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Brutus, An Honorable Man
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... Cassius. Before talking to Cassius Brutus actually believed Caeser to be semi-noble. After a conversation with Cassius however, he viewed Caeser to be ambitious. If Brutus would have rejected Cassius’ proposal and stood up for what he believed in, then he could be viewed as an honorable man. The second henious act Brutus commits is murder on his dear friend Caeser. After commiting the crime he said "If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Caeser’s, to him I say that Brutus’ love to Caeser was no less than his". Brutus killed his dear friend because of ambition. If only today’s leaders had some ambition! He said that he love Rome more than Caeser ...

An In-depth Analysis Of Diggin
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... they are encouraged to "speak well of the law…and leave the law to take care of itself." (68). The fact is, that the blackened hearts of the aristocracy saw capital punishment as a convenience, rather than justice. The guillotine "cleared off (as to this world) the trouble of each particular case, and left nothing else with it to be looked after" (62). This negative light that the ruthless use of capital punishment casts upon the rulers of France is exactly what Dickens had intended. When the revolution actually takes place, the Jacques become drunk with bloodlust. Their methods of restoring order and peace are exactly the same as those they opposed: ...

King Lears Plot Synopsis
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... no land on her and essentially banishes her from his site. One of Cordelia's suitors, The Duke of Burgundy, loses all interest in the powerless daughter. The King of France recognizes Cordelia's virtues and takes her even without any land. The loyal Kent attempts to change Lear's mind with blunt honesty, but is banished for contradicting Lear's proclamation. Lear is going to live with his eldest daughters, yet still keep the title "King." Secretly, Goneril and Regan conspire to not allow Lear to exert his title over anything. Meanwhile, the Earl of Gloucester suffers a similar lapse in judgement. He is easily deceived by his bastard son, Edmund. Edmund draws u ...

The Day Of The Jackal
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... his name, an assassin with a contract to kill Charles de Gaulle, the world's most heavily guarded man. Although the Jackal is not aware, his main obstacle is a simple policeman, Deputy Commissaire Claude Lebel. Some consider him among the best detectives in France, but he himself cannot feel much confidence due to the fact of knowing that his objective is to track down a killer that has no identity what so ever. But the assistance given to Lebel from police all over the world, slowly allows him to piece together the Jackal's image in time to prevent this international incident. In this book we follow the Jackal's meticulous planning step by step. The intelligen ...

Achilles 2
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... the character earlier in the poem. I believe the most speculation about inconsistencies in Achilles’ character would center on his savageness towards the Trojans, especially Hektor, after the death of Patroklos, and his sensitivity towards Priam’s plea for his son’s body. It could be considered odd that Achilles is so understanding to Priam and the burial of Priam’s son, when not that long ago Achilles was dragging the body of Hektor around the grave of Patroklos. This is the same corpse that Achilles vowed to feed to the dogs, the man who slew Achilles’ dearest companion and led him to swallow his pride and return to the battlefield ...

To Judge A Book By Its Cover
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... of any minor, that have the potential to warp young minds. Presently, just about anyone, regardless of age, can wander the aisles of local libraries and peruse the contents of any book and then check it out with virtually no safeguards in place. A parent's signature is required when initially opening the account to ensure checked out material is returned, but after that, youngsters basically have carte blanche access to everything the library has to offer. Parents may never see what their adolescents are finding of interest. The minds of children, full of curiosity, snooping and filling the void that parents have good reason to make elusive, greedily lap up ...

Book-Movie Comparison Hamlet
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... movie never depicts this scene at all. The ghost is first introduced into the movie in the following scene where Horatio is shown telling Hamlet about the ghost. The play depicts Fortinbras receiving a vote from the dying Hamlet to become the new king of Elsinore. Shortly after, Fortinbras himself makes a speech accepting the honor and declaring himself the new king. The movie fails to show the end where Fortinbras makes his declaration speech. The movie left out another part from the play. In the play, Polonius asks Reynaldo to travel to France and spy on his son Laertes. However, the movie never shows this scene. In fact, the movie fails to even include Rey ...

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... demon possessed hands. They create potions and supposed "magical" elixirs, manifested from cited chants passed down from other generations. They are perfect practicing physicians(l. 432), given that they know the cause of every malady and infliction the body can withstand(ll. 429,430). They appear to many as one to provide an extended hand to anyone in need. But there is a price to be paid for their services, and their eyes cannot oversee the wealth that is due to them. The Doctor then is the same as a witch doctor now, with their appearances different, but their intentions and thoughts the same. Stereotypes are seen only in the imagination. And it is in t ...

Upton Sinclair, Jr. And The Ju
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... his writing career as a college student. Before he was graduated from the City College of New York in 1897, he had already sold many jokes and stories to newspapers and magazines. By the time he left graduate study at Columbia University in 1900, he had published ninety stories for magazines like Army and Navy Weekly. What turned Sinclair to more serious literature was an traumatic religious experience. From his friendship with a young minister, Sinclair got a devotion to moral and social justice. The Reverend, W. W. Moir took the Gospels so seriously that he taught his students that a rich man had no chance of going to Heaven. When he gave Sinclair some works to ...

Langston Hughes
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... part of his life that he dropped out of Columbia University after two semesters to pursue the night life of Harlem. Though at times Langston was a radical writer and addressed the issues with force, he also expressed great pride in being black and having a culture such as it. He was very proud and his poetry reflected that. He is known as a figure of hope in the black race's eyes, his poem inspired pride and strngth in most african americans who also struggle with the plight of racism and segregation. He was very influential, famed authors such as Lorraine Hansberry derived the title to her award winning play A Raisin in the Sun (1959), from one of Hughes p ...

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