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Essays on English

Women In Beowulf And Lanval
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... important factors in establishing these important historical aspects. The one thing that is apparent is the dominance of the purely patriarchal society. The heroic code, courage in battle, bravery,loyalty to tribes and kings, place in social order, religion and chivalrous courtly love were what this society was primarily based on. The practices and beliefs that were the stronghold of Medieval society included men and excluded women. In this predominantly male world, one is compelled to ask the question; Where do women fit into this patriarchal Middle Age world? What are their roles? What are they valued for as women? Beowulf and Lanval paint a clear pi ...

A Journey To Enlightenment In
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... figure in the old man, Santiago. Hemingway's novel uses the timeless theme of man versus nature to tell a story, with the support of allusions to Christ, of an old man who, after losing his only reason for living, strives to prove himself a superior individual and discover the meaning of life through nature. The name Santiago is a biblical reference that translated into English means Saint James. Those who are direly active with the Christian religion and have read "The Old Man and the Sea" perceive the old man as an indirect reference to Saint Francis of Assisi. In the bible, Saint Francis was born to a wealthy merchant and when he grew older, he distributed h ...

Prometheus 2
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... (Graves, 185) He was one of the few gods that only had a Greek name. No one knows why he only had a Greek name, we can only guess. His father, Iapetus was also a mighty Titan, one of the first Titans. His mother, Clymene, was a beautiful nymph from the deep trenches of the oceans of the world. (Hodge, 352) The story of his birth is rather sketchy, most books just outline the story of Iapetus and Clymene being madly in love with each other, and having a son, and naming him Prometheus. He had a brother who was named Atlas. (Encyclopedia Americana, 576) (Picture taken from Microsoft Encarta, 1998) Prometheus isn’t really in charge of anything, except br ...

The Scarlet Letter And The Cru
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... the Massachusetts Bay Colony. All of the townspeople came to see Hester Prynne's punishment because of their loyalty to the court. They had to see what was going on with the court, because that is what they held in highest regard. "Now, good Sir, our Massachusetts magistracy, bethinking themselves that this woman is youthful and fair, and doubtless was strongly tempted to her fall; - and that, moreover, as is most likely, her husband may be at the bottom of the sea; - they have not been bold to put in force the extremity of our righteous law against her. The penalty thereof is death. But, in their great mercy and tenderness of heart, they have doomed Mistress Pryn ...

Analysis Of Jack Turners The A
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... removed the wild connection with the ancient mural and himself by publicizing and talking about them. This is Turner’s main point within the first chapter. He believes that when we take a wild place and photograph it, talk about it, advertise it, make maps of it, and place it in a national park that we ruin the magic, the aura, and the wildness of that place. Nature magazines, photographs, and films all contribute to the removal of our wild experience with nature. It is the difference between visiting the Grand Canyon after you have seen it on TV and read about it in magazines, or never having heard of the place and stumbling across it on your ow ...

Contrasting Poets Lawrence And Shapiro In Their Views Of Nature
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... the dawn of the new century and in England, is set by the death of Queen Victoria. Reading attracted a large audience because of the tremendous growth in education opportunities (Granner, 616). One major downfall and factor of the twentieth century was World War I. This was had pulled up new roots that were "buried in the past," causing multiple conflicts between nations (Granner, 611). The war reflects the bitterness and troubles put on twentieth century poetry. The poets wrote of science fiction, anti-war protagonists, and ridicule of authority. Leading poets in the twentieth century are D.H. Lawrence, James Joyce, Joseph Conrad, Dylan Thomas, and H.G. Wells. ...

Great Gatsby 12
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... lived, he would have been a great man. A man like James J. Hill. He’d of helped build up the country.’ ‘That’s true,’ I said, uncomfortably. (Pg. 164) Tom, who is at the other end of the rope, is very careless about what he says; he does not care if he hurts someone. At one time, he was very rude when paying only ten dollars to a dog seller on the street. “ ‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ she asked delicately, ‘That dog. That dog’s a boy. (Dog-seller) ‘It’s a bitch,’ said Tom decisively. ‘Here’s your money. Go and buy ten more dogs with it.’ (Pg. 28) This shows that To ...

Justice In Orestes
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... bond between mother and child was broken when Orestes murdered Clytaemnestra. Marriage, arguably, is a tenant of Zeus and the Olympians. In the old order of things, family is by blood only. A husband and wife have no blood relation, yet the son is of the same blood as his parents. The Furies right to vengeance cannot be dismissed. Clytaemnestra is one who upheld the laws of the Furies. Agamemnon's murder of Iphegenia at Aulis was pure outrage. "Yes he had the heart to sacrifice his daughter , to bless the war…" (Agamemnon lines 222-223) Agamemnon killed his own blood relation in order to sail for Troy. This too, is a terrible crime, seemingly of the same wei ...

Alice In Wonderland
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... and reality are blended together to create an air of confusion. In the introduction we are told that Prendick disappeared for eleven months. When he was found, he told a story that no one would believe. “He gave such a strange account of himself that he was supposed demented (pg. 1).” So right from the beginning we do not know what to believe. Later in the story, Prendick is picked up by the Ipecacuanha. On this ship there are deformed and strange men riding with Montgomery. “He was, I could see, a misshappen man, short, broad and clumsy, with a crooked back, a hairy neck and a head sunk between his shoulders (pg. 10).” Thi ...

Essay On The No Smoking Policy On Peel School Property
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... science labs that are filled with flammable chemicals. Since the school is a smoke free zone, there will be fewer chances for lung sickness caused by smoking. It allows the non- smokers to breathe fresh air and discourage the new smokers because they have to walk to the sidewalk to smoke and influence the younger grade not to smoke. It also protects the non- smokers from breathing second hand smoke. If smokers smoke in the school, then they will be breathing the same air everyday, because the school has a poor ventilation system, which is unfair for everyone. If the “no smoking policy” did not exist, the schools’ and students’ safety would be at extreme high r ...

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