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Essays on English

Chamberlain And Fabri: Strong Advocates
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... (1836-1914) and Friedrich Fabri, (1824-1892) are two examples of strong advocates. A Speech to the West Birmingham Relief Association, was given by wealthy manufacturer, Joseph Chamberlain, at a meeting called to discuss widespread unemployment and hard times in Birmingham on January 22, 1894. A former mayor of Birmingham, he was an advocate of many social reforms geared toward aiding the working class. In addition to his service as mayor, he became a member of the British Parliament in 1876.2 Friedrich Fabri, author of an extremely popular short story entitled Bedarf Deutschland der Kolonien?, (Translation: Does Germany Need Colonies?), was a long t ...

Contrast In Do Not Weep, Maide
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... They didn't see the millions of men who were wounded and probably wished that they were dead. Yet, they still thought that they understood what the war was about and what exactly was going on. The soldiers did see that, and more, everyday, everynight, never to not be faced with it. The phrase "war is kind" is mentioned several times throught out the poem, which is not what most people would use to describe the war. That is probably the reason that the certain phrase was used. By saying that war is kind, it made the reader think, really think, about why would Crane use that phrase about the war. The reader then would figure out that the war wasn't kind, and ...

Franny And Zooey: Franny
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... of prestige or fame-doesn’t mean that [she was] not as egotistical and self seeking as everybody else.”(Salinger, 149) Instead of looking for the positive qualities in others, she made a generalization that all people are egotistical and self-seeking. Additionally, she “raved and bitched about the stupidity of [her] audiences [and their] unskilled laughter.”(Salinger, 199) Despite the fact that the audiences were supporting Franny by watching her perform, she insists all audiences are stupid. Franny’s religious quest caused her to view her surroundings pessimistically. Franny was worried by her questions concerning religion. These q ...

Ah, Woe Is Me
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... is working now, and how she is taking care of Sarah. The narrator offers her some clothes and some money and invites her inside for a cup of tea. When she is about to leave, she starts crying and can only mutter that her mother is very ill. Unsure of what to do, the narrator hands her a handkerchief. B) An Essay About the Text: The setting in this story is South Africa in the 1950's. Apartheid and segregation are words that describe the conditions under which the blacks (the native Africans) live perfectly. The blacks nearly have no rights and must accept being oppressed by the whites. Sarah is only one of many poor blacks who only just manages to earn a livi ...

A Winter Storm
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... bunched into a corner, huddled together to keep warm, their breath coming in large white plumes as they exhale. They too feel the storm approaching. The stock tank, half full of water, is frozen solid. It seems as if the whole world is frozen and still. The wind picks up, howling like a wild banshee, blowing a sheet of snow across the yard. The storm is here. I pull the collar of my coat up a little higher and hunch my shoulders against the wind. Snowflakes begin to fall from the leaden sky, silently, making the air shimmer with their beauty. I try to hurry but the deep snowdrifts beneath my feet and the relentless wind slow my progress. As I trudge onw ...

Edgar Allen Poe
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... tradition. Daniel Hoffman reiterates Allan Tate's position that, aside from his atavistic employment of moral terminology, Poe writes as though "Christianity had never been invented." (Hoffman 171) Poe did offer to posterity one tale with a moral. Written in 1841 at the dawn of Poe's most creative period, Poe delivers to his readers a satirical spoof, a literary Bronx cheer to writers of moralistic fiction, and to critics who expressed disapprobation at finding no discernible moral in his works. The tale "Never Bet the Devil Your Head: A Tale with a Moral" presents Poe's "way of staying execution" (Poe 487) for his transgressions against the didactics. The story ...

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... illegitimate son, it is Grigory and Marfa who take the boy in, baptize him, and decide to raise the child. The townspeople mistakenly credit Fyodor for taking the dead woman's child into his house. All of these disturbing actions on the part of Fyodor are cause for his punishment. While Fyodor neglected his fatherly duties to his other three sons, to this fourth, he rejects them completely. He finds the controversy around the mystery of the boy's conception amusing. He employs his own son as one of his servants, as his "lackey." Although incredible attention to detail is paid to the story of Lizaveta, Dostoevsky waits to speak of the boy himself. It ...

The Nobel Savage In The Last O
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... Levy). The Hurons who fought for the French were led by the most evil and barbarous leader by the name of Magua who's goal was to seek revenge upon William Henry for the British killing his family and making his reputation to be lower than the flies. Magua was about to kill the two women when the Mohicans jumped in a saved them. Magua escaped. The Mohicans took upon the duty of escorting Alice and Cora safety to there father only out of good will. During the escort to Fort Henry they stopped at a cave to rest the delicate feet of the two women. During the night they were attacked by Magua and his tribe of savages who were shooting at them from across t ...

Gimple The Fool
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... Gimpel gives his own reason when he says, "What did my foolishness consist of? I was easy to take in" (Singer 1071). He says this meaning that anything that someone says to him he believes to be the truth, no matter how outlandish it may be. His life was full of lies that people told him and it made no difference how many times he was made a fool, he still let on that he believed them. One example, and the one where he vows never to be taken in again, is when a student came by his bakery and yelled to him that the Messiah has come. They claimed his parents were standing at their graves waiting for him to come and Gimpel, although not believing a bit of it, ...

Comentary For English
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... in case i breath and by saying four little letters stand for so much". A for alone I for ignorance D for death S for suspicion Personel Choice because he or she made a choice to trust people in the blood transfusion and because of that mistake the person got the deadly disease called AIDS . He or she made the choice to have the blood transfusion take place, it might be for a life or death situation and so the person had to make that decision. Like it mentions in the issue " I made a mistake, two in fact, a blood transfusion and I trusted people I'm different now, I don't make mistakes anymore. after all, life's too short. Isn't it? ". The socie ...

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