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Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
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... his acceptance of all nature as God's creation. It is impossible to believe that Coleridge was not thinking of the mysterious wind that blows on the Mariner, without any awareness of the wind as a Biblical symbol of the Holy Spirit. Coleridge could also not associate the murder of the albatross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The reader is told that the Polar Spirit "loved the bird that loved the man who shot him with his bow." It is doubtful that someone with Coleridge’s Christian background and faith could fail to see here an analogy with God who loved his son who loved the men that killed him (Gardner 169). Another example of symbolism is the fac ...

Doped Up Or Deep Thinker
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... and "The Wild Whore Laughs" all contain wonderful images and great use of language. Concentrating less on form and more on the content, Morrison's poetry takes the reader on journeys through the depths of his imagine and the tortures of his soul. After reading this book, it was very clear that Morrison thought and felt on a different level than the majority of people around him. Whether he was demented or a genius depends on the reader's point of view. In "Moonlight Drive" Morrison speaks of taking a girl on a moonlight drive and the images he uses takes the reader to the moon, different worlds, and the ocean. Let's swim to the moon Let's climb thru t ...

Heatcliffe Vs. Hamlet
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... Edgar and Catherine's rejection of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights show that justice takes place in this lifetime. Other instances like King Hamlet's ghost appearance in Hamlet, and Heathcliff and Catherine's passionate love for each other in Wuthering Heights shows that a higher form of justice still prevails, even beyond the grave. Although the two novels portray higher form of justice taking place, Hamlet is a better representation of it then Wuthering Heights. Evidence is given in both books about justice taking place in this lifetime without the use of any special courts or authorities, but it is better represented in Hamlet. Claudius and Polonius are shown as ...

Bartleby The Scrivener-the Mea
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... work is done in the afternoon. He was a very nervous and anxious man who had to take all of his anxiety out in the short period of time in the morning. He had to do this before he could concentrate and settle down to do his work. Unlike Turkey he did not need the alcohol to have these two sides to his personality. This was just part of his own personal existence. When the narrator hires Bartleby he is thinking and hoping that this is a man who can work at his best for the whole day. Nippers and Turkey might be here therefore to show us that the narrator is going to have the same problems with Bartleby. Nippers and Turkey also give us something to compare Bartelby ...

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... name, we can only guess. His father, Iapetus was also a mighty Titan, one of the first Titans. His mother, Clymene, was a beautiful nymph from the deep trenches of the oceans of the world. (Hodge, 352) The story of his birth is rather sketchy, most books just outline the story of Iapetus and Clymene being madly in love with each other, and having a son, and naming him . He had a brother who was named Atlas. (Encyclopedia Americana, 576) (Picture taken from Microsoft Encarta, 1998) isn’t really in charge of anything, except bringing fire to mankind and creation on man. When responsibilities were handed out, was left out, possibly because he was a Titan, no one re ...

Humiliation For Humbleness?
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... cheekes.' … convicted of blasphemy … was ordered "to stand in pillory, have his head and hand put in & have his toung drawne forth out of his mouth, & peirct through with a hott iron.' … pleaded guilty to adultery … ordered 'fifteen stripes Severally to be laid upon her naked back at the Common Whipping post." These were several examples Jacoby provided. Currently, we as a society, read about these situations and we are appalled. Even if he or she is guilty, the citizens of this country cannot stand for this kind of punishment. This type of punishment is believed to be barbaric. We are civilized and mature, we are able to correct these criminals with other non ...

To Kill A Mockingbird - Injust
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... His side of the story was not believed because he was black, which really shows the amount of injustice during the time the novel was set in. Through the whole trial, he did not retaliate at the white people, he did not get mad because he was improperly accused, he just showed the level of respect which everyone deserves. He handled the injustice with a manner reserved only for gentlemen, which is a good description of what he really was. The third person to suffer injustice in the novel was Boo Radley. Many accusations were claimed about him even though they were untrue. Just because he didn't leave his house, people began to think something was wrong. Boo wa ...

Cloudstreet, Tim Winton
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... change over a period of twenty years, while living with each other. Unfortunately, both moves coincided with different family disaster’s. For the Lamb’s, the unfortunate event takes place in the form of the near drowning of Samson, or as he is better known as Fish. While for the Pickles, it occurs with the loss of Sam’s (the father’s) fingers in a fishing accident. The reader can relate these events it to the biblical story of ‘Samson,’ and how he gained his strength through his hair. Meaning that by losing some of their strengths, (like Samson’s hair cut,) both Sam’s where able to gain new insights and opportunities. For Sam Pickles, this meant the move into th ...

Was It Heaven Or Hell
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... matter of morals and conduct their training had been so uncompromisingly strict that it had made them exteriorly austere, not to say stern. Their influence was effective in the house; so effective that the mother and the daughter conformed to its moral and religious requirements cheerfully, contentedly, happily, unquestionably. To do this was become second nature to them. And so in this peaceful heaven there were no clashings, no irritations, no fault-finding, no heart-burnings. In it a lie had no place. In it a lie was unthinkable. In it speech was restricted to absolute truth, iron-bound truth, implacable and uncompromising truth, let the resulting consequenc ...

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... individuals are confronted with a variety of social problems”(Kim 7). A person may watch a loved one battle cancer, suspect a friend of having bulimia, or he/she may struggle daily with depression (Kim 7). The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that as many as 17 million Americans each year suffer from depression. About one in twenty-five of these sufferers is under the age of 18, and one in seven women will experience depression in her lifetime. The illness strikes regardless of age, gender, class, culture, or ethnic background (Kim 9). The occurrence and distribution of depression in a population may be related to a variety of factors. Suc ...

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