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Hamlet 5
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... of them. The First Gravedigger tells them of his job and how he has buried people from all walks of life. This leads Hamlet to ponder death. As the conversation continues that a skull the gravedigger was playing with belonged to an old court jester, he once knew. He starts discus how death makes even the most powerful men, like Caeser, nothing but dust, but his speech is interrupted by Ophelia‘s, funeral procession. Hamlet and Horatio hide to observe what is happening and determine whose death everyone is mourning. As they watch Claudius, Gertrude and Laertes lament for the unknown person, it is learned that Ophelia is only entitled to limited rites due ...

Huckleberry Finn - Morality
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... have someone to converse with. At first Jim thinks he sees Hucks ghost and is petrified. Huck eases Jims feelings by changing the subject and saying "It’s good daylight, le’s get breakfast"(41), showing that Huck is not only real but he does not mind that Jim is black. Jim feels that Huck might tell on him for running away, but he then decides that it will be okay to tell him why he ran away from Miss Watson. Jim keeps asking Huck if he is going to tell anyone about his running away, and Huck replies "People would call me a low down abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum but that don’t make no difference I aint gonna tell"(43). Hucks respon ...

The Great Gatsby, How Is It Re
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... clarification, Jay Gatsby’s tiny aspirations might be seen as a direct result or reflection of the time in which they were cast, a period characterized by the elusive American Dream and, more notably, a great depression following afterwards. Gatsby rose to wealth, relative fame, and, yet, never achieved the contentment he was seeking. Sadly, it could be said that the boy boarding the millionaire, Dan Cody’s yacht was more satisfied in his wistful material goals than the man staring out across the bay towards the green light, reaching towards something he never accomplishes to get. Was Gatsby really a bootlegger? Did he actually deal with dubious stocks? ...

Blood Revenge In Julius Caesar
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... entire religions around the prospect of life after death, such as the Greeks and the Romans. A strong belief of the Greeks was that the ghost or “shade” was so extremely powerful that “many a time the murderer would mutilate his victim to flee the dead man’s direct revenge.” (B-Revenge) Another strong belief in the idea of blood-revenge centered around native gods. The people of the time believed that the gods played an important role in blood-revenge, especially if one of their laws were defied. In the Odyssey, Zeus and Athena intervene on Odysseus’ behalf when Odysseus wishes to destroy the suitors that had plagued his palace ...

Diction And Imagery In The Poe
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... suffers “cunning furtive spasms.” The challenge heightens and the swimmer is represented as an “angry isolate.” Like a computer game special affects are added in to increase the danger such as the lightning and the darkness. Imagery such as “Deliberately fracturing glass moving down through pools” conveys the mental picture of the water being glass shattered with every stroke. Shattering glass suggesting danger and fear. “Barely missing the moon’s pale hiss,” portrays the image of a deadly snake, heightening the risk of the challenge. The depiction of “white nudes between each sizzling shaft,R ...

The Way An Individual Interprets Things Is Based Upon Their Opinions
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... as it is. “We only see what we look at,”(p.68) and then we react to whatever we see as it relates to ourselves. “To look is an act of choice. As a result of this act, what we see is brought within our reach...our vision is continually active, continually holding things in a circle around itself, constituting what is present to us as we are.”(p.68) Words can not even begin to describe what we see or feel. “When in love, the sight of the beloved has a completeness which no words and no embrace can match: a completeness which only the act of making love can temporarily accommodate.”(p.68) Berger states that no image (painting, photograph, or any other art) shou ...

Eugene Ionesco's "Rhinoceros": True Means Resides In Action Not Words
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... Eugene Ionesco's, Rhinoceros, is that true meaning resides in action rather than in mere words. A resistance to taking action then results in one's becoming a rhinoceros. Jean illustrates this in the beginning of Act 2, scene 2, when we see Jean and Berenger bickering. Berenger feels that Jean isn't looking or feeling well and threatens to get him a doctor. Jean resists by saying, "You're not going to get the doctor because I don't want the doctor. I can look after myself." (pp. 62) This refusal comes from his arrogant view of himself as a "Master of [his] own thoughts," (pp. 61) and "[Having] will-power!" (pp. 7) By seeing the doctor, Jean would have put him ...

Romeo And Juliet - Time And Fa
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... make thee think thy swan a crow." (I, ii, l 86-87) To show his appreciation, the servant asks for Romeo’s presence at the ball. Romeo should have considered the servant’s warning; if Romeo occupies the name of Montague, he shall not be permitted. Once at the ball, Romeo is searching for a maiden to substitute the unrequited love of Rosaline. Romeo happens to gaze upon Juliet, who charms Romeo. Romeo proclaims, " Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For ne’er saw true beauty till this night." (I, v, l 52-53) Since Romeo declares his love for Juliet, she feels the attraction also. They believe that they are in love and must marry. However, it is a genui ...

People Of The Mist
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... of the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia, set in the fourteenth century. It is a story primarily about a specific clan, the Greenstone clan and their village, Flat Pearl Village. The Algonquins were a materlinial society with all property and children belonging to the women. Flat Pearl Village and the Greenstone clan is ruled by an old woman named Hunting Hawk, Her grand daughter, Red Knot, is murdered is murdered in the early morning of the day of her arranged marriage to Copper Thunder. He is a powerful chief of a different tribe. Red Knot loves a young warrior named High Fox, from a neighboring village, Three Myrtle. High Fox is the son of the Weroa ...

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... something the other had." Morrison, thus, creates two completely different women yet allows them to merge into one. The sustainment of the two selves as one proves difficult and Morrison allows them to pursue different paths. But the two women's separate journeys and individual searches for their own selves leads to nothing but despair and 's death. Nel's realization that they were only truly individuals when they were joined as one allows them to merge once again. Morrison portrays and Nel as binary opposites at the beginning of the novel. In our first view of Nel she is as conventional and conforming as a young lady can be: Under Helene's hand the girl bec ...

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