Hamlet - Soliloquies
... role. While he hates Claudius and immensely idolizes his father, Hamlet will be plagued by his low self-image, thus taking no action and contributing even more to his existing problems. In the beginning lines of this soliloquy Hamlet is already considering suicide. O that this too too solid flesh would melt,… Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world (I, ii, 135-140). Through these lines it is obvious that Hamlet is in the midst of a deep depression. He has no control over the "uses of the world." Hamlet compares Denmark to an "unwee ...
Stephen King
... them into his unique stories.
Stephen Edwin King was born in Portland, Maine, on September 21, 1947, at the Maine General Hospital. Stephen, his mother Nellie, and his adopted brother David were left to fend for themselves when Stephen’s father Donald, a Merchant Marine captain, left one day, to go the store to buy a pack of cigarettes, and never returned. His fathers leaving had a big indirect impact on King’s life. In the autobiographical work Danse Macabre, recalls how his family life was altered: "After my father took off, my mother, struggled, and then landed on her feet." My brother and I didn’t see a great deal of her over the next nine years. Sh ...
Similarities And Variations In The Writings Of Dickinson And Lawrence
... Occasionally rides;”, exhibits this form
of rhythm. Lawrence's free verse style is also a characteristic of many of his
works. His poem contains no conventional style of meter, only alternating long
and short lines which can also be witnessed in the structure of the poem.
The rhythm and the structure of these two poems directly influence one
another. Lawrence and his free verse style are reflected in the long and short
lines in his poem, whereas Dickinson's structure is more of a conventional
structure. Lawrence has no set number of lines per line or stanza. Dickinson, on
the other hand, has four lines per stanza and although no set number of words in ...
A Clean, Well-lighted Place
... intend to go off alone. They symbolize the excitement that can go on in the night between two people. The old man is around eighty years old, and does not have a wife. He doesn’t experience this type of relationship in the dark. Rather, he finds company in the clean, well-lighted café. Although the only other two people in the café at the late hour are the two waiters, the old man finds it content. The two waiters comment that although he is "A good client they knew that if he became too drunk he would leave without paying." The younger of the two waiters wants to go home. He has a wife and claims he never gets "into bed before three o ...
The Joy Luck Club 2
... a unique way to make sense of her group of loosely linked stories and ambiguous resolutions. Taoism as a tradition is concerned with conflicts and ambiguities, asserting that ambiguities themselves are significant and may point to the invisible core of life. Tan may weave elements of Taoism into the narrative to locate the "invisible core" of Chinese women's culture, of the immigrant family--and of the novel itself--within apparent conflicts or ambiguities. Tan's use of Confucianism may reveal her hypothesis of how a women's version of that patriarchal ethico-moral-ritual tradition might be passed down from mother to daughter and carried to America. Just as in the ...
... at infants, hesitating in front of toys displayed at Christmas. Quick to anger when a sharp word was flung at a child, or a woman's hold of a baby seemed awkward or careless. The worst burn she ever made was on the temple of a customer holding a child across her knees. Violet, lost in the woman's hand-patting and her knee-rocking the little boy, forgot her own hand holding the curling iron. The customer flinched and the skin discolored right away. Violet moaned her apologies and the woman was satisfied until she discovered that the whole curl was singed clean off. Skin healed, but an empty spot in her hairline… Violet had to forgo payment to shut her up.
Guy De Maupassants The Necklac
... she no longer had them. Had she just been content with what she did have, this entire conflict could have been avoided. The grass isn't alwaus greener on the other side.
When her husband came home with the dinner invitation is when I changed my perception of Mathilde. I wasn't too pleased with her in the beginning of the story but now was when I started to hate her. She had it pretty good. She had a husband that loved her and was willing to do anything to please her. Even if it meant giving up something he had been saving up for, a shotgun, just so she could feel like Cinderella for one night and get a dress that suited her needs. She was unable to stop at a dress ...
Don Quxiote
... matter over a sustained period of time one is apt to view them selves in the same light as the character of which they are enamored by. It plagues the news as high school children take arms and seek vengeance inside schools today. As the Scapegoat they place the blame on television, violent movies, and video games. Theorists and psychologists say that the harsh and abrasive nature of movies like the Matrix and Rambo are absorbed into the maturing mind of adolescence and are seen as fact. As is the case in Don Quixote where our chivalric hero takes arms after reading one to many romance novels. Every one sees the irony of Don Quixote, and enjoys it in its more obviou ...
... architecture of these columns, you incarnate insult to the English language." (p. 21) The audience’s sympathy is intensified when we see Eliza’s wretched lodgings. These lodgings are much contrasted to those of Higgins in Wimploe Street. Not only does Shaw play on the audience’s sympathy for an impoverished Eliza, but also presents her insecurity to us. In the scene with the taxi-man, she appears significantly defensive in her response concerning the cost of the cab ride. Eliza feels humiliated by the taxi-man’s sarcastic response to her. From the start of Higgins and Eliza’s relationship, Eliza is treated like a child. Higgins says to her, "If y ...
Macbeth - Influence Of Characters On Macbeth
... how a person thinks, feels and acts. Considering this, the actions of the character Macbeth must be evaluated by his personal motivations and the external causes that may have led to them. It is established from the very beginning that Macbeth is ambitious. There can be no doubt about this. A certain level of courage accompanies his ambition as well. As a noble he is an active one, fighting against the rebel hordes and Norwegians in defense of his king, no doubt for the purpose of gaining notoriety and other rewards. This is further illustrated by his gracious acceptance of credit for his deeds. He is a political figure in the highest sense, and show ambition in thi ...
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