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Essays on English

Comparison Between Virginia Wo
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... in literary criticism aswell, “No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation to the dead poets and artists. You cannot value him alone; you must set him, for contrast and comparison, among the dead. I mean this as a principle of aesthetic, not merely historical, criticism.” He goes on to analogise the poetic process to the scientific experiment. Whilst it is tempting to see this as a negation of the creative process. Eliot’s later remarks lead us irresistibly to think in terms of the earlier alchemists and their somewhat romantic mystical aura rather than some ...

Philosophy In Practice
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... first the teacher will have the students read the text by themselves, then he/she will define any strange or outdated language used in the text. Often with Shakespeare students find the use of the King’s English confusing and therefore do not understand the piece. Once the terms used are understood, the teacher can ask students to read sections aloud that they may hear how the words flow together. Then two or more students are chosen to act out the section with some minimal movement. This added blocking creates the idea that the dialogue motivates the actions. When doing this type of activity it is best to employ a combination of two different teaching phil ...

Machiavelli - Human Nature
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... condition.3 Though humanists of Machiavelli's time believed that an individual had much to offer to the well being of the state, Machiavelli was quick to mock human nature. Humanists believed that "An individual only 'grows to maturity- both intellectually and morally- through participation' in the life of the state."4 Machiavelli generally distrusted citizens, stating that " time of adversity, when the state is in need of it's citizens there are few to be found."5 Machiavelli further goes on to question the loyalty of the citizens and advises the Prince that "...because men a wretched creatures who would not keep their word to you, you need keep your word ...

18th Century Poem Analysis
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... here are of outstanding quality. However, his poem did fail to convince Arabella to résumé her engagement to Lord Petre. Most of Pope's efforts here were written with time. Now, Keats has romantically serenaded his reader with descriptive lust and desire, which can be compared with popes' efforts by the difference in eighteenth century literature and romantic poems, their descriptive natures and ideas they portray to the reader through their writing. Pope has written an eighteenth-century poem which he calls, "An Hero-Comical Poem." This poem has exalted an over all sense of worthlessness for common rules. The mentionin ...

Animal Farm
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... Mr. Jones' "Manor Farm". The animals congregate at a meeting led by the prize white boar, Major. Major points out to the assembled animals that no animal in England is free. He further explains that the products of their labor is stolen by man, who alone benefits. Man, in turn, gives back to the animals the bare minimum which will keep them from starvation while he profits from the rest. The old boar tells them that the source of all their problems is man, and that they must remove man from their midst to abolish tyranny and hunger. Days later Major dies, but the hope and pride which he gave the other animals does not die. Under the leadership of the pigs, t ...

Great Expectations And Oliver
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... my face ignominously shoved against the wall, because I did not answer those questions at sufficient length."2 While at the orphanage, Oliver from Oliver Twist also experienced a great amount of abuse. For example, while suffering from starvation and malnutrition for a long period of time, Oliver was chosen by the other boys at the orphanage to request more gruel at dinner one night. After making this simple request, "the master (at the orphanage) aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle."3 The whole beginning of Oliver Twist's story was created from memories which related to Charles Dickens' childh ...

The Beginnings Of A National Literary Tradition
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... literary thought. This group, affectionately known as ‘The Confederation Poets', consisted of four main authors: Charles G.D. Roberts, Bliss Carman, Duncan Campbell Scott, and Archibald Lampman. The Poets ofConfederation "established what can legitimately be called the first distinct "school" of Canadian poetry"(17, Keith). The term ‘The Poets of Confederation' is a misnomer since not one of these poets/authors was more than ten years old when the Dominion of Canada was formed in 1867. However, all of these writers were aware of the lack of a distinctive Canadian literary tradition and they made efforts to create one for their successors. While each of these ...

It Is Human Nature To Strive For Success And Personal Achievement
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... country and create a sense of nationalism. Then you give your subjects the desire for profit and personal gain. Mix that together in a pot and you get a hearty bowl of Imperialism soup. Back in the early 1900's, Germany, Europe and France were highly imperialistic. There was one problem to there imperialistic minds. They all wanted a piece of the same land. That land was Morocco. All three of these countries wanted it, but only one of them could control it. This created conflict between these countries. Imperialism isn't always a good thing. As a result of this conflict, it led up to WW1. What Hitler did with Germany is a textbook example of Nationalism pl ...

“Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl”
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... My mistress was so kind to me that I was always glad to do her bidding, and proud to labor for her as much as my young years would permit. I would sit by her side for hours, sewing diligently, with a heart as free from care as that of any free-born white child . . . (377) Linda’s mistress didn’t treat her as a slave. She freed Linda from almost all of her troubles. Linda didn’t have to worry about being yelled at or getting whipped. Linda’s mistress was almost a second mother to her. She cared for Linda and taught her the essence of learning, which was how to read and write. Linda didn’t take anything for granted while living with her mistress. Staying w ...

Machiavelli's Works
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... were many skirmishes between neighboring cities which gave citizens such as the Machiavellis a shrewd opinion of the family. In 1494 the Medici were expelled from Florence when Charles VIII of France took over. Niccolo Machiavelli, born in 1469 was elected to Secretary to the Second Chancery of the Republic of Florence. After many power shifts the Medici eventually came back into being. Machiavelli was dismissed from his position and retired to San Casciano. Being charged with conspiracy, he was tortured but then released when Giovanni de Medici was elected to the papacy. He returned to San Casciano and wrote The Prince. Machiavelli wrote The Prince to Gi ...

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