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So This Was Adolescence, By Annie Dillard: Author Writing Style
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... in So This Was Adolescence is comparison/contrast. In this style, the author compares or contrast the character with specific mannerisms of others. The next style is imagery. Imagery helps the reader to visualize what is happening to the character. Annie Dillard uses both of these styles to tell her story. The first style is comparison/contrast. Dillard utilizes comparison/contrast to compare herself to characters in books. She longs to become a woman such as those in romance novels. “I envied people in books who swooned.” She shows that by comparing herself to these characters that she strives to pass her adolescent stage. When she would become frustra ...

Fools And Kings In King Lear
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... Edmund soliloquizes, "This is the excellent foppery of the world, that when we are sick in fortune... ...we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and stars, as if we were villains on necessity; fools by heavenly compulsion." (I. ii. 32) for the sole purpose of illustrating his wickedness. Edmund realizes that his evil is self-taught. This soliloquy shows the audience Edgar's foolishness in his belief that malevolence is the force that drives one to greatness or prosperity. It also illustrates the bastard's mistaken belief that by fooling his father, he might be able to eliminate Edgar, the competition for Gloucester's title, and possibly ri ...

The Journey For Freedom
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... afflicted her. Her husband tried to make sure that she was not exposed to anything that would affect her condition. “Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death.” (19) Louise was restrained in the house and only let out when properly supervised. When news of her husband’s possible death came, the family and their doctor tried to break the news to her as gently as they could. Little did they know that the death of her husband would be the beginning of her new life. Charlotte in “The Yellow Wallpaper” must deal with the s ...

Indian Boarding School
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... German, part American Indian. Since the title and other references in the poem refer to Indian people, it is most likely that this poem was very personal to her. The boarding school may have been a real place she went to, or where mistreatment of her people was not uncommon, or it could simply be a tool she used to express racism towards them in general. With that fact, the reader must remember that although the words are from the runaways' point of view, there are not necessarily any real runaways. From the point of view at which this is told, the runaways are eager to find their way home. They do not necessarily really try to runaway, it may just be in their f ...

Hamlet - The Importance Of Laertes And Fortinbras In Hamlet
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... mirror to Hamlet. Shakespeare has made them similar in many aspects to provide a greater base for comparison when avenging their respective father's deaths. Hamlet and Laertes love Ophelia. Hamlet wishes Ophelia to be his wife, Laertes loves Ophelia as a sister. Hamlet is a scholar at Wittenberg, and Laertes at France. Both are admired for their swordsmenship. Both men loved and respected their fathers, and display deviousness when plotting to avenge their father's deaths. Hamlet's response to grief is a trait starkly contrasted by Laertes. Laertes response to the death of his father is immediate. He is publicly angry, and he leads the public riot occuring outsi ...

Macbeth Relationship Analysis
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... The respect comes when Macbeth listens to his wife, which talks about the murder. He respects her opinion and gives her a polite answer “We will speak further.” (I, v, 71). In Act I, ii we see that King Duncan considers Macbeth a brave soldier and good man “O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman!” (King Duncan, I, ii, 24). This can be considered a weakness or, perhaps, strength in the relationship, it depends on the point of view. It is a weakness if we analyze Macbeth’s side. He is “…too full o’ the milk of human kindness…that wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false…” (I, v, 16 & 21). It is ...

A Good Man Is Hard To Find 2
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... O'Connor makes the trite seem sweet, the humdrum seem tragic, and the ridiculous seem righteous. The reader can no longer use their textbook ways of interpreting fiction and human behavior because O'Connor is constantly throwing our assumptions back at us. Through out "A good man is hard to find" O'Connor reinforces the horror of self-love through her images. She contrasts the two houses, The Tower: the restaurant owned by Red Sammy, and the plantation house. The restaurant is a "broken-down place"- "a long dark room" with a tiny place to dance. At one time Red Sammy found pleasure from the restaurant but now he is afraid to leave the door unlatched. He has giv ...

An Analyisis Of A Raisin In Th
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... gets upset at work or has a bad day, he can't get angry with his boss and risk loosing his job; instead he takes it out on his wife Ruth. Also, the job that he holds can only provide so much to the family. He's not even capable of providing his son Travis with some pocket change without becoming broke himself. Walter Younger is thirty-five years old and all he is, is a limousine driver. He is unhappy with his job and he desperately seeks for an opportunity to improve his family standing. He tells his mother how he feels about his job when she wouldn't give him the ten thousand dollars to invest in a liquor Store," I open and close car doors all day long. I dr ...

Heart Of Darkness
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... one encounters once they have met with the darkness in their heart. The setting, symbols, and the characters each contain light and dark images create the center theme of the novel. The physical setting of the novel plays a major role in the journey through in both a physical or literal sense as well as in the metaphorical journey through one’s own heart. Each and every aspect of the setting can be paralleled to darkness and unknown aspects of one’s own self. This aspect provides for the metaphorical ways of interpreting the novel. The novel opens on the deck of a large sailing vessel called the Nellie. As the reader is introduced to each character onboard the ...

Pride And Prejudice
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... married Mr. Collins just to be married. There was no love shared prior to their marriage and after they were married, they led a pretty dull life and had generally the same schedule day after day. This couples development is limited by phasing them out of the novel. There is not much said about the Collins' after they marry. Austen’s use of Mr. Collins and Charlotte as flat characters is to show that marrying just to be married can lead to an unhappy life and to show the importance of marrying for love. Although the Collins' lead a dull life, Mr. Bennet has the opportunity not to. There is plenty to keep him occupied with having five daughters and possib ...

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