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Decartes Vs. Russell On Whether The Self Is An Object And The Mind Stability
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... you are perceiving green, and the next second you could be perceiving blue. Russell says that it could be a different self for every new sequence of data. Sense data to Russell are things like greenness or smoothness or cold. Descartes says that it's not the self that changing. It's only the perceptions in the conscience. I sway towards Descartes on this issue. I don't see the logic in the self changing for every new sense of data. If this was true , wouldn't every other object we looked at be new to us? Descartes argument for existing is much more believable, for the simple fact that if we think anything we must exist. I think are minds do have stability. ...

How Is The Greek Idea Of A Sound Mind And Body Essential For The Successful Characters Of The Odyssey?
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... this reason he makes his life difficult. Yet, Later on he matures and gains a sound mind. Telemachos certainly has a sound body. Menelaos says of how “ amazes me quite, how this young man(Telemachos) looks exactly like Odysseus, strong and mighty”{page 47}. Yet, he is criticized by others, for the reason that he does not have a sound mind. In an attempt to stand his ground, in front of the council he breaks down into tears. Antinoos says “Telemachos you are a boaster, and you don't know how to keep your temper!”{page 24}. Telemachos made an attempt to express his valid point of view, and does so, but fails to convince the council. He breaks down in tears, showi ...

Huckleberry Finn - Superstition
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... when you've lost a horseshoe that you've found, instead of nailing it up over the door, but I hadn't ever heard anybody say it was any way to keep of bad luck when you'd killed a spider."(Twain 5). In chapter four Huck sees Pap's footprints in the snow. So Huck goes to Jim to ask him why Pap is here. Jim gets a hair-ball that is the size of a fist that he took from an ox's stomach. Jim asks the hair-ball; Why is Pap here? But the hair-ball won't answer. Jim says it needs money, so Huck gives Jim a counterfeit quarter. Jim puts the quarter under the hair-ball. The hair-ball talks to Jim and Jim tells Huck that it says. "Yo'ole father doan' know yit what he's a-gwyne ...

A Farewell To Arms
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... the ships the army was traveling on and running away from the army. This symbolism was the water that he jumped into was a symbolism of the new, clean life that he was going to live from now on. At this time, Henry goes off and finds his wife to be. The plot in A Farewell to Arms was always active. They were never staying in one place too long. It had a very good story line, which was a love story that ended up in a tragedy. The main character's wife got pregnant and she was off to have her baby when problems started occurring. They had to have a caesarean, and the baby dies, and when the mother of the child starts to hemorrhage Henr ...

Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
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... could be called an active hero while Sir Gawain plays the part of a passive hero, but still a hero nonetheless. Beowulf has one duty: he must fight and win. If he succeeds, he is a hero; if he fails he is simply a failure (except when he fails at defeating the dragon because he has already proved himself and goes with honor, which is different from initially failing). In the last lines of the story the author clearly acknowledges Beowulf’s overall triumph, "Telling stories of their dead king and his greatness, his glory, praising him for heroic deeds, for a life as noble as his name." Sir Gawain on the other hand is deemed a hero but seems to lack some ...

A View From The Bridge
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... manages though to get a few bites in the form of flying fish and dolphin of which he would like to have salt on. This part of the story tells of a cold and harsh sea, that is, one that has value and mystery as well as death and danger. It has commercial value as well as the population of life in it. It is dark and treacherous though, and every day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal pool with life called `Cannery Road'. This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of biblical themes. On the day bef ...

Crime And Punishment Dream Ana
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... conflicts between his dark and hateful mind and his conscience. His mind drives him to murder and inflates his ego to make him feel as an “extraordinary man.” On the other hand, his conscience struggles to hinder these violent motives. Raskolinov’s mind is at battle with itself in a conflict of morals and corruption that is manifested into the dream of the mare. Dostoevsky uses the dream as evidence of Raskolinov’s psychic illness. Raskolinov can be identified as all of the characters in his dream: Mikolka, the jeering crowd, the beaten horse, and the innocent child. Raskolinov’s confusion and obvious bewilderment is evident as he dreams of a mare being ...

The Lives Of Confucius And Guatama Siddhartha
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... named Ch'iu, meaning ‘hill', because he had a very large bump on his head. This name has rarely been used because of the Chinese way of showing “reverence by avoidance”. (Encyclopedia Americana, v. 7; 540) K'ung Futzu was what was used. The name got Latinized and it became Confucius. Ever since Confucius' birth, he was a great student. All throughout his childhood Confucius liked to play religious and cultural roles. By the age of 15, Confucius began to take his studies very seriously. He was a diligent and studious learner and put forth his whole effort on his studies. Nothing is known about his educators or his education. Confucius started work at an earl ...

Romeo And Juliet - Mercutio
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... it is simply another example of Romeo's lovesick whims. Romeo tries to explain to Mercutio that it is based upon a very disturbing dream, and Mercutio passes that off as silly, telling him that "Dreamers often lie." Here he is not saying that Romeo himself is a liar, but that people should put no faith in dreams. But Romeo is insistent; dreamers lie "in bed asleep, they do dream things true" (I, iv, 52). This suddenly launches Mercutio into a speech that alters the entire pace of the scene. Up to now, the conversation has been typical of a group of people walking through the streets-short phrases, a generally relaxed mood. With Mercutio's words, "O, then I ...

Lord Of The Flies
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... are hidden in everyone. Secondly, the break up in the tribe also enforces this point. They break up because, for many, they do not want to be civilized. By the mislead from Jack, they have escaped from what they used to be, to a world of killing, and evil, in another word, the evil sector of them had been released. This event shows how evils are present for all humans, and are waiting for the right chance to be released. Furthermore, looking at how Jack had changed it clearly states that evil is present in all. As an example, Jack had changed totally from what used to be a regular boy, into total savagery. If without landing in this topical island, I believe ...

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