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Atirtotle's Politics
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... between households, clans, and villages for the sake of a fully developed and self-sufficient life. The polis gives those who possess wisdom and moral intellect a chance to move up to high positions Justice is the political good in the polis, and it must promote the common interest of the people. What is perceived to be good has to be distributive and regulative. The law is the regulating mechanism that emerges from free and equal people in civic associations. It serves as the final arbiter of problems, and stands above individuals and binds their actions. Laws change habits and training, but are changeable through certain circumstances and proce ...

Eating Disorders
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... and about dieting. It became so serious that two friends of mine had to be hospitalized for damage that the disorder was doing to them, both physically and mentally. Anorexia Nervosa is primarily a psychological disorder, but is so serious that it damages the physical state and well being of the person, as well. Usually affecting young girls, Anorexia (in its short name) starts out as an innocent desire to lose a few pounds, and becomes serious when the individual's psychological state is not healed, and feelings of incompetence and depression re-appear. The individual will then start obsessing about food and dieting and will ban themselves from any food at all. ...

The Unity Of The Mind And Body
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... body can vary for different people. Montaigne’s general philosophy on the relationship between the mind and the physical health of the body is one that associates a healthy existence with a healthy mind. His idea of a healthy mind is that which is learned through the studies of the “great thinkers” of the past, and steered clear of being taken control of by the omnipotent imagination. In Montaigne’s essay “On the Education of Children,” Montaigne stresses the importance of education, but only promotes a select few genres of education as appropriate. Montaigne links these few genres of education directly to the well being of t ...

My Philosophical Approach To Counseling
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... for value and meaning in life. Existential Therapy does not supply a cookbook of methods like other approaches but instead it provides a framework that is adaptable to the therapist, in which to view the individual and the world in which they participate. Definition of Person-Centered (Client-Centered) Therapy According to Mosby's Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary, client-centered therapy is a non directive method of group or individual psychotherapy, originated by Carl Rogers, in which the role of the therapist is to listen to and reflect or restate without judgment or interpretation the words of the client. Objectives of Existential Therap ...

Download This PaperWords: 1863 - Pages: 7

... their perspective on what is, or is not, worth buying; what they buy, when they buy it and how much are bought. "symbolizes and concentrates in its image all that is considered good and bad in present day commercial and industrial capitalism in America." (Bensman 9). When advertisers plan their strategies for the sale of a certain product, they look at who would use the item. If the product was make-up, the type of person that would use it would most likely be a woman, around the age of thirteen and up. The advertisers would then find an ideal looking woman to model for ads to show the makeup on a person and try to get women to use it. The way that the advertis ...

Differences And Similarities Of Liberalism
Download This PaperWords: 1927 - Pages: 8

... asking leave or depending upon the will of any other man.1 The state of nature includes the “ of nature to govern it, which obliges everyone; and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it...”2 The state of nature also includes inequality ...since gold and silver, being little useful to the life of a man in proportion to food, raiment, and carriage, has its value only from the consent of men, whereof labour yet makes, in great part, the measure, it is plain that men have agreed to a disproportional and unequal possession of the earth.3 In Locke's state on nature there are also th ...

What Is Love?
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... you make another person feel when you are in their presence. Love is the laughter that you share, the time you spend, and the relationship that you build with that special someone. Many people show or express their love for someone in many and different ways. For instance, there was an ancient Egyptian Poem that captivated my attention. While I was reading the poem it made me realize how more people view love the same way as I do. The poem is named "Love, how I'd love to slip down to the pond." In the poem there were lines that helped me realize that love is not what you say, it is what you do. And in the poem there was a line that stood out far from the rest. It sa ...

Michael Collins Biography Figh
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... (IRB) became a immediate inspirational figure to look up to. Along with other role models and Michael's keen interest for reading, at just 11 he was subscribed to the "The United Irishman" a nationalist magazine edited by "Arthur Griffith" who later went on to became the founder of Sinn Fein, a nationalist party that still exists to this day. In July 1906, at the age of 15, Michael Collins immigrated to London; he did not take long to become involved in a strong Irish community in London and also became involved in the Gaelic Athletic Association. He easily found work in London moving from job to job, and when he was 18, before moving back to Ireland he found h ...

Shoeless Joe- Baseball Is Rays
Download This PaperWords: 570 - Pages: 3

... It is the game that's important - the tension, the strategy, the ballet of the fielders, the angle of the bat." Ray thinks this is the purest of games, he loves everything about the game. He loves watching the plays, the sound of the crowed, eating the hotdogs and everything else that has to do with baseball. Baseball brings you more than just entertainment, there are rule to follow and guidelines to the game. All the players follow the rules and if they do not then they will be just kick out right away. Ray follows the rules and brings order into his household this way. Everything he does and says has to do with baseball, Karin is very obedient and this is be ...

Download This PaperWords: 1219 - Pages: 5

... just a few of the many facts about the negative affects of alcohol and how they affect us as teenagers. Really pay attention to these results and hopefully they will help remind you of the right decision to make the next time you are at a party. - An estimated average of eight young people dies every day in alcohol related accidents. (CSAP, 1996) - More than 40% of all 16 - to - 20-year-Olds deaths result from motor vehicle accidents. - Nearly half of these fatalities (38.9 %) were caused by alcohol-related accidents. - Estimates are that 2,222 persons’ ages 16 - 20 died in alcohol-related accidents in the year 1994. (NHTSA, 1995) - Bas ...

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