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Oedipus-The Tragedy Of Tragedi
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... Sophocles protects the righteous by redirecting the blame for Oedipus' misfortune onto fate. Oedipus is a righteous man. The only evidence questioning his righteousness was the act of (unknowingly) killing his biological father, Laius. However, during the period in which Oedipus the King was written, it was honorable to seek justice when one has been wronged. Oedipus was mistreated and therefore sought justice. Oedipus, when faced with an opportunity to seek the truth, pursued it with conviction. He sought to find his true birth parents, but a distressing prophecy was revealed to him. Being the righteous man he is, he attempted to thwart his fate by le ...

Ethan Frome
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... methodical, cautious, serious, and sometimes pessimistic natures. According to astrologers, Aquariuses feel most comfortable in the world of ideas; they find situations that require emotional responses, such as personal relationships, to be difficult. Also, according to astrologers, Pisceans tend to be idealistic; sometimes the real world gets too harsh and ugly for them. To escape unpleasant realities, some Pisceans retreat into their own dreams and fantasies, and Pisceans can be delicate and vulnerable, especially when under emotional stress. Ethan most definitely falls under these categories. Ethan is emotionally weak, in that he allows Zeena to control him. ...

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... he could make small cage just quickly rather than create big and beautiful cage for two weeks; ( p 381, ll 45~50). Also, if he was interested in earning the money, he would not even start to work on the cage only by commission of the little boy because he couldn¡¯t be sure whether he can get money or not. However, was a artist rather than a common carpenter. What he really wanted as making the cage was to make the little boy happier. Secondly, he felt mean and dirty about rich man¡¯s money. In this story, the cage was splendid and beautiful as much as news of its beauty had spreaded even before he finished the cage. So even though a doctor insisted on buying that ...

The Use Of Irony In The Stone
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... be hurt anymore. George Orwell also used irony in the plot of Animal Farm. In the beginning of the story, Old Major talks about rebelling from Mr. Jones “administration”. Mr. Jones’ way of running things was in a sense a form of capitalism. The animals had an idea about a socialist form of government. This existed for a short period of time when the animals had all the power. When Napoleon took charge, he gradually gained power and after a while the farm was soon under the rule of a capitalist. This change in government ultimately led to the downfall of the farm. This a good example of irony, because capitalism was the thin ...

Home Burial
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... realize the complexity of the human nature. Robert Frost's "" is a masterfully written example of such works, conceived from his and his wife's anguish at the loss of their first-born son as well as from the estrangement between his sister-in-law and her husband due to the death of their child. In Donald J. Greiner's commentary on Frost's works, "The Indespensible Robert Frost," it is revealed that "Mrs. Frost could not ease her grief following Elliot's death, and Frost later reported that she knew then that the world was evil. Amy in "" makes the same observation". "" illustrates the cause of the failing marriage as a breakdown of communication, both verbally a ...

John Donne 2
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... separation such as death. He says, “To use myself in jest, Thus by feigned deaths to die.” This means that their parting will not last forever. He also compares their separation to the sun. This comparison is looked at in a sense that the sun goes down every day but comes back the next. So he saying, don’t worry I will be back soon. He later says their souls are as one, so physically their relationship could make it through the toughest of times. He also says, “But think that we are but turned aside to sleep. They who one another keep alive, ne’r parted be.” This quote means that since they have true love they can never ...

A Literary Analysis Of Toni Mo
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... to African-Americans whose ancestors suffered as slaves under the constitution of the United States of America until 1865 ("Should the Government" 8). The United States government should not issue an apology to African-Americans for slavery. An apology by the government for slavery would not heal the damage caused by two hundred forty four years of slavery. Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. Says. "… a simple apology, without anything attached to it seems a little empty to me" ("Should the Government" 9). There should be some type of reparation payments. If not monetary at least the forty acres and a mule which was promised to the slaves for participating in t ...

Late 19th Century Creole Socie
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... during the 1890’s; for it was the major justification and reasoning for Edna’s rebellion from restrictiveness, Leonce’s adherence to tradition, as well as the overall progression of the novel. During this time period, women were supposed to take care of their children and obey their husbands at all costs. The society was made up of women, “who idolized their children, worshipped their husbands, and esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering angels” (Chopin 16). Life was very difficult for Edna under these circumstances. “To a certain extent The Awakening shows Edna at the mercy of a patriarchal husband, a ...

Don Giovanni 2
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... Don Giovanni, we must understand his views on women and his views on himself. He is an arrogant man who tries to sleep with as many women as he possibly can. He sees women as majestic, charming, but will show love to them only if they fall for his intensive courting abilities. While trying to seduce Donna Anna, she summons her father, the Commendatore, who rushes to her defense. The two begin in a duel in which Don Giovanni slays the old man. Upon seeing her dead father, Donna Anna and her fiancé, Don Ottavio vows death as the only revenge. The next morning Leporello and Giovanni run into a celebration a young couple that is going to be married. The coup ...

Beowulf And Norse Mythology
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... They displayed the qualities the Vikings valued in themselves-brutality, anger, lust, humor, strength and guile.” (Cohat, 105). Inevitably the whole religion as well as the people who practiced it are doomed to destruction. The gods were created by their worshipers, and were therefore very much like the Norsemen. The gods and humans had very close relations and were even thought of as companions (Cohat 10). No one had complete control over the other. If a god did not perform to a worshipers expectation, then the human would not hold back, but turn away from the god, abuse him, or even kill the priest involved! This made the gods even more like the huma ...

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