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Essays on English

The Monsters
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... of Dr. Trescott. Judge Hagenthrope tells Dr. Trescott that it is rather killing Johnson for the town, for Johnson wouldn’t be welcomed by the people in the town. Then he says, "As near as I can understand, he will hereafter be a monster, a perfect monster, and probably with an affected brain"(86). From this line, we can see that Judge Hagenthrope is afraid and worried about Johnson’s face because his face will surely scare the whole town. Dr. Trescott does not listen to him and keeps taking care of him. Dr. Trescott takes Johnson to the house of Alek Williams so that Williams can take care of him, but one night, Johnson gets out from the house an ...

House On Mango Street
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... to dream about the way of life that she wanted. She uses all of her experiences with society as food to nourish her dream of someday having her own house. Esperanza was shy and too trusting. Rachel and Esperanza were walking down the street in high heels when they were about 11 years old, and they ran into a bum on the stoop of a tavern. At first they thought he was a nice guy but when they were talking to him for about 5 minutes they realized he was a little strange and he scared them so they left and ran away (P.39). This is another example of how shy Esperanza was. She stated in "The First Job": "When lunch time came I was scared to eat alone in t ...

Nature Vs. Nurture
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... parents or caregivers are not educated in the importance of health, and medical intervention, the child may become under nourished and lack proper protection from childhood diseases. Proper growth of bones and muscle and tissue is not present. Behavior Nature: Heredity plays a strong part of an infant’s temperament. How the child reacts to certain experiences and how the child’s sensory feelings allow him to play out the situation. Behavior Nurture: The child learns social referencing from the caregivers/parents. The environment of the culture, economic standing and self esteem of those around the child will set the way ...

Antigone And A Few Good Men: Doing What Is Right
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... laws, all corpses had to have a proper burial. (Sophocles: lines 384-581) "That order did not come from God. Justice, That dwells with the gods bellow, knows no such law. I did not think your edict strong enough To overrule the unwritten unalterable laws of God and heaven, you only being a man". Antigone buries her brother and is sentenced to death. Her fiancee Heamon, and Creon's son, then opposes Creon but doesn't succeed either. In "A Few Good Men", Colonel Jessep also did what he believed even though he faced opposition. He ordered Dawson and Downey, two Marines who he knew would follow his orders without question, to do a Code Red on William Sant ...

Chocky - TV Vs The Book
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... with. One of biggest changes occurs in the character Piff. Piff was Polly’s long gone imaginary friend in the Novel who was only talked about, whilst in the Film Piff was still around and living. Another change from the Novel was the way in which Chocky helped Matthew. Chocky gave Matthew the ability to draw properly, helped him to swim and then save Polly, and taught Matthew to do the binary code in both texts. However in the Film Chocky also gave Matthew super strength to play cricket, develop fast reflexes to play computer games and do the rubix cubes at amazing speeds. The Film Editor, Oscar Webb left out some scenes and added some different ones. ...

A Worn Path
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... and it shows that you should not always trust that the advice given is the best. Phoenix Jackson was determined to travel down the worn path to reach town. Determination was a key factor to her success down the path but I think that fate was on her side and it helped her through. For example, Phoenix crossed a creek by a log. She closed her eyes and it was fate that got her across safely. She came across a scarecrow that momentarily brought happiness to her. When she was walking down the road a black dog suddenly jumped up on her and pushed her to the ground. "A white man finally came along and found her - a hunter, a young man, with his dog on a chain. I thin ...

Comparing And Contrasting Hamlet And MacBeth
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... slightly suspicious of the actual powers these supernatural figures have. As the witches use their apparent powers to tell Macbeth the future, the ghost of King Hamlet tells Hamlet what has happened already. Hamlet states in one of his soliloquies “The spirit that I have seen / may be the devil” (2.2.598-599). Macbeth also has his doubts because when the witches tell him that he will be named Thane of Cawder, Macbeth himself had not known, but many people had. It is possible the witches could have known. In the same matter in both plays, the presentation of the supernatural began to lead to the final downfall of each of the characters. In Macbeth, the three w ...

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... who is now no longer a girl, goes to great lengths to get out of her promise and prospers by showing tremendous strength of character. Exploitation is defined as the use or manipulation of another person for one's own advantage ( Webster's Universal College Dictionary. New York. Gramercy. 1997). This is an element of human nature that is found in the interpretations of this story that I read. The miller, The king and Rumpelstiltskin all exploit the girl (Esmeralda) in different ways for personal gain. She too uses them, as well as others around her to gain what she wants. The miller, in both versions tells people that his daughter has a wonderful ability t ...

Short Story Essay On Poe
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... with a sense of insanity in the air. There is a lot of imagery and description that Poe uses in the story. I did this essay on this particular story because I enjoy Poe as well as his dark side. I don't really seem like the kind of person who likes the gloomy and melancholy aspects of writing but appearances are deceitful. The main deceitful appearance in the story is the dreaded house. (University of Texas) Poe uses life-like characteristics of an otherwise decaying house as a device for giving the house a supernatural atmosphere. At the beginning you can sense that the supernatural characteristics are present. Upon entrance the narrator sees inside the house as we ...

James Joyce's "Araby"
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... by this girl, but at the end, the girl is replaced by the girl with an "English accent" attending the booth at the bazaar. This shows the power and persuasiveness that England has at that time over Dublin. The antagonist in this story, which can easily be determined is the culture and life in Dublin. This has a great effect on the boy and the rest of the people from this city. Dublin is referred to as the "center of paralyses,"(Internet) and "indeed sterile."(Joyce) This plays a huge role in the forming of this boy's life, where there is no fun. "Araby" is a story "of a soul-shriveling Irish asceticism, which renders hopes and dreams not only foolish, but sinf ...

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