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Essays on English

The Catcher In The Rye Is Hold
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... against the world, and despises the fakeness of it. Mainly he hates people. He thinks that rich people are crooks, and that the more expensive the school is that he's attending, the more crooks there are. He says when he goes to visit Mr. Spencer that he's not too crazy about sick people. He doesn't like how Catholics stick together and he doesn't like intellectuals. He hates the phoniness of people and says, "it drives me crazy. It makes me so depressed I go crazy. He calls the athletes bastards, and just about everybody else a moron. On his way out of Pencey he yells, "Sleep tight, ya morons." And rather than referring to a person as 'that guy' or 't ...

Semiotics And Intertextuality
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... sharing topics with treatments within other genres (the theme of war is found in a range of genres such action-adventure film, documentary, news, current affairs). Some genres are shared by several media: the genres of soap, game show and phone-in are found on both television and radio; the genre of the news report is found on TV, radio and in newspapers; the advertisement appears in all mass media forms. Texts sometimes allude directly to each other as in 'remakes' of films, and in many amusing contemporary TV ads. Texts in the genre of the trailer are directly tied to specific texts within or outside the same medium. The genre of the programme listing exists wit ...

Slips Of Fate -the Lottery
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... be a normal and ordinary place with its inhabitants meeting in a square with festival like intentions. However, the villagers know fully that when the drawing is over, one person in the community will die. Nonetheless, it is tradition. The atmosphere is casual yet anxious. Tessie Hutchinson arrives late because she “clean forgot” what day it is. It seems impossible to the reader that anyone would forget a day like lottery day. Her procrastination is logical but her excuse is lame. Mrs. Dunbar tells her son, “I wish they’d hurry.” Her anxiousness seems due to dread. She wants the dreaded hour over and done with. However, Mr. Sum ...

Catcher In The Rye - Chapter Summaries
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... room. Old Spencer explains to him why he had to fail him (because he knew nothing). He asks if he had seen Dr. Thurmer (the head guy at pencey) and holden tells him yeah and that he told him about how life was a game. Spencer plainly tells holden that thurmer is right. Then Spencer reads holden's paper he wrote about some egyption crap and aloudly reads the note that holden had written to him at the end of it. Spencer asks him if he's thought about his future. Then holden tells spencer that he has to go to the gym and says goodbye not feeling one bit like he was getting the hell out of pencey. Chapter three: *Holden reveals how much of a lyar he is. ...

People And Their Strange Habits
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... I went out with a group of friends for dinner. While drinking a bottle of Corona, my attention was shifted to my close friend, Kenny. I caught Kenny tapping his mug of beer 3 consecutive times with his index finger before taking a drink. A few minutes surpassed and he repeated this act again. I also looked at my watch to discover that this habit of his occurred every 3 minutes. I was astounded. Kenny was not only tapping his beer but also repeated this action at the same time span. I wanted to question Kenny about this enigmatic tendency except I was afraid of offending him. Several nights later, I decided to question him about this unusual doing. ...

The Transcendentalist
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... but when in nature, knowledge is needed in order to survive. Chris McCandless talks about last minute suggestions with an Alaskan resident about surviving in the wild, "He peppered Gallien with thoughtful questions about the kind of small game that live in the country, the kind of berries he could eat…" (Krakauer 5). The philosophy requires the use of minimal technology; but in the wild, will prove fatal. Jon Krakauer describes Chris's gear going into the Alaskan int ...

The Killer Angels
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... commander Robert E. Lee, whom Shaara portrays as pious, aging and brave, but also stubborn and dangerously confident; General James Longstreet who favored more cautious tactics; almost fanatical general George Pickett. In the Union army Shaara ignores the Union commander, General George Meade, instead he talks in detail about Colonel Joshua Chamberlain and cavalry commander General John Buford. Probably the best way to write about a battle is to tell it as the men who fought it saw it--and that's just what Shaara does in this, brilliantly written novel. Michael Shaara also finds time, among the strategies and tactics, to offer some insights into the nature of men (K ...

Short Stories By Hemingway: Nick Adams
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... a pen knife and fishing leader and with no anesthesia for the woman, it was hard not to be. In the process of the woman giving birth, the husband of the woman could not bear the pain he was feeling for his wife and decided to cut his throat. Nick witnessed life and death first hand in this story. Nick who has observed the proceedings asks, "Is dying hard, Daddy? Nick learns that giving birth to a child is a very grueling task and that death can come very easy to any man or woman without much effort. Another experience of death that Nick encounters is in the story of The Killers. Nick decided to go into a local café to get something to eat, and before he ...

Into The Wild
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... he met on the roads of his travels- they are the ones who became his road family. McCandless, an intelligent child to say the least, was frustrated with orders by anyone. He wanted to do things his way or no way and he does this throughout his life. Whether it was getting an F in physics because he refused to write lab reports a certain way (an F was something that was never on McCandless report card) or not listening to advice from his parents to the extreme of leaving society to go erness, McCandless definitely was not a follower. His parents were told by one of his teachers at an early age that Chris "marched to the beat of his own drummer". Chr ...

Summertime Blues
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... deeply in love with a woman. The woman used by Shakespeare is consistent throughout his sonnets, but no one is quite sure of the woman's identity. An expert on Shakespearian sonnets, Katherine Duncan-Jones, states "one sixth of the sonnets are addressed to the dark lady-and these can be seen as brutally defiant of Petrarchanism, yet the history of criticism is strewn with failed attempts to determine the identity of this mystery woman" (Hadfield). He starts off his sonnet by implanting an image in our head of a summer day. A summer day triggers a scene that flashes in our head of children playing and the sun shining, basically a carefree day where everything is ...

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