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Censorship Of Academic Materials
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... and to exercise their own sense of reason. "The injustices of censorship were in full force at least as early as 1644, the year English writer John Milton wrote his famous Areopagitica to defend freedom of the press" (Tax 154). Last year alone, there were more instances of school censorship than any year since 1982 (Clark 171). The most challenged books deal with the following subjects: sex, feminism, teen rebelliousness, AIDS, homosexuality, the negative African-American experience, and non-Christian viewpoints. The overwhelming majority of book objections come from parents in the community who have no authority on what should be censored and what should not ...

Time Makes A Big Difference
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... get headaches, get tired, and get bored. I could keep on going, but I think you get the picture. There are so many different reasons. I think everyone would agree with my suggestion. I think the biggest problem the students face is that school lasts to long. Now, I'll tell you a little more about that subject. Notice how more kids get in trouble at the end of the day than at the beginning? The reason is so simple to understand! Kids get restless when they are bored for a long time. That's another area where my idea would help. It would shorten the day from 7 hours to 4 hours. A 3 hour difference! Kids also daydream when they are bored. They could miss ...

Transcendentalism And A Belief In A "Higher Power"
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... of a higher power. The primary argument against the existence of a Judeo-Christian all- knowing, all-powerful, righteous God is the argument from evil. This argument argues against the presence of a higher power using facts of ordinary life. This argument states that most would agree that some of the pain and suffering (evil) in this world is unnecessary. To be considered a necessary evil, the occurrence must be the only way to produce something good, which outweighs the evil. Many events, such as infant deaths, would not be classified in this category. If such an all-knowing deity existed, it states, He would know that this evil was occurring. If He was all-po ...

Confucianism And Taoism In Joy
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... times of peace. Confucius was a failed politician, great teacher, and Eastern democrat. It is said that culture provides a set of rituals to fall back upon in an unknown situation, like shaking hands with someone when meeting them for the first time. Living during a time of constant war, when morals and ethics were at an all-time low, he drew up a set of strict guidelines for the immoral man to follow. He loved tradition, for he felt that it was, "a potential conduit- one that could funnel into the present behavior patterns that could have been perfected during a golden age in China's past," (Smith 168). For Confucius, there was no self without relationships, ...

Motivation Is Progression
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... greater ease and precision. Self-interest serves to better my life. It encompasses both hobbies and passions. Hobbies are relaxing and promote self-enjoyment. Therefore, I work hard and endure the days of unpleasant chores because I am motivated to participate in my hobbies like racing sailboats and driving cars. Bettering my life through self-enjoyment allows me to contribute in a more affective way to society. A person who has spent a weekend participating in their hobbies and passions will be much more relaxed than someone who has been working without any self-satisfaction. A relaxed person is a more productive person and productive people tend to give o ...

The Wisdom Of Socrates
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... to make them concede on another point that contradicted the first one. It was through this sequence of questions that Socrates proved that what the other person believed he knew was either false, or that there were other possibilities to consider. He publicly made fools of some of Athens most prominent figures, and for this he was not looked upon very highly by the city. One of the best examples of Socrates’ method occurred while he was standing trial for believing against the norm. He was his own defense and put Meletus, his accuser, on the stand and asked him a series of questions. He first convinces Meletus to say that Socrates is the only person in Athens tha ...

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... to follow. A main concern of the United States was its 1,000 citizens on the island. Of these citizens, 600 were medical students at St. George University. Because of the political turmoil, the U.S. stated to its public that the students and citizens on were in danger. President Reagan also stated to the press that there was no way for our citizens to get off the island. However, the State Department had issued a formal note to asking about the safety of its citizen, to which the minister of external affairs replied, ¡° The interest of the United States citizens are in no way threatened by the present situation ... which the Ministry hastens to point out ...

Year Round School
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... to attend to, be it the school play rehearsals, or an after school sport. They won't have as much time to lounge around, get bored, and finally, get into trouble while engaging in foolish activities to fill up time. Teenagers tend to lean towards the bad side of having fun when they get bored, especially if there is a lot of time to kill. In the current school system, most of the beginning months of school are wasted on review. Everyone forgets after such a long break from school, epecially in Math. From past experience, Math seems to be the easiest to forget and the hardest to pick up right away. If the student had worked continuosly at a constant pace, th ...

Advertising And Alcohol
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... KidCom. Hard liquor ads on television are equally unconscionable. In June, 1996, Joseph E. Seagrams & Sons Co. broke a 48 year old voluntary ban on advertising hard liquor on television. Five months later, the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS) re-wrote its Code of Good Practice to allow its member distillers to advertise on radio and television. Even if these TV ads are aired only after 9 or 10 PM, they will still reach millions of American children. Alcohol advertising may increase alcohol consumption, including drinking by minors. Based on this effect, various municipalities around the country have attempted to ban alcohol advertising. ...

An Explanation Of
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... to this parable, as he moves from ignorance to knowledge despite his pride. The stage is set for his fall in the beginning when he asks his father, “Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me” (8-9). He wants his inheritance in advance, which seems inappropriate and is an obvious foreshadowing of the mistakes that are to come. It quickly becomes evident that the boy’s inexperience with money will lead to his downfall when Jesus tells that he gathers all together and takes “his journey to a far country” (9). He is out to live the good life as he wastes “his substance with riotous living” (9). This sinful l ...

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