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Nature 3
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... of the sea such as whales and sharks can be deadly. Even though the odds are slim of being killed by one, things can still happen. Such creatures like whales as depicted in Moby Dick can be a nice sight but also deadly. In the book the captain of the ship lost his leg in a prior encounter with a whale. When the crew went after Moby Dick he snapped and swelled huge waves towards the boat and attacked. He wrecked the ship. The panicked crew was scattered around the boat. IN the end nature prevailed because moby dick scared the crew. But it was the humans who got the last word when they killed he gigantic whale. Frigid cold winters are another one of natureR ...

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... He applied calculus to his theories of motion and gravitational pull. He was able to discover a function and describe mathematically the motion of all objects in the universe. Calculus was invented to help solve problems dealing with "changing or varying" quantities. Calculus is considered "mathematics of change." There are some basic or general parts of calculus. Some of these are functions, derivative, antiderivatives, sequences, integral functions, and multivariate calculus. Some believe that calculus is too hard or impossible to learn without much memorization but if you think that calculus is all memorizing then you will not get the object of le ...

Prayer In Schools
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... nation, and their classmates. They pray despite the laws. Benny Proffitt, a Southern Baptist youth-club worker said, "We believe that if we are to see America's young people come to Christ, and America turn around, it's going to happen through our schools, not our churches"(Beima 28). Russia's offical faith for seven years was atheism; however, today evangelists and Bible teachers distribute the Scriptures in the public schools. In America, whose motto is "In God We Trust", there is no affirmation of that claim in the schools, or public life; In 1999, 37 years after prayer was dismissed in schools, generation after generation is diverging from God and is perishing i ...

Computer Ethics
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... if necessary, to change their set of personal beliefs to include ethics. The computer is considered one of the most important technological advances of the twentieth century. Security and privacy issues have been in existence long before the computer became a vital component of organizations' operations. Nevertheless, the operating features of a computer make it a dangerous tool. Computer technologies with reliable error detection and recording capabilities, permit the invasion of a supposedly secure environment to occur on a grand scale and go undetected withought any suspicion . Furthermore, computer and communications technology permits the invasion of a persons ...

Monotheism Vs. Polytheism; The
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... the philosophy of religion, that will be centered on, are the grounds for the belief in God(s), the immortality of the soul, the nature of God(s) to humankind, and the problem of evil. Polytheism is distinguished from monotheism, on the basis of polytheism's claim that divinity, while personal and distinguished from the universe, is many rather than one. Most traditions are polytheistic, or at least monotheistic with helper spirits; but there are a few monotheistic ones which posit a single Great Creator with no supporting cast. Except for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the world's religions are overwhelmingly polytheistic. One of the major problems of these mon ...

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... a new model of dreaming. Numerous sections of the brain aid in dreaming, but they have concluded that it is a bottom-up process which is triggered by a region called the pontine brain stem, or pons. These pons, referred to as FTG's, or gigantocellular field of the tegmentum, begin to aid in the dreaming process when the brain goes into REM sleep. REM is referred to as rapid eye movement ("How to Build..."). In order for people to dream, they must be in a period of rest which they lose awareness of their surroundings. This is more commonly known as sleep. Once a person has fallen asleep, they will enter into the first of five stages of sleep. Stages one th ...

Tourism In New Zealand
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... to this problem could be promotion of New Zealand as a high quality destination at a higher price, i.e. less tourists spending more money. New Zealand tourism is largely reliant on ‘Eco-tourism’ so to maintain the tourism industry it is imperative that our environment is conserved. However tourism itself can have negative effects on the environment. The tourism sector must act responsibly in its use of the environment and any use must be sustainable. It is the economic effects of tourism which bring the most benefit to the host nation. Tourism is a low import user which means more of the money earned here stays here. The government is earni ...

Are Blacks Too Cool For The We
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... help us achieve our ‘50’s and ‘60’s ideals (p 643).” Blacks still want the traditional “American Dream.” Well, what is the “traditional” American Dream? Perhaps, the dream is to have a nice car and house, and a good job. But in contrast to Gaiter, I believe that these are the same things we want today. Nothing has changed except for the fact that entrepreneurs have emerged with the growth of the Web. People are finding ways to make money from avenues they never dreamed of. The “American Dream” as we know it has not vanished or been left behind, it has simply been revised to include family t ...

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... The Cologne Cathedral and the Ulm Cathedral are found in Germany. The Lou Vain Cathedral is the only major cathedral found in the country of Belgium. There are two in Italy, the Florence Cathedral and the Milan Cathedral. When in Spain, the Avila Cathedral and the Toledo Cathedral can be visited. On the Scandinavian Peninsula, in the country of Sweden, you could visit the Lund Cathedral and the Uppsala Cathedral, the two main . Churches are buildings designed for the worship of groups of Christians. Churches are built for sacred purposes. All churches worship differently, some with a large, elaborate ceremony. Others with a small ceremony, however, becau ...

Bhagavad Gita
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... to be one with god is a search that completes ones life. A followers entire life is revolved around reaching this supreme state of being, living not for themselves, but for god. As one gets closer to god, they relieve themselves of materialistic ideals and ways of life. Using Yoga, these ideals soon diminish, resulting in a pure soul and closeness to god. This pure soul will contribute to good karma, which in turn will result in a better life after reincarnation. Self realization achieved through meditation, is a primary goal of the writings of the . Meditation allows one to find oneself, reaching their inner soul, to develop a long loving relationship with th ...

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