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Essays on Medicine

Dealing With Death
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... way I dealt with the sudden death of my friend Eric is that I kept my feelings to myself and dealt with my own problems. I thought this was best for me and everyone around me. This way I could help those people crying get on with there lives and deal with my problems later. I found that this isn't always the best way to deal with a friend dying either, because I end up shutting people out. This is just another way to deal with death and I'm not saying it's the best way to deal with death just the way I dealt with it. No matter how you deal with death you must learn to live with the fact that someone you know is now no longer around. You must go on with you ...

When Is Now? Euthanasia And Morality
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... ring for a nurse, and ask for the pain-killer. The third night of his routine, a terrible thought occurred to me. 'If Jack were a dog, I thought, what would be done to him?' The answer was obvious: the pound, and the chloroform. No human being with a spark of pity could let a living thing suffer so, to no good end." (James Rachel's The Morality of Euthanasia) The experience of Stewart Alsop, a respected journalist, who died in 1975 of a rare form of cancer gave an example on the morality of euthanasia. Before he died, he wrote movingly of his experiences with another terminal patient. Although he had not thought much about euthanasia before, he came t ...

Morality And The Human Genome Project
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... dissection of the terminology must be made. Websters Dictionary defines morality as ethics, upright conduct, conduct or attitude judged from the moral standpoint. It also defines a moral as concerned with right and wrong and the distinctions between them. A Genome is "the total of an individuals genetic material," including, "that part of the cell that controls heredity" (Lee,4). Subsequently, "reasearch and technology efforts aimed at mapping and sequencing large portions or entire genomes are called genome projects" (Congress,4). Genome projects are not a single organizations efforts, but instead a group of organizations working in government and private industry ...

The Human Brain
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... 11 3. Areas and Jobs 12 INTRODUCTION NOTE: All words in bold print will be found in the glossary. The human body is divided into many different parts called organs. All of the parts are controlled by an organ called the brain, which is located in the head. The brain weighs about 2.75 pounds, and has a whitish-pink appearance. The brain is made up of many cells, and is the control centre of the body. The brain flashes messages out to all the other parts of the body. The messages travel in very fine threads called nerves. The nerves and the brain make up a system somewhat like tele ...

Teen Pregnancy
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... unintended pregnancy. A very popular form of birth control are condoms. They are inexpensive and can be found anywhere, from your neighborhood drugstore to a vending machine at a public restroom. A condom is sheath that fits over the penis made of either latex, plastic or animal tissue. Condoms are also refered to as a rubber, safe or jimmy. It catches semen before, during and after a man ejaculates.It prevents pregnancy by preventing the sperm from entering the vagina. There is however a risk that you might get pregnant even with the use of condoms. It is not one hundred percent effective. However, latex condoms also protect against sexually transmitted diseases ( ...

Euthanasia Is Not The Answer
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... insurance companies and managed care organizations agreeing to pay for barbiturates that kill rather than pills that merely reduce pain.” (2) My uncle Mike died this year from cancer and only lived six weeks after his diagnosis. He didn’t choose any treatment because of his poor prognosis. If he had chosen Euthanasia we would have missed out on so much. He was not active in church but returned to his catholic faith. He showed my family and I how to live in the face of death. He wasn’t afraid to die and let us share in his care. He had some pain but it was well controlled. He had hospice come and make him very comfortable. Our family was united in caring for him. ...

Nutrition In Schools
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... then ever are suffering from obesity at the school because of the poor food choices offered to them, such as an abundance of fried foods. Students that spoke at a USDA and Senate hearing complained of school lunches regularly consisting of, "greasy cheeseburgers and tater tots or french fries. Another student held up a napkin soaked with grease from a piece of pizza served at his school! Other students complained about canned vegetables being drenched in butter(Norvell, 1995). Many of the school meals sacrifice taste and appearance. When this happens it leads to the children to neglect their main course and go to class hungry. In a study conducted for ...

What Is Angina? And What Is The Cure?
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... question, and sometimes even a cardiac catheterization is done if the outcome is felt necessary to make management decisions. This is a complex area which requires careful judgment by physician and patient. Angina is a manifestation of coronary artery disease, the same disease leading to heart attacks. Coronary artery diseas refers to those syndromes caused by blockage to the flow of blood in those arteries supplying the heart muscle itself, i.e., the coronary arteries. Like any other organ, the heart requires a steady flow of oxygen and nutrients to provide energy for rmovement, and to maintain the delicate balance of chemicals which allow for the careful ele ...

Auguments About Abortion
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... hands of the government. Abortion, and the choice a women may make, is a very private thing and should not be open to debate. The question of morality should not even come into play when considering abortion, because in this case the question is not of morality but of choice and constitutionality. The ninth amendment states "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." This in turn, is guaranteeing a women the right to have an abortion. Pro-choice people say that abortion is the killing of a child, but pro-choice people do not consider the fetus a child. A philosopher, Ma ...

U Of T Professors Devise Better Way To Test Sight In Babies
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... test) which produce much more reliable results. Until now, doctors would have to extrapolate the baby's ability to see small stimuli from test results using large stimuli. "In Effect, Dr. Eizenman has developed a way of looking at brain waves that is more sensitive than methods previously available, " says Skarf. At the HSC, VEP's are used in a number of clinical applications: to determine whether a visual problem is cognitive; to assess whether babies who don't appear to see well will see better in the future; to determine a course of treatment for such problems in which one eye turns in or is weaker than the other eye. The second aspect of the researchers' work ...

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