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Essays on Medicine

Abortion: Murder Of An Innocent Human Being
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... In one method of abortion, the baby is quartered and piece by piece the body parts are sucked out through a suction tube. In another method, a saltwater solution is injected into the amniotic sac, and the baby is poisoned. These methods are extremely cruel and painful, regardless of the organism it is being performed on. This torture needs to be stopped now. Being irresponsible and not using protection when having sex is not a good excuse to kill an innocent baby. Before having sex, the couple needs to think about the consequences and what to do if something happens, kill an innocent child or have the baby, and put it up for an adoption. Taking the life of ...

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... in organ transplant recipients receiving therapy to suppress their immune responses, were recognized in otherwise healthy homosexual men. In 1983, French cancer specialist Luc Montagnier and scientists at the Pasteur Institute in Paris isolated what appeared to be a new human retrovirus—a special type of virus that reproduces differently from other viruses—from the lymph node of a man at risk for AIDS. Nearly simultaneously, scientists working in the laboratory of American research scientist Robert Gallo at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, and a group headed by American virologist Jay Levy at the University of California at San Francisco isolat ...

Sturge Weber Syndrome
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... the actual gene or combination of genes that provoke this. It is not known if inheritance of the Sturge Weber Syndrome has a pattern, but a dominant mode is suggested and likely. The syndrome has no preference to male or female, or race. Another possible cause could be a congenital anomaly, which was suggested in 1963, but is merely a possibility with no evidence to support this theory. The patients with the Sturge Weber Syndrome are usually only impaired on one side of their physique. They experience slow reflexes or the inability to even move a limb opposite the port-wine stain. Retardation is by far the worst of all effects. Most do not endure retarda ...

Amico Acids - The Building Blocks Of Life
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... was this large inorganic ocean of nitrogen, ammonia salts, methane, and carbon dioxide bubbling away. When POOF! They say there arose an amino acid. Blub blub blub blub, POOF! There arose another amino acid. A bunch ofamino acids got together and formed peptides, polypeptides, and a combination of amino acids formed protein molecules. The building block necessary for life. And that you had this inorganic matter somehow become living matter. Dr Herald Bloom points out, he says, "The problem is how do we know, that if there arose a peptide, a combination of amino acids, that the second peptide would not arise 5 thousand years later 10 thousand miles away. How would ...

The Heart
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... is really the biggest. These veins have a lot of carbon dioxide and have oxygen-poor blood. The aorta is the biggest artery in the whole body. Which will be covered in the report. The pulmonary vein takes the blood out of the heart and takes it to the lungs. Today we will talk about many different parts of the heart: The Three Layers of Muscle, Atriums, Ventricles, Systole and Diastole, Treatments for the Heart, Valves, and many Diseases. The Three Layers of Muscle The heart has three layers of a muscular wall. A thin layer of tissue, the pericardium covers the outside, and another layer, the endocardium, lines the inside. The myocardium ...

Multiple Personality Disorder
Download This PaperWords: 962 - Pages: 4

... to do a lot of research on this topic to fully understand it. I decided that my most convenient source would be the Internet. The Internet has websites, encyclopedias, and magazine articles. I know that the Internet isn’t always accurate, so I knew that I had to look into books. I started out by looking into the Internet. I have the Internet at home, so it was easiest for me to start with. MPD was not a very common subject on the Internet. I couldn’t fine too much information on MPD, and I became very frustrated. Whenever I conducted a search on MPD, I would find DID instead. I wasn’t quite sure what DID was, but I had a feeling that it was some what re ...

Flour Baby Project: Parenting
Download This PaperWords: 1868 - Pages: 7

... genetic disorders and I have to start budgeting all the money in the house to save up for the new baby. Having a baby is a lot of trouble but in the end it is the best thing ever. Having to lug around this baby causes a lot of back pain and a lot of stress on the body itself. The stomach gets really big and stretch marks do appear and it just gets heavy at times. The pregnancy keeps on going for 2 more trimesters the 2nd trimester is based on shopping for maternity cloths, checking for blood sugar, avoid strenuous physical labor, and plan for maternity leave. the third trimester is a little more complicated your must see your practitioner once a month t ...

Destroying Your Health By Smoking Cigarettes
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... but why bother going threw all that money to pick the right one when you can take my word on it? These are really strong cigarettes. How do I know, because take one out and look at it, you will notice that there is no filter on the end of it. Due to no filter you will get none of the toxins filtered Without filtering out some of the toxins you will destroy yourself quicker; that is the goal we are seeking, is it not? Lets take out one of our friends (we will call them that to be funny) and look at it. It is about five to six inches in length, maybe a half inch wide with little brown things that look somewhat like coffee grounds inside a thin white paper cylin ...

Prozac: Mania
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... days when the label "loony" is slapped upon a person taking these drugs. Antidepressants have become almost as commonplace as Tylenol. Prozac is being prescribed for much more than clinical depression. Some of the other illnesses that are treatable by Prozac include bulimia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and dysthymia, which is chronic low-grade depression. In some cases, it is even prescribed for anxiety or low self-esteem (Chisholm and Nichols 38). Part of the popularity of Prozac stems from declining health care. "As medical plans cut back on coverage for psychotherapy, says [Dr. Robert] Birnbaum of Boston's Beth Israel, psychiatrists feel pressure ...

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... some of substances, still un-identified, in meat. A carnivorous diet has always been in American history. Turkey is eaten on Thanksgiving, not Tofu Surprise. Fish on Fridays, not salad. Pop and son would go hunting in the winter for fresh game to eat, they wouldn’t go picking berries and roots. Those who could not or would not eat meat did not survive. Studies have been done by M. J. Lentze, a German who found that vegetarianism causes impaired growth in children five years or younger. Vegan children even fail to grow as well with supplements that exceed the Recommended Daily Allowance. It is true that many vegetables contain a high amount of protein, ...

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