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All Quiet On The Western Front
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... caravan”. His searching for a profession then came to an end when he started writing articles for a Swedish car magazine. He became very well known in the areas of car racing and auto mechanics. He then used his literary skills to write novels that branched from his own personal reflections and experiences. He wrote several best-sellers including: All Quiet On The Western Front, Arch of Triumph, and The Black Obelisk. (contd.) Plot Summery Of: All Quiet On The Western Front All Quiet On The Western Front is a record of seven school chums that all enlist in the German Army after being urged by their school master Kantorek. These poor youth are forced ...

Crying Of Lot 49
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... of clues or not to participate at all in what she suspects to be a conspiracy. Her role is comparable to the role of Maxwell¡¦s Demon. ¡§As the Demon sat and sorted his molecules into hot and cold, the system was said to lose entropy. But somehow the loss was offset by the information the Demon gained about what molecules were where¡¨ (p.105). Oedipa¡¦s purpose in the novel, besides executing a will, is to find meaning in a life dominated by assaults on people¡¦s perceptions through the use of drugs and the muting of communications. Entangled in this chaos, Oedipa has to do what the Maxwell¡¦s Demon does: sort useful facts from useless ones. Pynchon ...

Lord Of The Flies - The Beast
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... night. At the time, this was dismissed by the older boys as his imagination, but even at that early stage it was evident that the younger children were troubled by the little boy’s words. It must be noted at this point that there was no definite physical appearance to the beast because it was assumed to be the over-active imagination of little children at work. At the same time it is obvious that Golding uses the early chapters in the book to set the scene for the chaos and terror of the beast that follows. Soon it became evident that even the older boys had begun to wonder whether in fact some kind of beast did inhabit the island. It was also apparent that ...

E.e. Cummings, Poem, Anyone Li
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... This is told in line five where it states "little and small", he is grouping them in very close together. The children are separated into there own group. As they grow through the seasons in lines nine, ten, and eleven, they pass on into adulthood. They in essence no longer exist in the poem. The bells ringing might have something to do with them becoming adults, since I do not see them relating to any other parts of the poem. The bells seem to be an important part of the town since they are mentioned in the second line of the poem and those exact lines are repeated in line twenty-four, sixth stanza of the poem. The bells are related to the children and their death, ...

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... long narrative poem on the American Civil War (Fenton). Born into a military family, Stephen was raised on military posts by his father, Colonel James Benét. “His father read poetry aloud to Stephen, an older brother, William Rose, and a sister, Laura, all of whom became writers” (Fenton). Stephen was 17, a student at Yale University, when he published his first book, entitled Five Men and Pompey (Fenton). “Civilian service during World War I interrupted his education at Yale Univerisity. When the war was over he returned to Yale. In 1919, he received his master of arts degree, submitting his third volume of poems instead of a thesis” (Fenton). A Guggenheim fel ...

Looking Fo Alibrandi
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... Either being a school captain for example, on school sports day Josephine was supposed to look after a group of students but instead went to the city with her friends. Her goal in life was to become a lawyer and after getting a scholarship she tried everything to get good marks. However she did not know how to be mature in front of adults. She kept proving that she was immature by the way she acted with her parents, Sister Gregory, grandmother and her boyfriend. By the end of the novel Josephine reflects on the way she has acted throughout the year and why she has acted that way. The relationships within a family influence the way a young person grows up. Chil ...

Glass Menagerie
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... needed to find somewhere to escape. Perhaps, even more, the fire escape shows various things about Tom's personality. Since Amanda and Laura have their illusionary worlds inside, Tom can easily escape these worlds by going out on the firescape. He does not desire to be part of an imaginary world, which only proves to be the downfall of Amanda and Laura. He realizes that the world is not what Amanda has made it seem inside the house. Also, during his reflections on the firescape he is not really separating himself from the imaginary world because that metal frame is still anchored to the apartment wall. This shows that no matter how hard Tom tries to escape he ...

Troublesome Farmhouse
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... spend the night there and abseil back down, before the storm started on Sunday night. Obviously nature was not on their side this time, as they found themselves hurtling down the foot of mountain with almost no light, on the Sunday night. Fortunately they spotted a farmhouse's lights in the distance and knew they could get a place to sleep for the night, but had to hurry before the storm closed in on them. The blood trickled through Louis's fingers as he held his knees and screamed in pain. To see how badly Louis was injured, Lee took a box of matches out of his pocket and lit them all at once. The rocks around them danced with yellow and orange light that e ...

Friendship Theme From Lord Of
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... of the story. Piggy was the outcast, due to his large awkward body, his thick glasses and his know-it-all personality. While Ralph on the other hand was the stereotypical image of an ordinary boy. Piggy had no friends, besides those that he lived with. Thus was not used to being among other children. He quickly trusted, and latched onto Ralph, ignoring Ralph’s constant teasing . Ralph was insecure as all boys his age are, he didn’t really want to be caught liking the outcast so he teased him. “I don’t care what they call me, so long as they don’t call me what they used to call me at school…They used to call me ...

Araby A Modernist Perspective
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... he uses a young child still caught in the state of childhood innocence to show a modernist's version of the "coming of age." This "coming of age" is the point in everyone's life, child or adult, when we realize that we face substantial pain and emptiness ahead. The narrator begins the story by describing the times after supper when he and his friends would play on the streets. These nights were very gratifying for the whole group, and when the narrator's uncle used to drive up the street, they would all hide until he was safely housed. Or at times, Mangan's sister would come out to call him in for tea, and they would all hide until she either went in or until Mang ...

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