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Law Schools
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... by Judge Reeve and his assistants, whom were practicing lawyers. This oldest American law school was a private institution. After some time there was a rise in competitors, and law courses were introduced in connection with existing colleges. Among the new schools was Harvard College, whose first professorship of law dates from 1816, but the school did not attain its position of great and rapidly increasing significance for the development of legal instruction till 1830 (Gillers 20). In the beginning, the older American were referred to as lecture schools. The “Blackstone’s Commentaries”, which were used for instruction earlier, formed the sole ...

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... This is the center that controls balance and coordination. Inhalant-related damage results in loss of coordination and slurred speech. Chronic abusers experience tremors and uncontrollable shaking. Ophthalmic Nerve: Toluene may affect this nerve causing sight disorders. The Blood: Some substances like nitrites and mthylene chloride (paint thinner) chemically block the oxygen carring capacity of the blood. The Heart: Abuse of inhalants can result in “sudden sniffing death syndrome”. This is due to a sudden and unexpected disturbance of the heart’s rhythm. All inhalants can produce sudden sniffing death syndrome. The Lungs: Repeates use of spray paint ...

Till We Have Faces
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... breaks off with the dying Queen Orual’s last utterance, proclaims the Queen’s great realizations. She now understands why there can be no answer, no justification, from the gods and her charges against them : "How can they speak to us face to face, she asks, ?" (TWHF, pg. 201) Throughout the book Orual expresses her love for Psyche, as well as her fear of loosing Psyche. The sin of jealousy and obsessive love leads Orual to resist yielding to the higher love destined for Psyche, and ultimately to destruction of the object of her love and the hardening of Orual’s soul to the point of self-induced misery and guilt for the rest of her days. Orual ...

The Yanoman
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... others. A village can produce all of its needs from only three hours worth of work per person. One characteristic of the Yanomam is that they are accustomed to violence. Violence is a part of their lives because of their values and culture. Because of this, the Yanomam live in a constant state of warfare. Warfare appears as a main interest supported by a set of beliefs urging strong villages to take advantage of the weaker ones. A regular series of degrees of violence has been institutionalized. It ranges from chest pounding to side slapping. Both are likely to cause injury or death. The Yanomam do not utilize much technology except in their ...

A Case Study In Diversity Indi
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... websites seemed to function for two obvious reasons: to provide some information about culture and country to interested people, and to p ‚rovide access to the atmosphere of ‘home’ for any people not living in their own country, be it India or Romania. Visually, each site is very different. Virtual Romania is very flashy, with lots of photos, java and shiny banners, and it is set up in a four frame format - very pushy. In contrast, SAWNET is much better organized, with lost of eye-easy ‘white-space’ and culturally representative yet simple graphics. I have yet to decide if this is indicative of a cultural influence, or simply gender-biased. Both sites are severa ...

Methods Of Solving Systems Of Equations
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... lines are the same. If the two lines do intersect, then a point of intersection can be determined. Once that point is found, you can check to make sure it is correct by plugging into the equation. This is a good method to use for simple, whole number equations. However, if the numbers are fractions, then the point of intersection might not fall directly on a point and therefore, it will not be accurate. Although it seems easy, this is not one of my preferred methods of solving systems of equations because it is not always easy to graph lines and to determine a point of intersection from a graph. One of the easiest ways to solve a system of equations is to solv ...

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... Robinson "Robbie" Risner. Shot down during a mission over Vietnam, Colonel Risner is taken prisoner by the North Vietnamese, and placed in a cell in downtown Hanoi. As he parades down the street as a prize for the patriots to see and jeer at, he is struck in the head by rocks, lashed out at with sticks, and he was spat upon. At the end of the procession, Colonel Risner arrived at what was to be his home for the next five, grueling years. He had all of the comforts home: a bed to sleep in, meals, and medical care. Well, not exactly the way we think of home, however. His bed consisted of a concrete slab with a one-half inch bamboo mat for a mattress. The s ...

Personal Writing: My Experiences Of Interracial Schooling
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... given out to non0minority students due to their racial background. I suppose this happens due to the stereotype of minority students not being capable of the educational work as that of other students. Classroom behavior toward minority students may be shown in appropriate, and/or unrecognized. For instance, a teacher may call on a non-minority student before a minority student. The teacher may pick on the non-minority due to a belief that these students care about their schooling, whereas minority students are being pre-judged without the chance to really learn. Some people even believe that combining the different minorities may cause problems. Combining m ...

Cults 2
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... with a single, often charismatic leader. If the cult is religious in nature then often the group will claim to be the one true religion (Groenveld). In order for cults to continue to exist they persuade people to join and stay, often at any cost. In attempting to persuade members of cults, leaders often use both physically and emotionally harmful techniques. Margaret Thaler Singer is a clinical psychologist and professor of the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. She has been a practicing clinician, cult researcher, and teacher for nearly fifty years. According to Dr. Singer’s investigations, members of cults are often ...

Radio Controlled Airplanes
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... the ease or difficulty of operating certain types of planes. The last step in the initial process is to go to the hobby shop and select a airplane based on the ease of assembly and price that is in ones budget. The second step in the process is the assembly of the R.C.A. It is essential that the area for assembly be clean and devoid of clutter. All of the instructions should be read and committed to memory. Next the individual should lay out all of the parts according to the orders of assembly. The last step in this second process is correctly assemble the R.C.A. The concluding and most enjoyable step is the actual flying of the plane. It is important to contact t ...

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