had a near fatal attack of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a chronic inflammatory connective tissue disorder. that causes periods of joint pain and fatigue, and can attack the hearts, lungs, and kidneys. Her father died of the disease when she was fifteen (Blythe 49). O’Connor would have to walk with crutches for the rest of her life. By her death at the age of 39, Flannery O’Connor won a prominent place in modern American literature. Sh ...

A Separate Peace - A Journey To Maturity
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... He seemed to be studying at almost every free moment he had. On the other hand, Finny was a natural athlete and schoolwork was not his top priority. Their friendship perplexed the boys and the readers as no one could entirely understand what the attraction was. Even though it seemed like a strange and complicated friendship, Finny and Gene developed a strong bond. Unfortunately a strong bond could not withstand Gene's insecurities, as he faltered in Finny's unknown pressures of conforming. Another important theme is conformity. Conformity refers to the choices young people make regarding going along with the crowd and pursuing their own paths. They ...

Spender And Sankichi Two Views
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... The poets' responses differ greatly in style and perspective, but each work clearly defines the ramifications of atrocities such as those committed against Spender, Sankichi, and the populations of London and Hiroshima. England's Royal Air Force battled Germany's Luftwaffe from August 1940 until May 1941. During that conflict, England was subjected to air raids day and night. When Hitler finally withdrew his birds of war, four hundred thousand British citizens had been killed, forty-six thousand had been seriously wounded, and one million homes had been leveled. After one raid, a relief team helped a woman who had covered been covered in powdered brick and pl ...

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