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The Connections Between Violen
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... wealth and fame. As the plot unfolds, the main characters get caught in a tangled web of adulterous affairs coupled with underhanded schemes and mischief which as they become richer and further their personal social status. Music reflects the times. In the 60’s and 70’s, musicians preached peace and empathy towards the human race. In the 80’s music was a form of rebellion. Today, music has manifested itself into many different forms, one being "hip hop" more commonly known as "rap". In the early 80’s, rap was about break-dancing and graffiti. Now, as we approach the year 2000, hip hop has become the most listened-to form of music nation-wide ...

City Engineer And Director Of Public Works
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... under Mario's supervision. James instructs Chris to report directly to him and confirms this arrangement with a memo, which is copied to Mario. Mario is also placed on probation. He is warned that if he discusses the matter further, he will be terminated. Mario continues to work for the government as City Engineer/Director of Public Works; he assumes no responsibility for the disposal plant, but continues to advise Chris without James's knowledge. During the winter, heavy storms occur in the city. It becomes clear to those involved that if the plant's waste water is not released into the local river, the ponds will overflow and dump all of the waste into the ...

The Aristophanes' Ideology: Creation Through Separation
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... to take intense delight in the company of another. Aristopanes is trying to explain that the soul has other longings for which it cannot express, but can only surmise and attempt search for. This is the looking for our "matching half." ""Love" is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete." (Symposium, Speech of Aristophanes (192E))) This is according to Aristophanes. His ides, or rather theory of "wholeness" is truly one of, if not the most, original and convincing of answering the complex question of: what is love? Aristophanes, argues that love is simply the name for the desire of pursuit of the whole. Aristophanes could not have ...

A Two Career Family Vs. A One
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... and vacations come rarely; however, spare time with my family is not optional. Some days I'll go a whole day without seeing one of my parents. Some days I wish it wasn't so hard to have two working parents. When my mom wasn't a career mom, I felt it was a lot easier on me and her. There was no talk like "Mom, when are you coming home?" or "Are we eating out again?" Being a two-career family is just what pays the bills. It is not an option; it's a must! Spending time with your children is usually minimal when two parents work in the same household. When both parents are working, that means both are equally tired and stressed when arriving home. So whe ...

Male And Female Observation: T
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... study was done in shopping malls, cafeterias, and at bus stops, with ages ranging from fifteen to about thirty-five years old. Men to men interactions are the strangest, for men seem to not want to touch one another at all. For example, If a man is sitting on a bench at a bus stop and another man comes and sits down next to him, they will never touch. Not even friends at a bus stop touch, except for the very occasional high-five or handshake. In cafeterias, they sit sown as far away from each other as possible, and they talk without looking at their friend or moving towards them. Shopping malls are a different story altogether. When men go to shopping malls togeth ...

Chat Rooms And Forums
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... from different or the same countries go to and chat. The common aspect of all chat rooms is that they ask you to enter a name-any name, it is there to protect your identity- before entering a chat room. Most offer a variety of rooms to go to. Some have a topic to debate; others are for certain age groups. There is even some chat rooms that debate only one idea or cause. For example, during the O.J. Simpson trail, a chat line was formed for those who believed he was guilty. That means people from different countries who knew about the trail went to this specific chat line if they wanted to discuss the progress of the trail with others who shared their opinion. A ...

Mind And Body
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... revived. By that same statement, some argue that the same body that ends with the minds death does not begin until the brain is functioning or until the mind is able to make decisions. A newborn though it has a mind that is capable of making decisions does not know how or is able to make those decisions. It is through experience and time that the mind learns. The mind learns from the body, through the experiences that the body has. From touch to taste to sound every experience is a new experience to a new mind. A newborn does not know what is around it nor does it know the sounds and smells that surround the hospital. The newborns mind uses the body to determ ...

Road Rage
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... head. But at least the traffic is moving well. You glance to the side before pulling out in front of a car. All is clear and you switch into the next lane. As you pass the other car, another car comes up from your right and banks you sharply. A spray of sparks bounces of your passenger door. Then you look to the right, and you see a hostile glare and then the driver of the other car mouths some obscenities in your direction. Quickly you speed up to escape the car. The chase is on. Welcome to “.” Chances are that you have never been in a situation like this one. But every day, the chances increase. To avoid situations like this one, there are ...

Capitalism Theory
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... theory. It could be said that many discourses concerning material nationalism exist. In a sense, the subconstructivist paradigm of narrative implies that culture is used to disempower the proletariat, but only if art is equal to language; if that is not the case, Habermas's model of the cultural paradigm of consensus is one of "subtextual destructuralism", and hence fundamentally a legal fiction. Tilton[1] implies that we have to choose between postcapitalist socialism and capitalist dialectic theory. The subject is interpolated into a cultural paradigm of consensus that includes consciousness as a reality. Therefore, the main theme of the works of Eco ...

Descartes And Locke
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... search information regarding that specific fact, and start looking for an evidence that will lead you to the truth. That’s why I think that the most fertile source of knowledge is the history of human opinions. Knowledge, in fact, is the relationship between a person and the world. While most philosopher agree with this basic definition, most all of them disagree about the fundamental nature of that relationship. There are many cases that prove that people have attempted to impose their believes on others, being in the end punished because thought to be crazy. One of those is Galileo Galilei, he was sure in fact that the sun was not revolving around earth, b ...

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