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Ballad Of Birmingham
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... to pick up in the last couple of paragraphs to emphasize the mothers distraught on hearing the explosion and finding her child's shoe. The poem also focuses on what life was like in the sixties. It tells of black freedom marches in the South how they effected one family. It told of how our peace officers reacted to marches with clubs, hoses, guns, and jail. They were fierce and wild and a black child would be no match for them. The mother refused to let her child march in the wild streets of Birmingham and sent her to the safest place that no harm would become of her daughter. Going to church in the ghetto in Birmingham was probably the safest place a mother co ...

The Wind In The Willows By Ken
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... They developed a resentment and hostile attitude towards the upper classes. In this book, Toad most prominently exemplifies Grahame’s ideal life of leisure and freedom and subsequently has his house taken over by the rebellious working class Wild-Wooders. More importantly though, Toad exhibits many qualities, “that make him, for most readers, the most memorable figure in this book”. Yet many of these characteristics displayed by the aristocratic Toad seem to undermine the author’s attempted, “legitimizing of extreme disparities of wealth and social position” (Keefer). Toad is shown to be a very rich and prominent figure in the River Bank society. He is we ...

Things Fall Apart By Chinua Ac
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... days. He also kept on getting drunk, and that was a sign that he was depressed. This incident also had a long-term effect on Okonkwo. From then on his family would look at him as if it were his fault that Ikemefuma is dead. This episode can be seen as an event where Okonkwo looses some faith from his family. This corresponds to Okonkwo loosing faith in his father. Another important occurrence where one can see that Okonkwo’s life falls apart was when he was thrown out of the clan for a few years. From this episode one can see that Okonkwo’s hopes dreams have begun to fall apart. His hopes of being a rich and popular individual had drifted away with thi ...

Hamlet Analyzed In Terms Of Ar
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... tragedy. Aristotle states that tragedy is “an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude”(p. 22). Hamlet is an excellent example of this. The play centers around Hamlet’s quest to avenge his father’s death, this is a serious action. It is also complete in the sense that all the loose ends are tied together in a sensible, believable manner. Hamlet is able to avenge his father’s death by killing his uncle. Shakespeare also follows Aristotle’s idea of the tragedy being of a certain magnitude. The characters are supposed to be the most perfect people whom the audience can still relate to. Hamlet is a wealthy prince, ...

Around The World In Eighty Day
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... world in eighty days Fogg knew he could prove it. So after he made the bet that he could do it he was so determined the whole way that he could make the voyage. Along the way, he tried not to let anything get in the way even though the trip was delayed by slow railway systems, rescuing an Indian maharani from a burning funeral pyre and being constantly followed and spied on by a detective named Mr. Fix. One important decision Fogg makes is when he got to a train station they told him that he couldn’t go on the train for another month. He was terrified but he did not panic. He saw an elephant in town and paid an Indian a considerable amount of money to t ...

Feral Children
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... retarded when restored to human society, it is speculated that they are victims of autism who have been abandoned by their parents. The best documented account of feral children is that of the wolf children of Midnapore, India, who were dug out of a wolf den by an Anglican missionary, the Reverend J.A.L. Singh, in 1920. Singh claimed that he personally rescued the children after having seen them living with the wolves. Although the children developed some social skills and the rudiments of language, they never became completely normal, and they died young. There is, however, no way of knowing to what extend their limitations were a result of cultu ...

Huck Finn 4
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... one, the Widow Douglas tells him of Moses and the Bulrushers. He is eager to hear all about the stories of Moses until he finds out that Moses has been dead a "considerable long time." Huck tells the reader that he "don't take no stock in dead people." To him, there is no lesson in these stories unless the person is alive and is related to someone. The novel places realistic views and does not hold romantic value besides that of the character Tom Sawyer. Huck does not understand why Tom makes every task so complex yet, Huck is very admirable of Tom's ideas. Throughout the book Huck asks himself if Tom Sawyer would approve of the way he deals with certain matters. ...

Great Gatsby - Morals
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... Myrtle. Myrtle's attempt to enter into the group to which the Buchanans belong is doomed to fail. She enters the affair with Tom, hoping to adopt his way of life and be accepted into his class to escape from her own. Her class is that of the middle class. Her husband, Wilson, owns a gas station, making an honest living and trying his best to succeed in a world where everything revolves around material possessions. With her involvement in Tom's class, she only becomes vulgar and corrupt like the rich. She loses all sense of morality by hurting others in her futile attempt to join the ranks of Tom's social class. In doing so, she is leaving behind her husband who lo ...

Looking For Alibrandi
Download This PaperWords: 2853 - Pages: 11

... middle of an unknown country with nobody who spoke the same language as her. Furthermore she tells of her encounters with hardships such as snakes coming into the house! She says to Josephine on page 114, "You do not know how much I hated Australia for the first year. No friends. No people who spoke the same language as me.. they were not the good old days, Jozzie." Through the discovery of her Grandmother's past Josephine also discovers how lucky she really is to live in the time she did. Although she has her own trials because of her ethnicity, Josephine realises that these are nothing compared to the loneliness and uncertainty that Nonna Katia would have felt. S ...

The Poem Sympathy
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... might take for granted (For a slave or someone struggling to get on their feet post slavery, could not take the time to enjoy life's pleasures in which Dunbar symbolically uses nature.) Dunbar uses language that reaches out, striking a personal chord with the reader. Grass, river, or flowers may be objects we enjoy, but underprivileged people, not necessarily minorities, cannot enjoy because of social or economic circumstances. Underprivileged people may see white people doing what they enjoy and work themselves into a frustrated frenzy because try as they might, the deck is stacked against them. Ironically, the life of the caged bird is the life of the African Ame ...

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