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Economic 2
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... in an increase in interest rates charged to customers by financial institutions throughout the nation. Investors may, in this instance, move some funds out of other investments in order to take advantage of the higher rates (such as moving out of bonds), and the stock market may see a decrease in value as investors weigh the effect of the interest rate increase on corporate borrowing. The Fed held interest rates steady for most of 1997 and 1998 during which time the economy moved forward at a slow pace. Inflation was kept in check, the federal deficit declined, and unemployment was at near-record lows throughout the country. Despite this, there was little up ...

Fine Automobiles (persuasive)
Download This PaperWords: 552 - Pages: 3

... in a different paradigm: we are still attracted to objects which visually arrest our attention, yet after the millions of years of evolution and development we have cluttered our picture. Now there are so many objects in view and situations on the average individual's mind that they may not think much of what the cavemen of the past thought about, such as the sun. So, now that the sun is no big deal, what is? The eye catching object is the automobile. That is man's current attraction, even if that attraction lasts for a split second. Today a car is practically a necessity, not an absolute one, yet with the nature of work it has a definite play in modern life. C ...

Leadership Styles And Its Appl
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... mirror consistently honors the highest ethical and moral code; Visionary - he/she is always measuring decisions against the question - Does this fulfill the mission and goal of the organization? How will performance and results be measured? Further, according to James Macgregor Burns, "Executive leaders have effective power (rather than mere formal authority) to the degree that they can activate the need and motivational bases of other leaders and subordinates in the organisation. This power in essence is the traditional power to reward and penalize - but what do the respondents or power recipients consider to be rewards and penalties? In a large organisation there ...

Book Report On 1984 By George Orwel
Download This PaperWords: 1968 - Pages: 8

... I found on page 6, eddies, which is a current air running contrary to the main current. Also on page 6 I learned that in this place where Winston lives they use what is called a telescreen which watches and hears everything everyone is doing. There is a telescreen placed in every corner of every room. This telescreen could not be turned off. If you are heard thinking of something the Big Brother does not want you to think then you will be punished by the Thought Police. This punishment could be death or a sentence of 25 years in a forced labor camp. You had to keep your feelings to yourself and try to hide them from the Thought Police. “Your worst ene ...

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... shift during the 1940's and 1950's when the social sciences were rapidly coming into their own disciplines. Shamanism, was beginning to be looked upon as a complex religious notions and modes of behaviour (Lommel, 1967, pp.8). Although shamanism was beginning to harness scholarly attention there were still different contradicting theories being laid out in the scientific community. More recently since the notion of tribalism has become more prevalent shamanism is beginning to be recognized as holding the key puzzle in life. Furthermore, it is growing and encompassing many areas such as Psychology, Pharmacology, and even believe it or not Physics. Now before we ...

The International Crimial Cour
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... stands a better chance of being tried and judged for killing one human being than for killing 100,000." In fact, there have been many times in which no particular individuals have been held responsible for acts such as crimes against humanity and war crimes. Examples include 2 million people who were killed by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the 1970's; large losses of life in countries such as Mozambique, Liberia, and El Salvador during armed conflicts; and slaughter of innocent civilians in the Great Lakes region of Africa and Algeria. It had been established after the Nuremberg trials that individuals were responsible for crimes against international law and sh ...

The Bicycle: From Wood To Metal.
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... popular alternative to other forms of transport, especially in large congested cities. Aims:- I aim to discuss the change of materials used to construct bicycles, and why the change came about, starting with the first machines to modern day super-light- weight machines. Most written sources agree that the first bicycle was introduced around 1817 by a man called Von Drais. This wooden two-wheeled vehicle that weighed some 45kg (100 lbs). It comprised of a wooden beam structure, straddled by the rider, with a fixed wooden rear wheel and a steerable wheel in front, controlled over a tiller mechanism. It was propelled by pushing off with the legs, rolling along betwee ...

Time The Final Frontier
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... we would become immortal, like gods. At present, we are all in the process of trying to accomplish something; a task, action, or lack thereof. At any given instance, the present exists. One can choose any moment in history, and, at some time, it had existed in the form of the present. Also, in the mind of the person remembering this moment in the past, it exists as present in that particular memory. How can we know that the definition of the word present actually establishes this instant in time? The instant itself only lasts for zero time before subsequent moments follow. How can one define what a word means if one cannot observe the object it represents? R ...

Multinational Companies
Download This PaperWords: 2001 - Pages: 8

... Lifeboat Ethics is fairly lucid. It is based upon choosing who lives, and who departs. Environmentalists argue that no single being or institution has the right to extinguish, waste, or use more than a fair share of its resources (Psychology Today, 54). Obviously, this is not happening. The philosophy of Lifeboat Ethics sees each wealthy nation as a lifeboat full of rich people. In the ocean outside the lifeboat are the less fortunate citizens of the world swimming around the lifeboat wanting to get in, or at least wanting to share some of the wealth with the well off. What should the rich do? In the heart of all of this are the that practically control ever ...

Christmas Traditions Around Th
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... to house knocking on doors and singing Greek songs that tell of the arrival of the Christ child. The family celebration focuses on a Christmas Eve dinner, which, in the Greek Orthodox tradition, follows several weeks of fasting. According to legend, mischievous, often hideous looking elves called Kallikantzaroi wreak havoc in houses for the next 12 days. Burning incense or leaving a peace offering is supposed offer some protection against the elves. Most families decorate a small wooden cross with basil and dip it into a shallow bowl of water. This is believed to give the water holy powers. The water is then sprinkled throughout the house to keep the mischievous s ...

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