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A Doll House 2
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... his characters’ being divided between a sense of duty to themselves and their responsibility to others.”(1563) All of the aspects of this quote can be applied to the play A Doll House, in Nora Helmer’s character, who throughout much of the play is oppressed, presents an inauthentic identity to the audience and throughout the play attempts to discovery her authentic identity. The inferior role of Nora is extremely important to her character. Nora is oppressed by a variety of “tyrannical social conventions.” Ibsen in his "A Doll's House" depicts the role of women as subordinate in order to emphasize their role in society. Nora is oppr ...

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... optical switching, Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet. Unfortunately, the benefits of these innovations have been dramatically reduced by slow local loop access between LANs and WANs. With TeraBeam, the 'first mile' from the LAN to the long-haul fiber network is no longer the 'slow mile'. TeraBeam Networks offers services that extend the LAN bandwidth of Fast and Gigabit Ethernet directly to the nation's wide area networks or across town to other LANs. The service provides standards based IP connectivity directly through a customer premises window using patent pending Fiberless Optics. Because TeraBeam's Fiberless Optics liberates high bandwidth from fiber, n ...

Ghosts 2
Download This PaperWords: 847 - Pages: 4

... situation. Mrs. Alving said, “And there we are, one and all, so pitifully afraid of the light” (271). All the characters are afraid to face reality, especially Mrs. Alving, represented by the light. Fire is yet another symbol Ibsen uses. When Oswald comes downstairs with Alving’s pipe, he recalls an incident when he was given a pipe in his youth. Young Oswald smoked until he became sick. This is a foreshadowing of his illness, another sickness caused by careless actions. Another example of fire is seen when the orphanage, built in honor of Alving, is burned (287). The fire creates a symbolism that represents the truth, rising quickly and d ...

Heart Of Darkness
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... natives. Marlow’s aunt believes that this voyage is a mission to “wean those ignorant millions from their horrid ways.” (Conrad, 16). In reality everywhere they went they colonized the land, used the natural resources, and left ruins behind them. Marlow says, “They grabbed what they could get for the sake of what was to be got. It was just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale, and men going at it blind - as is very proper for those who tackle a darkness. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves...” (Conrad, ...

Lightning Never Strikes Twice
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... will reside there until they find another soul to watch over the house. Three months ago. Steve Windmere a wealthy young CEO of AT&T is driving around Nantucket looking for a new house to settle in. When he comes across the most beautiful house he has ever seen. He loved every bit of it from the aged gray shingles to the pealing paint off the white shutters. With a happy surprise he sees a Murrey’s real estate sign. As fast as he can he looked at the address, "52 Cliff road" he says to himself. He rushes to his car and drives to Murrey’s real estate office on Main Street. He signs up to buy the house right away. Of course everyone working t ...

The Doll House
Download This PaperWords: 448 - Pages: 2

... He believes she betrayed their vows of marriage and that she is not a worthy wife. Nonetheless, he realizes he cannot live without her and he agrees to the changes she presented him with. As time passes the marriage is still not working as well as the pair had hoped, and Torvald threatens to leave. He is more consumed with work than ever and Nora is becoming a nervous wreck. She has tried to consult with her friend Christine on what to do, but their relationship is too strained as well. Nora really feels lonely and cannot rely on Torvald for emotional support. Within five months of Nora's arrival back to the house, a tragedy occurs. Her oldest son comes dow ...

Alice Walkers Everyday Use
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... Alice Walker was telling a slightly altered version of her own life up to that point. Maggie was burned in a fire that was, though never proven, thought to be set by an older sibling. After the fire, Maggie walked “chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet in shuffle”, ashamed of her looks (Perrine 91). In relation, Alice’s older sibling shot her in the eye. This blinded her and made her feel like she was unpleasant to look at. She secluded herself and felt ashamed. These events led to the other, non-social activities. Alice Walker, after being blinded by the BB gun, turns to reading stories and writing poetry. Many of her writings are related to ...

Collective Unconscious In Haml
Download This PaperWords: 1403 - Pages: 6

... as a dominant personality trait within one of the play’s main characters. It is also apparent that the collective unconscious itself is an underlying theme which exists throughout the events in the play. Although, these concepts have only recently been discussed and proposed as a psychological theory, it appears that they pre-date Jung by three hundred years. I will provide proof of this hypothesis through parallels between Jung’s work and the play. Carl Jung believed that the structure of the human psyche is comprised of three main parts: the conscious, personal unconscious and the collective unconscious (refer to figure 1). The conscious is basically the functi ...

What Is Wealth
Download This PaperWords: 827 - Pages: 4

... of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations... Their authors are a natural and irresistible aristocracy in every society, and, more than kings or emperors, exert an influence on mankind." I believe that if one chooses to enrich their mind and strive for knowledge that they are truly wealthy. Wealth is the ability to enrich and influence. With knowledge one can do these things. Wealth is not taking things for granted. In many ways knowledge can help you achieve success. With knowledge one can look into the past and see the mistakes that others have made. The person with knowledge will not repeat these mistakes. Knowledge ca ...

Oedipus The King
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... Oedipus’ bad temper and label this as the flaw that leads to his downfall. Oedipus becomes enraged at Teiresias’ claim that he is the one who murdered Laius and he begins to believe that this is an attempt by Creon to overthrow him. Despite Oedipus’ anger in this situation, his reaction can be justified. First of all, Teiresias’ allegation that Oedipus is the killer is absurd to him since he would never murder a king. Also, it seems logical that Creon would be behind such a scheme since he would be next in line to the throne. Therefore, Oedipus’ bad temper cannot be considered his hamartia. Another characteristic of Oedipus that some people tend to refer to a ...

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