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Essays on English

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... my first year of driving. As soon as I looked into my rear view mirror and saw the officer turn on his flashing lights, my heart sank into my stomach. The officer asked if I knew why I was being stopped. I was speeding and I knew it. The officer went back to the car and began to write the ticket, while I was sitting in my car thinking. At first I thought about how much trouble I was going to be in and how much money it was going to cost me. I was very depressed. Then I got to thinking. What's the big deal? It's just a little traffic ticket. Sure, I may get in trouble, but who cares? It's just a small detail in my life. I can whine and complain, or I can f ...

Structural Levels Of The Iliad
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... other in many distinct ways. The universal war between the gods over the apple of discord consequently lead to the social war between the Greeks and the Trojans. For example, Aphrodite promised Paris that he could have the most beautiful woman in the world if he gave the apple of discord to her. He did so, and decided to go and get his reward. Unfortunately, the most beautiful women in the world, Helen, was the wife of the Greek King Menelaus. The abduction of Helen by Paris lead to the Trojan war. The promise made by Aphrodite to Paris in order to get the apple of discord resulted in the abduction of Helen and the start of the Trojan war. Therefore, Aphro ...

Beowulf 9
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... person’s outlook for the course of action that they will take. Beowulf strikes peculiar reactions among scholars, historians, and professors. The increase in the amount of confusion is caused by new twists to old theories and by new theories. Beowulf was composed for an audience that would take into account the struggles that the main character took, and the audience would see the poem in its own way. Though few can clearly understand the value of the poem, we must realize that judging the poem from a twentieth century point of view would be unjust to the author or authors of Beowulf. One of the most pleasing trends in recent old English studies has ...

Huck Finn
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... in itself as any of the classic outlaw stories, but in order that the reader may know what the author has done for him, let him notice the impression left on his mind of this lawless, mysterious, wonderful Mississippi, when he has closed the book. But it is not alone the river that is indelibly impressed upon the mind, the life that went up and down it and went on along its banks are projected with extraordinary power. Incidentally, and with a true artistic instinct, the villages, the cabins, the people of this river become startlingly real. The beauty of this is that it is apparently done without effort. Huck floating down the river happens to see these t ...

A Tale Of Two Cities
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... well of the law…and leave the law to take care of itself." (68). The fact is, that the blackened hearts of the aristocracy saw capital punishment as a convenience, rather than justice. The guillotine "cleared off (as to this world) the trouble of each particular case, and left nothing else with it to be looked after" (62). This negative light that the ruthless use of capital punishment casts upon the rulers of France is exactly what Dickens had intended. When the revolution actually takes place, the Jacques become drunk with bloodlust. Their methods of restoring order and peace are exactly the same as those they opposed: send anyone to the guillotine who dis ...

Review Of The Odyssey
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... because it is when Odysseus returns to his home and kills the suitors. This is a large part of the final resolution, it al begins with this, for once the suitors are gone Odysseus is free to reclaim is post in society. It also gives the reader a great feeling of elation that the suitors who are terrorizing the house of Odysseus. A quote that really gives a good idea of the overall impact and resolution that this passage gives is as follows “You yellow dogs, you thought I'd never make it home from the land of Troy. You took my house to plunder, twisted my maids to serve your beds. You dared bid for my wife while I was still alive. Contempt was all you ...

West Side Story
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... The American's were prejudiced of the Puerto Ricans, so they did cruel things to them. Another act of prejudice in was the Jets having prejudice against Anybody's joining their gang. They told her to go wear a dress, she wittily replied that she had scabby knees. She told them that she lurks in the shadows and even provided the Jets with important information. She had a haircut like a boy's and wore boy clothes. This could be a prejudice beyond having a girl in a gang, it could be that they have a prejudice against homosexuals, the fact that the stereotype of lesbians play a role in the character of Anybody's. There were little prejudices passed around in . So ...

Scarlet Letter 4
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... shows that the magistrates did not effectively punish Hester. Furthermore, Hawthorne shows that the magistrates are arrogating God’s power. Thus, he feels that only God can effectively punish sin and that anything otherwise is sacrilegious. The scarlet letter upon Hester does not chastise her but only prevents Hester from grievance and unhappiness. Moreover, Dimmesdale does not show any sign of sin to the public and this causes him to suffer with guilt. “Happy are you, Hester, that wear the scarlet letter openly upon your bosom! Mine burns in secret!” (183), examplifies Dimmesdale's misery and pain. Furthermore, Hawthorne shows how Hester ...

A Tale Of Two Cities
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... the heroic Carton, who gave his life for his friend and a woman he knew he would never have. The biggest contrast of all, is in the person of Misuser Darnay, the gentle English family man, who is also related to the evil Marquis Evremonde. I personally like stories that use historical events as backdrops because it brings these seemingly distant events closer to us. This book definitely offers insight into life in the two cities at the time of the French Revolution. I think it does an excellent job of depicting just how totally involved some people became in the revolution. It shows how people were blinded by the desire for freedom from their former oppr ...

Merchant Of Venice Character Diary - Shylock
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... I took no pleasure in it but I intend to ruin Bassanio. Bassanio will have all the ducats spent in no time. I forgot about my anger over my daughter's flight when I heard about Bassanio's ship wrecked in the English Channel. I then quickly remembered my daughters leaving when Tubal came to me with information on Jessica's reckless spending of my moneys. My heart was broken when I heard about I exchange for a monkey, she traded the ring that was a gift from my wife to me. I should have seen this coming. My hate turned into a disaster in only a short time today. First, Bassanio offered me double the money that was borrowed, but I was too stubborn to accept and ...

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