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Essays on Legal Issues

Counterfeiting: We're In The Money
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... cooperated with the Italian authorities' seizure of $43.8 million in counterfeit U.S. currency, Germany's capture of more than $19 million in counterfeit cash, and the Canadian authorities; seizure of than $129 million in counterfeit U.S. currency." (Gomez, Bertha. "Officials Say..") In a small town north of Chicago, two high school seniors were arrested for the use of counterfeit bills. With the use of the internet and a color printer, these two teenagers were able to create and pass their counterfeit twenty dollar bills through the high school cafeteria but were later arrest by police after trying to use their money at a local Taco Bell. If teenagers are ...

George Washington And Thomas Jefferson Grew It, Why Can�t We?
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... although consumers can buy materials made out of hemp if they look in the right places, it is illegal to grow it and is always imported to the United States from foreign countries. In fact, American business currently imports over $75,000,000 worth of hemp products annually. If these products were produced domestically, Missouri�s farmers alone could earn $100-$500 per acre growing hemp. Many Americans seem to be uninformed of the actual facts about the cannabis sativa plant and why it is such a useful crop. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to present you, as the consumer and American citizen, with some strong arguments as to why the growing of hemp ...

The Death Penalty
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... issue over many decades. The problem lies between, is the death penalty being accepted in murder cases or ruled out completely. While some people feel that Capital Punishment will not discourage crime, Capital punishment should be legalized in all states, because it is morally just and it will deter crime. The many opponents of capital punishment who are against it feel that the death penalty is not a deterrent and that it is barbariaertic of the past. It has no place in a civilized society today. One of the biggest arguments against capital punishment is people feel that it violates the eighth amendment which forbids cruel and unusual punishm ...

Make US Citizenship More Difficult
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... new country. Native Americans alone could say that they oppose immigration, or could they? Did not their ancestors also migrate to the continent of North America? How then can men or women calling themselves United States citizens be opposed to immigration? The most profound and obvious way that immigrants affect our country is through their culture. Has there ever been an American culture? If a culture does or did exist it is then a mixture of the many subcultures brought to the United States by immigrants. However, each subculture added has substantially made the American culture richer. An incredible example is the broad range of cultural foods found in th ...

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... have family, friend or any trouble, I can talk instead of having it bottled up inside of me. In Dare, I learned that there is more stuff to do instead of smoking. Like for instance, My friend and I are starting a street hockey league. We have about twenty-six kids signed up. This league will give kids who either ignored Dare or didn't have Dare a chance to find out that there's stuff you can do for your self like stay physically fit & staying off drugs. I have also learned that not many kids in Cutler Middle School don't do drugs.I always thought that when I got into middle school,everybody is going to force me to do drugs. I should avoid violence because I could ...

Legal Issues Case Study For Nursing
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... X-ray reveals bilateral infiltrates." Medication prescribed included Tylenol (acetaminophen) 325 mg orally for elevated temperature, Bronkephrine (ethylnorepinephrine hydrochloride) 0.1 millimeter subcutaneous, and monitor results. Nurse Slighta Hand, RN (fictitious name) administered the medication as ordered and the child was observed for thirty minutes. Miss Hand's charting was brief, almost illegible, and read, "Medicines given as prescribed. Cindy observed without positive results. Physician notified." The physician examined the child; notes read that the child had "minimal clearing" in response to the bronchodilator. The following medication ...

Gun Control
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... are necessarily supportive of strict gun control as being a feasible alternative to controlling urban violence. There are concerns with the opponents of gun control, that the professional criminal who wants a gun can obtain one, and leaves the average law-abiding citizen helpless in defending themselves against the perils of urban life . Is it our right to bear arms as North Americans ? Or is it privilege? And what are the benefits of having strict gun control laws? Through the analysis of the writings and reports of academics and experts of gun control and urban violence, it will be possible to examine the issues and theories of the social impact of this issue ...

An Argument For The Legalization Of Drugs, Based On John Stuart Mills' "Revised Harm Principle"
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... Mills' principle as a litmus test for this issue leads one to come down on the side of legalization. Since Mills is concerned not with individual rights, but with the consequences of one's actions on other people, the question becomes: Is drug use an action that, although performed by an individual, threatens the vital interests of others? Using the example of a casual, responsible drug user who is a contributing (or non-detracting) member of society, it is clear that more harm is done to others if the user must resort to illegal methods to obtain his drugs. The very act of buying drugs is intrinsically illegal and carries the threat of establishing a criminal ...

Crimes In Schools Lower Academic Levels
Download This PaperWords: 449 - Pages: 2

... who are not yet as understanding and mature will not feel secure in such a situation. Even though I am a young adult and I am able to understand many things I personally feel that I would not be able to focus on my schoolwork if I knew that such violent crimes are happening everyday. That is mainly because I would never know when such a crime like that would happen in my school or somewhere nearby. After reading many articles there was this one article that grabbed my attention right away. The title of the article was �Violence against U.S. kids is common�. Just imagine how many students must have read that heading and felt unsecure about themselves. When a pe ...

Serial Killers
Download This PaperWords: 4242 - Pages: 16

... Books). You cannot pick a sociopath out in a crowd because they look just like everybody else. Actually, they act just like everybody else. You could have a neighbor that's a serial killer and not even know it. Psychopaths are everyday people with everyday lives, but they just have one problem, they have a need to kill. What does a serial killer do? Serial killers usually have reasons for killing, they just don't go out and kill anyone (the majority). A serial killer will plan out where, when, why, and how before they actually kill. Ted Bundy used to lure his victims with a phony cast on his leg. Others lured with the promise of sex or porno movies. When ...

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