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The Lady With The Dog - Anton
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... Anna, in the gardens. “If she is here alone without a husband or friends, it wouldn’t be amiss to make her acquaintance.” He stated of her. In the character of Dmitri, Chekhov gives a man who seems to despise women; “he almost always spoke ill of women…” However, I believe that this was an act that he showed. “When he was in the company of women he felt free, and knew what to say to them and how to behave; and he was at ease with them even when he was silent.” If Gurov regarded women as the “lower race” than why was he only at rest when in their company? In truth I think that he liked women, ...

A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner
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... could have happened to this poor woman. Through the years her father would run off her guy friends and she began not having a social life. After her father's death she met a man named Homer Barron and began to go out a little. The town people were happy for her because they now seen her a little more and it was better than to be in a old house all the time. Emily began to think that some day she and Homer would marry, and when things went wrong she poisoned him. As time passed people began to wonder, and a smell began developing. Although the smell was hitting everyone in the town, no one said anything, instead they sprinkled lime all over her house. Emily ...

Native American Literature
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... aspects within them demonstrating what is like. “The Walam Olum” is a creative story brought to us by the Delaware Native American tribe. It is a myth that demonstrates their love for Earth, nature and their surroundings. This account shows Delaware beliefs on how the world was created and how life began. Each Manito, which is a god of evil or good creations, is what the Delaware felt created life and its methods. The actual writing of the myth is in short descriptive phrases, leaving out any unnecessary words or clauses. It speaks as if Earth and Nature are people, a part of their kin. The Delaware use detailed characteristics to describe the universe t ...

Macbeth 2
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... her husband to convince him to do the deed. When it's set in his head what's to be done, Macbeth on his way to Duncan's chamber, sees a bloody dagger floating in the air before him. Do his eyes deceive him? Is it real? He is unnerved but it does not take away his resolve to kill the king. His desire for the crown is stronger than knowing what is right. Macbeth kills Duncan and is wracked with regret, fear, guilt, sorrow. This time he hears voices saying he has murdered sleep. He comes into his own chamber to his wife, bloodied and wailing and falling apart. He cannot believe what he has done. He obviously is not truly evil at heart but this 'milk of human kindness' ...

Great Expectations - Mrs. Joe
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... the tyrant for which Joe is made helpless. Joe, unless he is a scared character, does not recognize the friend he has in Pip. Without Joe as a major role in Pip's life, Pip also seems very incomplete. Second, Mrs. Joe also serves as the comical interlude of an otherwise sombre story. "When she had exhausted a torrent of such inquiries, she threw a candlestick at Joe, burst into a loud sobbing, got out the dustpan -- which was always a very bad sign -- put on her coarse apron, and began cleaning up to a terrible extent. Not satisfied with a dry cleaning, she took to a pail and scrubbing-brush, and cleaned us out of house and home,..." Truly, a frightening creature is ...

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... creates a story that almost completely parallels the history of the Russian revolution. Although I do think this is a great book I believe it has some flaws. One of the major flaws with the writing of this book is that if the reader does not have any prior knowledge of the Russian revolution then he will surely miss most of the important aspects of the book. I do not think Orwell took into account his audience when he wrote this book. He must have known that not everyone who would read his great work of literature would not know well the complete history of the Russian Revolution. Taking this idea into account, I think he could have somehow made it po ...

The Tradegy Of The Commons
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... The essay states the necessity for the population growth to near or become 0 (where births per year equal deaths per year). There is no prosperous population that has and has had a growth rate or zero. The comparison that the essay uses that of the commons to the earth. The common is a pasture that is open to herdsmen with cattle. At first the commons are fine because there are not enough herdsmen or cattle to approach the carrying capacity or the land. However after a while the carrying capacity of the land is achieved. The herdsman thinks to himself "what would happen if I added 1 more cow?" There is both a positive and a negative result to the herdsm ...

The Hamlet In Me
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... the events that follow in the play. Hamlet must devise a plan to take revenge for his father and bring to justice all the people who have marred the situation. Though the church mandates through its moral code that Hamlet not take revenge, Hamlet tries to find the worst fate for his devious uncle possible: "Now might I do it, now he is a-praying, And now I'll do't and so he goes to heave…When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, or in th' incestuous pleasure of his bed…Then trip him…And that his soul may be as damned and black As hell, whereto it goes" (3.4.77-100). Hamlet finally gains the nerve to kill his uncle, but sheaths his sword when he realizes that ...

Oedipa Has No Goal Just As The Hair Spray Can Has No Aim
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... though it does not know where it is going. Oedipa starts traveling around San Narciso but she does not have a destination. She is being fueled by something inside her just as the can was. The stuff inside Oedipa that sends her around San Narciso is her curiosity. Her curiosity in the meaning of the Tristero and the meaning of W.A.S.T.E. are what sends her around San Narciso. She does not know where she is going but she will go until her fuel runs out just like the can. Oedipa travels around the city of San Narciso without a real destination. She will get temporary destinations but no final destination. The can does not have any real destination either. The ...

Macbeth 3
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... careers and earn as much money as men. Medical technology has also made great advances since the early 1900s. We have discovered vaccinations for many otherwise fatal diseases and the human life expectancy has extended. Civilization seems to be progressing even more as we move through the century. Since the World Wars, North America has remained relatively peaceful. The United Nations has sought to keep the peace throughout the world, with many successes and there are numerous charity groups and nonprofit organizations that are trying to make the world a better place. Society has also become more open to the lifestyles of others. Very recently same-sex marriage ...

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