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The U.s School System
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... I think that such students who are not only disruptive, but destructive, should not be dealt with such a severity, that they will either realize the error of their ways or that they do not belong in a public school. Through my few years in high school, I have noticed some students who are always breaking rules. And for some of these students, they are so regularly in trouble that the standards for their behavior is lessened , being permitted to break small rules because the standard for their behavior is lessened. This is a excellent example, why I believe in not only stern punishment, but set disciplinary action. A student should not be allowed the chance t ...

Affecting How We Think
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... actors included, are given the responsibility of showing us society as it is. Sometimes, it is argued, this task is not done adequately. And so, arises an issue: can objectivity and subjectivity in the media affect how we approach issues? And, more importantly, can the information presented affect the value system of a society? The media is so pervasive it is hard to believe they do not have important effects on society. Yet, many people do not believe that the media have personally influenced them or have harmed them. However, to attempt to understand how the media may shape the attitudes of individuals, and how they may shape culture itself, requires that ...

Getting Into College
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... last time. That weekend, he would do as she said and "just go" to see an audition for the community's production of the musical Oliver. He arrived on time, the hustle and bustle of signing in all very new to him. There was no way he would actually get up on stage and sing for that skinny man with the clear acrylic braces showing on his teeth who was seated at the piano. Yet, he had struck a deal with his mom to wait and observe, leaving at any time he felt he wanted to. Twenty minutes later, he watched his mother from a different perspective: just a dot in a sea of other mothers sitting in the audience. As he stood in that group of ten youngsters, his ...

The Colt Six-Shooter
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... watching the revolving wheel of the ship, turning and locking. While on board ship, Sam must have seen other revolving firearms in London or India. Sam carved a wooden model of his ideal gun while he was at sea. None of what Sam may have previously seen on revolving guns could have led to his invention. His ideas were not copied from any source, even though the revolving idea was not unique. When Sam arrived home from sea, he showed the wooden model to his father and a family friend. This friend was Henry Ellsworth, Commissioner of the United States Patent Office. Both Sam's father and Mr. Ellsworth were greatly impressed by the model. They enco ...

Chinese Architecture
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... same basic principles. Another characteristic of Chinese architecture it that they use a wooden frame structure with pillars and beams. Wood has been a main construction product for thousands of years. Nails are not used when building a structure, which is different from us. Wood to the Chinese respectes life, and “life” is the main thing in Chinese culture. This feature has been preserved up to the present. Builders would apply a lacquer to the wood to preserve it. These lacquers were made in bold colors, and this became one of the key ways to identify Chinese architecture. The highly varied color found on a traditional Chinese building have a symbolic meanin ...

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... New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines it as,"a sleep like condition psychically induced, usually by another person, in which the subject loses consciousness but responds, with certain limitations, to the suggestions of the hypnotist." As I stated earlier, these two sources are very reputed and the general population believes that they are correct. Yet, however often they may be correct, in this case they are not, or at least not completely. Not according to the scientific community at least. My sources for this statement are The World Book Encyclopedia, The Wizard from Vienna: Franz Anton Mesmer, Applied Hypnosis: An Overview, American Medical Journal, and H ...

Functions Of Memory
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... it down or repeating it, you will forget it. Short-term memory is the storage system that temporarily holds current or recent information for immediate or short-term use. Short-term memory must further encode, store or maintain information for thirty seconds. A person may want to rememjber certain details of information. Repeatedly verbalizing and thinking about it, will keep that information in memory. Information contained in short-term memory is available for less than twenty and no more than thirty seconds. It must be transferred to long-term memory, or it will be lost. Long term-memory is the storage system tha keeps a permanent record of information. I ...

The Uncertainty Of Perception
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... the idea. The contextual definition of see is "to perceive by the eye." Unfortunately, sight, is only one of five senses. Even worse, the images we see through our eyes are statistically only one-millionth of our actual reality. Therefore, anything we see is not the entire being or actuality of the world around us but instead a finite perception (by means of vision) of the universe. The technical definition of the other key term, belief, is "a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing." In context, I will use the typical philosopher's definition and define belief as "the unthinking acceptance of an idea or system of ...

Endangered Whales
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... and oil. Once they swam in enormous numbers, communicating in complex sounds thought to carry over distances so wide, possibly carrying from Antarctica to Alaska. Unfortunately, whales may not be able to receive communications from other whales, which are anymore distant than a few hundred kilometers anymore. Their communication is interfered with by the sound of ship’s motors, sounds that must be as painful to whales ears as a truck on a highway is to human’s ears. The decimation of great whales has been going on for centuries, one species after another hunted to levels so low that it is no longer profitable to hunt them. As early as the eighteenth century t ...

Dance Education
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... they don't need to be professionally trained to move to music. A growing body of research shows that dance is the Retin-A of physical and emotional health. It can help us age gracefully. It stretches and strengthens the muscles, lubricates the joints, and gets rid of tension. It's also a great social and supportive activity (Brody 54) According to Peter Pover, a former competitive dancer and past president of the U.S. Dance sport council: In Germany doctors did tests in which they wired up the country's 800-meter running champion and its amateur dance champions. They found no significant athletic difference between running 800 meters and doing ...

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