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The Ideas Of A Moralistic Soci
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... conscious man, who makes it a hobby of sucking up to money. This fellow, who goes by the name of Mr. Collins, is portrayed, understandably as a very objectionable individual. I believe that Jane Austin made a purpose of making every behavior and line of dialogue given by him into a reason for us to like him less and less. He starts out as a simple minded man who just happens to be a braggart. However, as the novel goes on his personality becomes more and more objectionable, and when he throws in such statements as "your sister would have rather died than disgrace her family" (in speaking of Lydia’s elopement) we begin to down right detest him. The manner in w ...

Feng Shui And Building Structures
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... Wall of China, The Temple of Prayer for Good Harvests and typical Chinese homes, feng shui had an important place in China. Feng shui shows it's face in "The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests", which is more commonly but inaccurately called the "Temple of Heaven". This temple, second in importance to the Forbidden City, is the most amazing and extraordinary monument in Beijing. The temple's intricate interior structure is made entirely of wood. In relation to feng shui, the wood provides a natural and environmental atmosphere. In the temple stand four great columns, each distinguishing a season, which enhances the feeling of being surrounded by nature. The temple ...

Object Oriented Programming
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... has been around since the late 60's. These advances allowed programmers to write fairly complex programs relatively easy using such languages as C and Pascal. However, once a program reached a certain size it was just too complex to manage. In 1980 at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, Bjarne Stroustrup developed a new programming paradigm. (2) His new concept was built on structured programming and incorporated a few new powerful ideas. Some of the more noteworthy include Classes, Polymorphism, overloading, and inheritance. C itself is a powerful language to begin with. C++ builds on C to make it much easier to deal with very large programs, as well as ...

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... are some of the ways the Mob negatively affects our community and harms innocent citizens. Any illegal activity that brings in big money the is part of. Union corruption has been the primary focus of many federal investigations and by the end of the 1980’s, four unions, the Teamsters, Longshoremen, Laborers, and Hotel and Restaurant Employees union, had all been identified as mob dominated. Not only does the mob find money makers in the United States, they finds ways to bring money to them from other countries. Alien smuggling generates more than $3 billion a year for the mob. Mobsters will kill without remorse and threaten anyone who won’t go along wit ...

Hawaiian Chant
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... see the world she once knew. If I was to just read the first four lines I would think that she was not only talking to herself but to a God or Gods. But when you continue it can go either way, it's really hard to tell whom she's talking to, almost like there could be two versions of the same chant. Because you could easily separate certain lines and make two different chants with the same meaning but meant for two different audiences. The fifth and sixth lines sound the same also but just like the first four lines are different. "Oh (my) people/commoners", she's say's this in a way were it means her immediate family and I guess other people of royalty. Then in ...

Surfing Has Been Around For Ma
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... where made of balsa wood and then covered in a layer of fiberglass, these boards reached a length of about 9-10 feet long. In the 1960ˇ¦s the long board was introduced and was made of Styrofoam and again, covered in fiberglass. In the 70ˇ¦s the short board took over, which had a similar design to the long boards but were only around 6 foot in length. These proved to be very popular due to their faster speeds and easier maneuverability. Some of the people of today are still using the old fashioned long board, but as you would expect the design has changed significantly and they come in a few different lengths. Now the sport of surfing has grown into a worldwide att ...

The Rise Of Gladiatorial Combat In Rome
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... fullest. Gladiatorial duels had originated from funeral games given in order to satisfy the dead man's need for blood, and for centuries their principle occasions were funerals. The first gladiatorial combats therefore, took place at the graves of those being honored, but once they became public spectacles they moved into amphitheaters. (2:83) As for the gladiators themselves, an aura of religious sacrifice continued to hang about their combats. Obviously most spectators just enjoyed the massacre without any remorseful reflections. Even ancient writers felt no pity, they were aware that gladiators had originated from these holocausts in honor of the dead. Wh ...

The Olympics
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... it was a sacred honor for those who had the privilege of competing in the games (Former 1987). The only people who were allowed to compete in the ancient Olympics were Greek speaking men. Since Greece was the site where originated, this seemed reasonable to the Greeks (Guttmann 1992). After the Spartans introduced the idea of competing naked, all events were performed in the nude. As a way of being ”slick” when wrestling, athletes often rubbed their bodies with oil to make it easier for them to slide away from their competitors (Bellow 1994). The women were unable to compete in these games, but their time to shine would come into play a little later. The people ...

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... of handling the stress of living on their own. These people get kicked out of their homes and are to ashamed to go to their families because of their illness, so we see them on the streets struggling to stay warm. Teenage mothers are also forced to live on the streets because their families will not help them. The fathers are not there and that forces them to live on the streets. So they must resort to prostitution to pay for the food that their young ones need to stay alive. There are many other people that become for many different reasons. Some of these people can not help becoming . Some of these people are the illegal immigrants that come here from other ...

Humans Vs. Technology
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... computers. Clocks, banking machines, radios, and many more appliances run on computerized chips. Little bits of technology that we take for granted are all of the same making. The world has come to a point where it relies on technology to make life easier. The more humans progress, the more technology will be available for creating a relaxed lifestyle. At this rate, the years ahead will prove to be the age of technology. It will reach a stage where human skills and trades will be obsolete. Every year, millions of jobs are being replaced by bits of technology that can do the same amount of work for little, if any, cost. Jobs such a hydro, banking, even baking have ...

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