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Essays on Medicine

Bulimia Nervosa
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... and tearing of the esophagus. These eating disorders also occur in men and older women, but much less frequently. Women with diabetes, who have a high rate of bulimia, often lose weight after an eating binge by reducing their dose of insulin. According to recent research, this practice damages eye tissue and raises the risk of diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to blindness. Many anorectic women also indulge in occasional eating binges, and half of them make the transition to bulimia. About 40% of the most severely bulimic patients have a history of anorexia. It is not clear whether the combination of anorexia with bingeing and purging is more debilitati ...

Abortion Debate - Pro-Life Stance
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... can alter this. Those of us who would seek to protect the human who is still to small to cry aloud for it's own protection, have been accused of having a 19th Century approach to life in the last third of the 20th Century. But who in reality is using arguments of a bygone Century? It is an incontrovertible fact of biological science - Make no Mistake - that from the moment of conception, a new human life has been created. Only those who allow their emotional passion to overide their knowledge, can deny it: only those who are irrational or ignorant of science, doubt that when a human sperm fertilizes a human ovum a new human being is created. A new human bein ...

The Partial Birth Abortion Debate
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... form Dayton, Ohio, assisted Dr. Haskell in a Partial Birth Abortion on a 26 1/2 week (over 6 months) pre-born baby boy. She testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee (11/17/95) about what she witnessed. According to Shafer, the baby was alive and moving as the abortionist: "delivered the baby's body and arms--everything but the head. The doctor kept the baby's head just inside the uterus. The baby's little fingers were clasping and unclasping, his feet were kicking. Then the doctor suck the scissors through the back of his head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startled reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall. The doctor open ...

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... diseases accounted at a higher percentage. In 1993 the American Cancer Society predicted that about 33% of Americans will eventually get cancer. In the United States skin cancer is the most dominating in both men and women, followed by prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Yet lung cancer causes the most deaths in men and women. Leukemia, or cancer of the blood, is the most common type in children. An increasing incidence has been clearly observable over the past few decades, due in part to improved cancer screening programs, and also to the increasing number of older persons in the population, and also to the large number of tabacco smokers--part ...

Depression And Its Affects
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... depression at least half the time(Salmans 16). People are not made aware of what to look for in a depressed person. Prolonged sadness and changes in daily routine are often the most obvious signs. These still sometimes come up short when dealing with depression. Fewer than one-third of [people] ever receive treatment or even recognize that their misery could be relieved(Whybrow 7). When dealing with depression people often deny that anything is wrong. Feelings of shame often begin to emerge when someone does finally admit that they don't feel "normal". When things are abnormal life suddenly takes on a dull new look. They significantly alter our familiar ...

Anxiety Disorders
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... the first two semesters and I started noticing I was coming home crying every other day. I would sit in a corner in the dark all the time. I was scared all the time, and through all of that, I scared my son to death. He would come to me and say "mommy what's wrong, why do you do these things, please mommy let me help you". But he couldn't help me, I couldn't help myself. I decided to go to the counseling center first, just to see if I could talk my problem out. There I found my salvation and my sanity. I was told that I had not been in school in over twenty years, and here I was all gun ho about school and I just simply bit off more than I could chew. They s ...

Free Condoms Distribution Programs
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... practice. I believe teenagers would greatly benefit from it for many reasons. Firstly, to further emphasize my point of view lets pretend just for a moment that I am a shy girl named Mary. And lets say that I have a boyfriend named Joe. Joe and I have been together for quite a while and are beginning to be sexually active. In this scenario my alter ego, Mary, is in need of some condoms, but she would not feel comfortable asking her parents for help because they are devout Catholics and would obviously not be too pleased, nor understanding of her sexual activities. If Mary had a free condom distribution program in place at her school, then Mary might feel more com ...

Hepatitis A
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... fever. The liver may become enlarged and a disorder called jaundice may occur, giving the skin a yellow tinge. Jaundice is a disorder symptomatic of several liver and blood diseases and is characterized by yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes, particularly the white of the eyes. Hepatogenous jaundice is caused by liver damage, particularly hepatitis. Hepatitis exists in an acute and/or chronic form. The acute form may subside after about two months or, rarely, can result in liver failutre. Chronic carriers are at risk of lasting liver disease. There are many different kinds of Hepatitis, some more serious then others. Hepatitis A, once called infect ...

Attention Deficit Disorder
Download This PaperWords: 1397 - Pages: 6

... worse again. Down upon the ground they fall, Glasses, plates, knives, forks and all. How Mama did fret and frown, When she saw them tumbling down! And Papa made such a face! Philip is in sad disgrace… Until the early 20th century, patients with Attention Deficit Disorder were concidered stupid and lazy. At this point medicine and psychology begin to study the causes for people to have reduced attention spans. The studies of the disorder quickly lead to both chemical differences and genenic links observed in patients . ADHD, once called hyperkinesis or minimal brain dysfunction, is one of the most common mental disorders among children. It affects 3 to 5 ...

The Trials Of Toilet Training
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... same principals used in Practical Applications of Psychology. The overall objective is to teach the child to toilet himself with the same independence as an adult without the need for reminders, continued praise, or assistance. This method is rapid because of the variety of learning techniques. Learning by imitation, learning by teaching, a partial reinforcement schedule with rewards that increase the need and the negative reinforcement of disapproval are all employed. Children learn best by imitation and teaching with the aid of a hollow doll. The child gives the doll a drink then is told the doll has to "peepee" and he must help her. After the child assists i ...

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