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Essays on English

Beowulf - Norse Mythology
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... and passionate. They displayed the qualities the Vikings valued in themselves-brutality, anger, lust, humor, strength and guile." (Cohat, 105). Inevitably the whole religion as well as the people who practiced it are doomed to destruction. The gods were created by their worshipers, and were therefore very much like the Norsemen. The gods and humans had very close relations and were even thought of as companions (Cohat 10). No one had complete control over the other. If a god did not perform to a worshipers expectation, then the human would not hold back, but turn away from the god, abuse him, or even kill the priest involved! This made the gods even more ...

Act One Of Othello
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... engagement of the audience and thus create this pleasure in the spectator, a masterful piece of art or literature must contain a degree of ambiguity in its ideas. This is the reason for the social commentaries that Shakespeare includes in his work: The play commences with two characters apparently arguing over money. Shakespeare immediately sets the mood of conflict for the remainder of the play, it is important because the reader at the outset is given a choice; who to believe and who is right. Shakespeare instantly sets about creating the mood of ambiguity which will result in the reader contemplating and analyzing the situation in hand. This will, accord ...

What Is Literature 2
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... will effect are the religious, social and personal view of the reader. It is often people who have strong and high views in these areas that will have a big say in what is classified as literature. Weevilly Porridge by Eva Johnson looks at the topic of aboriginal treatment by white people in the late 1800's - 1950's. The topic is a pressing issue today in Australian society and poems such as these help everyone understand about the issue of Aboriginal treatment by white people. A good use of the resource of language is essential for a text to be defined as literary. A good use of the resource of language would include use of syntax, structure, literal a ...

Grapes Of Wrath
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... they head towards town. As they approach the area they realize that there is no one there. All of the houses are empty and the place looks deserted. They meet Muley, who tells them that the developers came through and kicked everyone off the land. He said that he stayed even though his family left because he can't imagine living anywhere else. The three men spend the night together. The next morning they start walking to Tom's uncle's house where Muley has told him his family is. When they arrive at Uncle John's house Tom's family is very happy to see him. There is hugging and talking before they get back to the seriousness of there problems. They discuss the cond ...

Robert Frost - Nature In His Works
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... Stopping by the Woods on A Snowy Evening we find the speaker reflecting on the beauty of a wooded area with snow falling. Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. (p.923) You can feel the speakers awe and reflective peace when looking into the woods that night. He doesn’t know the owner of the land but is still drawn to the beauty of the scene. Frost gives a scene that is taken into the reader and digested for a time in the speaker’s mind. It shows us that it is all right to take a minute out of a hurried hour and reflect upon what is around you, whe ...

Blakes The Chimney Sweeper
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... (554). Soon after the loss of his mother “[his] father sold [him] while yet [his] tongue/ Could scarcely cry ‘ ‘weep! ‘weep! ‘weep! ‘weep!’” (554). This sympathy allows the reader to realize not only how these children lived, but also how they felt and how they were deprived of their childhood. Blake also uses symbolism to express the evils of exploiting these small boys. Most of this symbolism appears to be about death. This gives the poem a dark mood. For example, Blake writes “So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep” (554). Most of the boys who were sold into chimney sweeping died very y ...

Essay On Toni Morrison S Belov
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... us an understanding of how it was for them to escape slavery and face their past in order to make forward progress and emerge into a free society. “Feel how it feels to have a bed to sleep in and somebody there not worrying you to death about what you got to do each day to deserve it. Feel how that feels. And if that don’t get it, feel how it feels to be a colored woman roaming the roads with anything God made liable to jump on you. Feel that. (Beloved 67-68)” These are Sethe’s words to Paul D that describe her feelings about the torture she received in the barn at the hands of Schoolteacher’s boys. Her emotional and physical scar ...

Catcher In The Rye 2
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... to know the truth." He adds "...if you want to know the truth" very often after he has added something to what he’d said before. He really is afraid people will think he’s a softy or some sort of rich sissy. If he says something he thinks is dumb or not tough enough he jokes about it. ‘When I’m somewhere I generally just eat a Swiss cheese and a malted milk. It isn’t much, but you get quite a lot of vitamins in the malted milk. H.V. Caulfield. Holden Vitamin Caulfield.’ He exaggerates big time and he swears a lot. Especially when he talks to his roommates. Goddam this and damn that. But he can’t stand the four-letter word. ...

The Merchant Of Venicethe Merc
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... masterpiece. Beginning in the New Testament the Bible moves from strict enforcement, punishment, and prophecy, into the glorious presentation of the Son of God. He is spoken of hundreds of times in the Old Testament through symbols and prophecies -- all pointing to the future and the coming of Someone. The Old Testament cannot be read without being aware of that constant promise running through each page. Someone is definitely coming. In opening the Gospels, that Someone comes forth in the fullness of his glory, and it is absolutely fascinating. We get a chance to see Christ as he is. Because what Christ was, is what he is, and what he will always be. ...

King Lear Analyzing A Tragic H
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... happen to us. If Lear was completely evil, we would not be fearful of what happens to him: he would merely be repulsive. But Lear does inspire fear because, like us, he is not completely upright, nor is he completely wicked. He is foolish and arrogant, it is true, but later he is also humble and compassionate. He is wrathful, but at times, patient. Because of his good qualities, we experience pity for him and feel that he does not deserve the severity of his punishment. His actions are not occasioned by any corruption or depravity in him, but by an error in judgment, which, however, does arise from a defect of character. Lear has a "tragic flaw" - egotism. It is ...

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