The Maltese Falcon
... assistant, Effie is a conservative and a practical woman. As the detective’s assistant, she possesses more of masculine qualities than feminine qualities. Since she works in an environment around
men, she has a tendency to be more influenced by their activities and their ideas. Sam said to Effie, “Your a detective darling.” (, John Huston, 1941) Her voice seems to be monotone which shows her as a strong and an independent person. Although she may act this way, she is still a woman who is somewhat ladylike and very polite. In some ways, women are used to bring forth the ideas of sex and lust, but in this case, Effie’s role was nec ...
Animal Dreams
... insecurities begins with the death of Codi's mother. This leaves Codi and her sister to be raised by their father, Doc Homero. Doc Homero is distant and aloof towards his daughters. Doc Homero's inability to display his emotions define distinct characteristics of Codi's behavior. Specifically, Codi's familial needs became centered around Hallie. Codi and Hallie identify themselves as orphans incapable of understanding their father's coldness. Codi and Hallie become dependent on each other for emotional nourishment. Codi describes her attachment to Hallie as being, "like keenly mismatched Siamese twins conjoined at the back of the mind"(page 8). Hallie becomes Codi ...
Brave New World
... system that would not seem too unattainable. Huxley has two novels that have the theme of utopia, and Island. , which was written before Island , has ideas that are quite far-fetched, but in Huxley’s eyes, still close to reality. Huxley’s first portrait of utopia involves having a controlled society of people all being alike. The year is A.F. 632 (After Ford; Ford is the equivalent to God in ) and with the available technology, citizens are mass produced. Island is a product of the rethinking of Huxley’s utopia. The ideas are a lot more real because the people are just ordinary human beings. Both of these novels have an underlying theme in common. The stabili ...
Brave New World
... going on behind the scenes of our government. The final example of prophecy is genetically altering embryos. In the book they altered the embryos to make some not as smart as others. They also did it to put the people in different caste systems. They also, not mentioned in the book, prevented diseases from the altering of the embryos. Certainly there were many things that Aldous Huxley prophesied that came true.
There were many examples of fantasy in the book, . The first is the thought of no mothers and fathers. In the book they had no mothers or fathers and those words were considered bad. They belonged to the state and that was all they needed. Today, ...
Heart Of Darkness 4
... harrowing journey into
the Congo in 1890, reality had become unconditional. The African
venture figured as his descent into hell. He returned ravaged by the
illness and mental disruption which undermined his health for the
remaining years of his life. Marlow's journey into the Congo, like
Conrad's journey, was also meaningful. Marlow experienced the violent
threat of nature, the insensibility of reality, and the moral
We have noticed that important motives in Heart of Darkness
connect the white men with the Africans. Conrad knew that the white
men who come to Africa professing to bring progress and light to
" ...
Monkey Island And Missing May
... because he felt everything had a story in it. He mostly collected pictures and pamphlets. Cletus and Calvin (from Monkey Island) are both a little "strange" but they both mean well. Cletus collects stories and Calvin writes them.
Ob from Missing May and Clay's mother from Monkey Island both seemed lost. They were both caught in a world of disillusion and denial. Ob couldn't believe that May was gone and Clay's mother had a baby coming and was terribly confused. In the end, they both seemed to find peace.
I preferred Monkey Island because it seemed the most real to me. I couldn't "exactly" relate but I know what it feels like to be alone and scared. A friend and I ...
Beowulf: First Literary Superhero
... an unusual
way. Rather than attacking him with a sword like every other Geat, he grabs onto
Grendel's arm and squeezes until the torture is unbearable. Grendel loses his
strength, his body parts, and his blood in this violent scene. He later bleeds
to death. “Saw that his strength was deserting him, his claws Bound fast,
Higlac's brave follower tearing at his hands.”(line 464-466)
Beowulf's unusual and courageous method of killing Grendel demonstrates
his bravery and physical strength. Before, Unferth had taunted Beowulf about his
foolish bravery but when he and all the rest of the Geats saw that Beowulf's
strength and power were worth boasting about, they were h ...
Cathedral 2
... they can draw one together. In that way Robert gets a picture of a cathedral in his mind and even though it is not as good as seeing it with his own eyes, it is good enough to give him an idea of what a cathedral is.
I think there are may different themes in this short story. For instance, I think that prejudices is one of the main themes which is shown through the husband’s way of react, when he hears that a blind man is coming. Because he does not know what to expect, he imagines a man, totally different, who does not have the same habits or knows the same thing as “normal” people.
“I remembered having read somewhere that the blind d ...
Agamemnon, Symbolism Of Darkne
... Although justice can skeptically be looked at as a noble cause, in that traditionally justice represents the protection of all that is good, it seems evident that evil still plays a part in motivating one to kill. Hence the symbolic darkness of night present in the opening scene of the play, foreshadowing the death of Agamemnon, and Clytaemestra’s conversion to the dark-side of hatred and revenge.
Another commonly used significance of darkness is that of concealment. When a soldier wishes to hide his actions from an enemy, it is typically said that he will do so “under the cover of darkness.†Just as a soldier used darkness to hide his actions, so has th ...
Character Analysis Of Anse Bun
... living on his own small farm alone.
Anse has a shy side to him. He drove past Addie’s school teaching job several times before he got up the courage to talk to her. Apparently he went all out once he did get the courage and asked her to marry him the first time they ever spoke. He shied around this and did it subtly. When Addie asks him if he has any womenfolks, he says “That’s what I came to see you about.”
When Anse was twenty three he got sick and passed out while sweating. Since then he has come to believe that if he ever sweats again he will die. So therefore, he gets by without doing any hard work. He NEVER sweats because that ...
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