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The Power Of Reading
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... able to express him or herself more freely and eloquently, but one is more likely to sound sophisticated. When a person speaks articulately it is because they are confident about themselves, and what better way to obtain that confidence than through reading. Having an extensive vocabulary will not only help you feel more confident about yourself because of your vocabulary, but it will make you successful. If you are a student, having a broad vocabulary will help you be a better writer, thus helping you pass English classes more efficiently. Not to mention if you are a high school Senior aspiring colleges, than reading will most likely be your best benefactor ...

Internet In The Classroom
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... service, and business. The costs of setting up and maintaining Internet access are varied and changing. Lets take a look at some of the costs of setting up Internet service in a typical school. First comes the hardware. Hardware required is generally a standard Windows-based PC or Macintosh and a 14.4 Kbs or higher modem. This will cost about $1000 apiece. If the average school has 50 classrooms, already the cost has risen to $50,000 per school, for only one connection per classroom. Next you need actual Internet service. For 24-hour connections expect to pay $100 or more per month, per account. If a school plans to have more than a few individu ...

Stages Of Change Model
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... and termination. Precontemplation is when an individual is not considering making any changes. Contemplation is the time when an individual is aware there is a problem and is considering taking action to resolve it. Preparation refers to the time when an individual commits to taking action sometime within the next 30 days. Action is the busiest time. There are noticeable efforts to change the targeted behavior. Maintenance is the stage when a person tries to stabilize the behavior change and prevent relapse. Termination is the final stage, this occurs when there is zero temptation to revert back to the old behavior. Now the author uses these six stages to rela ...

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... can be trained to avoid unwanted behavior or perform tricks. Ferrets will even fetch! In the second place, Ferrets are civilized members of the household. Unlike dogs, Ferrets do not bark or make other loud noises. They are generally content to lead a quiet existence. Ferrets also don't often have accidents. Even stray Ferrets generally understand the concept when shown the box and will use it regularly. Ferrets do have claws, and owners must make provision for this. A tall scratching post in a favorite Ferret area of the house will usually keep the Ferret content to leave the furniture alone. As a last resort, of course, Ferrets can be declawed. Lastly, one ...

Working In The Clouds
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... on a journey, will call for their wings as regularly as they call for their boot.” -Bishop Wilkens With the success of the Wright brothers' flight came renovations that have made everyday flight possible. Airplanes are used for a variety of things; travel is only one of many. Aviation is divided into three sectors. The first sector of aviation is military aviation. Military aviation refers to aircraft flown by the armed forces. Aircraft have a chief weapon in many wars. The major air arms of the world's military, has a variety of aircraft developed for both strategic and tactical purposes, such as, the supersonic fighter and the strike aircraft. Some of these ...

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... would put out the fires in their homes so they would appear to be cold and undesirable. The townspeople would dress up in costumes and noisily parade around the neighborhood, being as destructive as possible in an attempt to scare the spirits away. Trick-or-Treat was said to come from people leaving food for the spirits on their doorsteps to ensure a good year. Another myth about how Trick-or-Treating got started is by the Celebration honoring Muck Olla where a parade of people begged for food and the leader wore a mask, which is how costumes were started. Halloween didn't become widely celebrated in the United States until the 1800's when immigrants from Irelan ...

The Arts Should Be A Part Of The School Curriculum
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... how to accept music and I have realized that it can help me too. The arts can be looked at as another language. It can be another way of dealing with problems other than words. The arts can relate very closely to everyday language. I believe that any spoken language helps to convey one's thoughts, but everyone thinks in a different way. For example, in order to speak to a non-English speaking person and clearly convey a message, both people need to know the basics of the same language. Associating this concept with the arts, it would be as difficult to communicate a concept of the arts with someone who is not educated in the arts. Another example would be ...

Endagerment Of The Grizzlies
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... need to live. Grizzly bears have tremendous food requirements in order to survive--adult females average 300 pounds, and males around 450 pounds, stated Stevens. Furthermore, grizzly bears are opportunistic feeders thriving on roots, berries, pine nuts, insects, herbaceous vegetation, fish, small mammals, and occasionally wild ungulates and their young. With grizzly bears wide variety of provisions, they need a large area to sustain themselves. Stevens stated, a male grizzly bear will use up to a 500 square mile "home range" throughout its life. Glover and Johnson stated, a female grizzly bear will use up 11-490 square miles throughout its life. Being that th ...

Gendre Stereotyping
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... can be destructive. We know information can be harmful when we use the terms "tomboy" and "sissy". These terms automatically make the accused party an outcast. The term "tomboy" is used when referring to a girl who may seem slightly masculine, whereas the term "sissy" is used to describe a boy whe may seem slightly feminine. The socially accepted despcription of what it is to be masculine is to be strong, to be able to support a family, and to have high stamina. On the other hand, what it is to be feminine is to be a loving mother, and to stay home with their kids. Men and women have very specific and very different dress codes. Men must where suits and women mus ...

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... has an interesting health program. It is known as Compulsory Health Insurance. This insurance covers the entire population of and it provides unlimited free medical care, unlimited free hospitalization, liberal cash allowances and many other benefits. This program also makes it possible so that everyone can afford to see a doctor ( family physican or a specialist ). Medical bills are split four ways; among employee, the employer, the state, and the local community. The retired get a minimum pension that corresponds to about two-thirds of average pay during his/her twenty best earning years ( Discovering,46 ) Third, one must understand Norway's e ...

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