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Essays on English

Parataxis Of Homer
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... they sacked the city and set sail for home, but on the voyage home they offended Athene, who let loose an evil tempest and tall waves against them. Then all the rest of his excellent companions perished, but the wind and the current carried him here and here they drove him.” The original conversation between Hermes and Kalypso had little to do with Odysseus’s journey. Hermes in lines 97 to 115 tells Kalypso that Odysseus’s fate lie not on the island, but back home in Ithaka. The parataxis interrupts the line of conversation to inform the reason why Odysseus arrives here. It gives a glimpse the span of Odysseus’s journey and the fate of his companions b ...

A Passage To India
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... later develops an admiration for them and finally he again develops ill feelings and hatred toward the English. In the genesis of the novel Dr. Aziz truly resents the British Raja in India. He feels that they can be conniving, malicious and deceptive. Dr. Aziz, along with his friends, meticulously discusses these details over dinner at Hammidulah's house. During this conversation Dr. Aziz states his estimation of how the British have become malicious stating, "I give any Englishman two years… And I give any English woman six months." They also conferred on the likelihood of the British accepting bribes and mistreating their positions. Dr. Aziz's views ...

Darkness At Noon
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... is in fact more interested in wiping out these ideas which can act as seeds taking root in future generations. Then it is in punishing people. During this entry Rubashov makes no attempt but rather feels that everything shall be sorted out by history. But for him the most painful of all of his sacrifices, was his surrendering of in his secretary and lover, Arlova. Rubashov suffered much as he antagonized over weather this was in fact the correct choice to be made. The pain felt by Rubashov over this decision was amplified by his witnessing his old friend being taken much the same way as Avolora. After finishing this book I was amazed at how I did not feel a ...

The Sniper
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... is shot against the parapet of the roof. Just as he raised his himself cautiously over the railing of the roof another bullet whizzed by him, just missing his head. Soon he sees a tank commander and a women informer pointing out his location on the roof, he first takes out the tank commander, followed by the old lady that is giving the information. Suddenly from the opposite side there is a flutter of bullets that come from the opposite side of the street. The psychological effects on suggest the horror of war. ’s feeling of excitement shows a lack of concern for other people. ’s fanaticism is known when it mentioned that he had not eaten because ...

Great Gatsby
Download This PaperWords: 1880 - Pages: 7

... of prestige in the rich East Egg. Jay Gatsby believes he can buy happiness and this is show through his house, his clothes, and through Daisy. He owns a large portion of finances due to some mysterious source of wealth, and he uses this mystery source to buy his house, his clothes, and Daisy. Gatsby's house, as Fitzgerald describes it, is "a factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool and more than forty acres of lawn and garden" (Fitzgerald 9). This house, as Fitzgerald fabulously enlightens to, is an immaculate symbol of Gatsby's incalculable income. "The ...

Madness In Yellow Wallpaper
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... her husband, and the idea that the main character has clinical schizophrenia. Additionally, this paper will examine the parallels of Gilman’s true-life experiences as compared to those of the main character. The beginning emphasis will be on the interaction and roles of the husband and wife in “The Yellow Wallpaper”, which are based on the male dominated times of the late 1800’s. The main character, a woman whose name is never revealed, tells us of the mental state of mind she is under and how her husband and his brother, both physicians, dismiss it. "You see, he does not believe I am sick! And what can one do? If a physician of high standing, and one's own husban ...

Oates' "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?": Arnold Fiend
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... Oates does make Arnold out to be a psychopathic stalker, but never objectively states the diabolical nature to his character. In “Connie's Tambourine Man”, a critical essay on the story, the authors write about Arnold Friend: “There are indeed diabolical shades to Arnold just as Blake and Shelley could see Milton's Satan a positive, attractive symbol of the poet, the religious embodiment of creative energy, so we should also be sensitive to Arnold's multifaceted and creative nature”(Tierce and Crafton 608). Mike Tierce and John Michael Crafton suggest that Arnold Friend is not a diabolical figure, but instead a religious and cultural savior. On a more realisti ...

Iliad As A Dictate Of The Fath
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... line begins, “Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus’ son Achilleus…” (1, 1). With the opening we see how important the father’s name is in describing the identity of the hero. The same occurs in the lines to follow, “…Atreus’ son the lord of men…” (1, 7). In this line the name Agamemnon is not even mentioned, even though it introduces the hero for the first time. The fact that he is the son of Atreus provides enough information for the audience. Genealogy has the power to cease battle between enemies. Such is the case when Diomedes, challenged by Glaukos on the battlefield, questions him of his descent. After Glaukos has given the full story of his ancestry ...

Black Like Me
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... trip was financed by the internationally distributed Negro magazine Sepia in exchange for the right to print excerpts from the finished product. After three weeks in the Deep South as a black man John Howard Griffin produced a 188-page journal covering his transition into the black race, his travels and experiences in the South, the shift back into white society, and the reaction of those he knew prior his experonce the book was published and released. John Howard Griffin began this novel as a white man on October 28, 1959 and became a black man (with the help of a noted dermatologist) on November 7. He entered black society in New Orleans through his contact Ste ...

Tell Tale Heart Critical Analy
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... the normal realm of reason shared by those who are in their right mind. This is not so; guilt is an emotion shared by all humans. The most demented individuals are not above the feeling of guilt and the havoc it causes to the psyche. Poe’s use of setting, character, and language reveal that even an insane person feels guilt. Therein lies the theme to The Tell Tale Heart: The emotion of guilt easily, if not eventually, crashes through the seemingly unbreakable walls of insanity. On the surface, the physical setting of The Tell Tale Heart is typical of the period and exceedingly typical of Poe. The narrator and the old man live in an old, dark house ...

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