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Counseling A Compulsive Gamble
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... ten points." "You're on!" This is a very common thing heard between friends prior to a big game. Sure, it may seem harmless at the time, but after the game someone is going o be out ten dollars, and it I guaranteed that they won't be very happy. This can sometimes cause a problem in the relationship between the two friends. It may end up that one of them feels cheated after the game, or one does not pay, but thee are many things that can cause these two buds to wind up in an argument. Sure, some people can make friendly bets like this and nothing will happen. The truth is, though, these friendly, sometimes harmless little bets can lead to bigger, more risky ...

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... rays are filtered through the eye end interpreted by the mind. The human species is vastly dependent on this process: although provided with five senses, the brain gathers well over halt its external information through the eyes. On a spiritual level, however, is endowed with much greater significance. Buddha implored us to seek 'inner light"; Jesus Christ crowned himself "the light of the world"; Ancient Egyptians abandoned mere metaphor and literally worshipped the sun. Is light a profound substance, as previously discussed, but self-fulfillment relies on perception of this light; it relies on . Darkness is the perfect antagonist to light. It is an utter absen ...

Barbie 2
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... was then a teen-age fashion model who was very different to the dolls the kids played with at that time. The buyers were at first skeptical to the doll but when Mattel started to make tv-commercials to reach out to the buyers it was an instant hit. Barbie is still the most popular fashion doll ever created. That is because she is always changing when the fashion and trends change. She wears everything from the Paris fashion to the more youthful look. For example the creaters changed her when the Beatles were popular and they made a copy of Jackie Kennedy when she was popular. In the 1970s Barbie wore very different clothes just to be trendy. She for example wor ...

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... Arthur's responsibility as a squire (before he was king), Lancelot's challenge of worthiness and Perceval's ambition illustrate the urge that exists in men to serve their king as a knight. The responsibilities of a squire serving a knight is one way in which a man is eventually knighted. In the early opening scenes of the movie Excalibur, young Arthur serves as a squire to his brother Kay. Squires were the duties of young men who served their knights by preparing their armor and weaponry. During some of the jousting scenes squires retrieve jousts and pass them over to their knights, but never really assist in combat. Just from the experience and duties as a s ...

The Mexican Revolution
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... in a revolution directed against the Spanish plantation owners in northern Mexico. He was motivated by a need for a new government and a re-location of both the church's and plantation owner's lands. Hidalgo and the Indians, armed with only farm tools and weapons, marched towards Mexico City. While Hidalgo was marching into Mexico City, Jose Morelos organized an attack force and began raiding Spanish plantations and towns. Hidalgo’s army was defeated in 1811 and he was executed. Jose Morelos took control of the revolution and led attacks until the Spaniards captured and killed him in 1815. When Morelos died so did the revolution of 1810.( ...

Victims Of Divorce
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... a family divorce. "It is projected that nearly half of all the babies born today will spend some time in a one-parent family which occurred as a result of single parenthood or divorce" (Shiono and Quinn 15). This fact indicates that the future of this world will be in the hands of the people who have lived through at least one divorce. That's why, there should be more emphasis given to divorce and more solutions should be presented for the well being of our children. Although the parents are not the only ones who should feel responsible of this social failure, the parents can accomplish the most efficient assistance. The cost of divorce to children is so high tha ...

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... rate in New Jersey. They claim restaurants, movie theaters, and other local businesses will benefit when exactly the opposite is true. Who is going to eat a local restaurant when the casino is offering free meals and drinks to gamblers. By 1996, Atlantic City were devoting 318 million dollars to promotional food and drinks. Also in Atlantic City, over 900 of the 2100 small businesses there closed and the number of local restaurants was reduced from 243 to 146. Richard Byron, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, describes gambling expenditures as Money Extracted From Other Consumer Spending. When come into a small community such as Atlantic Cit ...

Holiday On Mackinaw Island
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... The place looks very congested and it doesn't look like an enjoyable vacation spot but a little farther away from the downtown area peace and beauty exists. Mackinaw Island has beautiful scenery. One unique place, the Arch Rock, looks very neat. It towers above the tourists. The rock has a huge round hole carved in it making it resemble like a donut hole. It is about fifteen to twenty feet in diameter. Through the hole, tourists can only see the bicycle path and Lake View. The lake has clear blue water. One of the other attractive places it has is the butterfly house. Hundreds of butterflies fly around the house. When they get tired, they sit on one of th ...

Sci-fi Gibberish Or A Glance A
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... are sickly attached to biblical legends. Times do change, people do change, so why can't we accept the variation of a myth? Sci-fi, as a part of mythology, is a reflector of our comprehension and the fruits of self-exploration. As myths, sci-fi stories don't have to be specimens of refined literature. Its literary form is not the essence. As a famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung has put in his works, a myth is like a mirror, reflecting the messages sent by our subconsciousness to our mind, projecting them through the cells of our mental network and translating them from the language of the archetypal symbols to the individual tongue of one's soul. So, treating scie ...

Inside Every Modern Computer O
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... masks, and overshoes. This is necessary because even one dust particle or water droplet can ruin a batch of chip production. The manufacturing of a silicon chip starts when silica, the main component of sand, is heated with carbon which makes 98 percent pure silicon. This is then dissolved in hydrochloric acid. The resulting liquid is fractionally distilled to separate almost all of the impurities.The remaining liquid is then heated in a hydrogen tmosphere, which produces the purest silicon possible. This silicon, however, is in the form of many crystals of different sizes and orientations. This silicon goes through the Czochralski pulled crystal process in ...

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