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Essays on Miscellaneous

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... like objects floating in the sky. These fighter pilots called them "foo fighters". And in 1947 in Europe, there were sightings of silent "ghost rockets". None of these speculations were ever entirely explained. The UFO phenomenon entered the publics eye on June 24, 1947, at 2:44am, when private pilot Kenneth Arnold reported sighting nine circular objects in the skies over the state of Washington. He (Kenneth) described these objects like "saucers skipping over water". There the term Flying Saucer was born. [III] UFO Waves: Since 1947 there have been UFO sightings in almost every country. Sometimes there is something called a UFO wave, which for a ...

Who Are Special Needs Children
Download This PaperWords: 524 - Pages: 2

... why children have learning disabilities, but some experts believe the cause may be due to slight brain damage. ADHD affects up to 5 percent of children up to the age of 18(Walls, 1994. When hyperactivity components are not present, it is diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD. Children with ADHD are prone to restlessness, anxiety, short attention spans and impulsiveness. They have trouble listening, remaining seated, interacting with other people and are easily distracted. A child with ADHD will show extreme symptoms, usually before the age of 7. The most common medication for children with ADHD is an amphetamine called Ritalin, which produces a p ...

Download This PaperWords: 450 - Pages: 2

... the Ring of Fire. This is a ring that circles almost all of the Pacific Ocean. There are many theories involving the start of the earth and . In these areas there are a lot of islands. The cause of these islands is . There are three types of . A Cinder Cone is mostly made of cinders and is loosely arranged. A Shield Volcano is round and covers a large area. It was named this, because these looked like the shields of the Germanic warriors. The Composite are strong steep-sided cones. Some the tallest are Composite . produce many chemicals and natural resources. make zinc, copper, lead, mercury and many of the World's sulfur deposits. are very useful. The rocks ...

The Hoa Lo Prison Camp
Download This PaperWords: 1929 - Pages: 8

... was pushed at the feet of the villagers and photographed. The villagers would hold up his ropes and pretend they had captured him. The prisoner was then taken to Hoa Lo suffering from pneumonia and fever and thrown into a torture chamber. The POWs would later refer to this place as the "New Guy Village" because all new prisoners were interrogated there. The prisoner was subjected to five days with neither food nor water. In addition, no sleep was allowed and the questions and beatings continued (Colvin 6). Prisoners were beaten for a variety of reasons; for example, a prisoner would be told to sign a paper and if he refused, he was beaten. The papers were usua ...

Why Aol Sux
Download This PaperWords: 559 - Pages: 3

... services to its customers. AOL's Poor Service AOL's signup kits tell you that they are the fastest, easiest, most reliable Internet service out there. Is that true? Not by a million years. AOL offers its users horrendous service. The company is so ov erloaded with customers -- and is so far behind at installing equipment -- that busy signals have become more common than an actual connection when dialing into AOL. In addition, if you do connect, you are condemned to use badly written AOL software to read and send email and to browse the Web. For a service that is still more expensive t han its competition, is the sacrifice worth it? Censorship on AOL The Internet ...

False Advertising
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... that politicians are not willing to make stricter laws for fear that they might come back to haunt them later. It is that topic that seemed to come up most in articles on . Surveys have also been conducted to tell the amounts of "fraudulent" ads being seen on television and how they fluctuate from year to year. In the past ten years television ads which make fraudulent claims have "gone down significantly"(miller). This is in part due to several new laws which have been established. It is doubtful however that much more stringent laws will be put in place in the near future. This is mostly due to political stubbornness. Many books have also been written on adve ...

The Identity Theory
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... form thoughts are just states of the brain. This is basically a similar form of Descartes line, "I think, therefore I am" or vice versa. Churchland first tries to parallel the identity theory with sound and light. "We now know that sound is just a train of compression waves traveling through the air..." (BR323). Society does know or has some common sense notion of how sound travels, yet we still consider it just "sound". Even though we are not automatically thinking when we here a sound, "it is waves traveling through air", we are aware to the fact that is how sound travels. This parallelism is intertheoretic reduction; taking an older version of reductive ma ...

Socrates And Maintaining A Harmony What Is Right And Expression Of Opinions
Download This PaperWords: 1876 - Pages: 7

... dialog, Crito is expressing his feelings of why he believes Socrates should flee from the city. Crito makes many valid points on why he disagrees with Socrates decision to bare this misfortune. Crito offers to do on not fleeingbeing majorints expressing to Socrates, that a man as courageous as Socrates and who has lived his life through virtue . AYou seem to me to choose the easiest path, whereas one should choose the path a good and courageous man would choose, particularly when one claims throughout one's life to care for virtue.@(Crito p.59d) Through the dialogue the questions and answers within Socrates and Crito establish to major themes in which hold tru ...

Download This PaperWords: 605 - Pages: 3

... But mainly, provides people with sporting and self-defending ability and gives that person an edge in daily life, with its merits as a martial art sport of self-discipline. First of all, teaches the practitioner self-defense, which can be used for a lifetime. Many of the self-defense techniques taught stimulate many real life situations so the person would know what to do when caught in a similar situation. Also, because not everything can be taught for all situations that arise, many basic techniques, rules, methods, and concepts are taught and emphasized. On the other hand, self-defense practice includes doing everyday drills, forms, and sparring. S ...

Immoral Acts Of The Tobacco In
Download This PaperWords: 2015 - Pages: 8

... but since they have had such a clear understanding of the dangers of their product it changes the understanding of their business tactics and motives. The success of the industry has merely been a reflection of its immoral practices. These practices have been observed through its use of the media in regards to children, the tests that used underage smokers, the use of revenue to avoid the law, the use of nicotine manipulation and the suppression of research. Tobacco companies have relied on the media to lure children. They quickly realized that ‘the company that dominates is that which most effectively targets young”(Imperial Tobacco document.) To counteract ...

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